Fig. 14.1
Available tests for ovarian reserve include biochemical markers, i.e., FSH , estradiol, AMH, and inhibin B and ovarian ultrasound imaging, i.e., antral follicle count and ovarian volume
As women age oocytes decrease in quality and quantity and do not regenerate. The number of human oocytes in a female peaks at six to seven million during fetal life around midgestation, followed by profound atresia. Approximately one to two million oocytes are present at birth, 300,000–500,000 at the start of puberty, and 1000 at 51 years of age, which is the average age of menopause in the USA [2]. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle, environment, and medical issues including endometriosis, ovarian surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation can influence the quantity and quality of a woman’s oocytes [1] (◘ Fig. 14.2). Cross-sectional studies suggest that fertility declines before the onset of the premenopausal transition.

Fig. 14.2
Risk factors for diminished ovarian reserve
The goal of ovarian reserve testing is to add more prognostic information to the counseling and planning process so as to help couples chose among treatment options. Ovarian reserve tests should not be the sole criteria used to deny patients access to assisted reproductive technology or other treatments. Evidence of decreased ovarian reserve does not necessarily equate with inability to conceive.
In women from the general population, with no known history of infertility , who are attempting to conceive naturally, cumulative probability of pregnancy has been shown to decrease with age [3]. Cross-sectional studies have shown that chronological age is correlated with ovarian reserve, as measured by the size of the follicle pool in histologic studies of ovaries. Chronological age is strongly associated with other biomarkers of ovarian reserve including antral follicle count , anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels , and early follicular phase follicle stimulating hormone (FSH ) levels . Chronological age is an excellent predictor of fertility among infertile women undergoing assisted reproduction [4].
Existing research on ovarian reserve testing is often confusing because of heterogeneity among tested populations (the general population, infertility patients of all ages, infertility patients more than 35 years old, etc.). No single result is definitive, since findings must be interpreted in context and should be repeated or supplemented as appropriate. This chapter will discuss the application of ovarian reserve tests in evaluating fertility.
Clinical Case
A 38-year-old nulligravid female and her male partner present with a 3 year history of infertility. She has regular cycles. A hysterosalpingogram shows a normal uterine cavity and bilateral patent tubes. Her AMH level is 0.7 ng/mL. Day 3 FSH and estradiol levels are 11 IU/L and 20 pg/dL, respectively. Her partner had a semen analysis which showed normal semen parameters. The couple has failed three cycles of controlled ovarian stimulation using clomiphene citrate in combination with intrauterine insemination (IUI) . How would you counsel this patient regarding her treatment options and chance of pregnancy success?
14.2 Basic Principles of Screening Tests
The purpose of using ovarian reserve testing as a screening test is to identify infertility patients at risk for decreased ovarian reserve, who are likely to exhibit a poor response to gonadotropin stimulation and to have a lesser chance of achieving pregnancy with IVF. Good screening tests have validity as measured by sensitivity and specificity. A valid test correctly categorizes persons who have disease as test positive (highly sensitive) and those without disease as test negative (highly specific).
For clinical purposes, specificity is the test characteristic that should be optimized to decrease false positives, or wrongly categorizing patients with normal ovarian reserve as having decreased ovarian reserve (DOR ) . Graphically, the sensitivity and specificity of different cutpoints of a diagnostic test can be plotted as receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves .
Positive predictive value (PPV ) and negative predictive value (NPV ) are screening test characteristics that change with the prevalence of disease (DOR ) in the study population. The PPV is the probability that a woman who tests positive truly has DOR. The NPV is the probability that a woman who tests negative has normal ovarian reserve. Ovarian reserve testing is most useful in identifying DOR in women at high risk for DOR. Ovarian reserve testing in women at low risk for DOR will yield a larger number of false-positive results (lower PPV).
14.3 A Shortened Menstrual Cycle
As the ovary ages, the size of the follicle pool declines. Fewer follicles result in less production of AMH and inhibin. Because of lower inhibin levels, FSH rises prematurely or more rapidly leading to elevated early follicular phase serum FSH levels. Premature and rapid follicular growth results in elevated early follicular phase estradiol levels and a shortened follicular phase and overall shortened menstrual cycle. A short menstrual cycle length is associated with a lower probability of conceiving naturally or following IVF [5]. The cutoff value to define “short” cycle length varies by study ranging from 25 to 26 days.
14.4 Biochemical Markers of Ovarian Response
14.4.1 Basal Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone is released by the pituitary gland in response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus and is subject to negative feedback from estradiol and inhibin B. In the setting of a smaller follicular cohort and decreased estradiol and inhibin B levels, an increase in pituitary FSH secretion occurs, which can be identified as an elevated early follicular phase FSH level. This higher FSH level stimulates rapid ovarian follicular growth, which results in higher estradiol levels as well as a shorter follicular phase and menstrual cycle.
FSH is typically measured by immunoassay on cycle day 3. The basal FSH level can vary, so a single FSH value has limited reliability. Moreover, there is variability among different FSH assays. Although basal FSH is commonly used to assess ovarian reserve, and high values (>10–20 IU/L) are associated with diminished ovarian reserve and poor response to ovarian stimulation, the test is not predictive of failure to conceive [6]. If FSH values are consistently elevated, a poor reproductive prognosis is likely; in contrast, a single elevated FSH value in women younger than 40 years predicts a lower oocyte yield during IVF but does not predict the rate of pregnancy [7].
Early follicular phase FSH levels have not been a sensitive test for nonpregnancy, suggesting that an elevated FSH is an excellent predictor of nonpregnancy following ART, but a normal level is not predictive of pregnancy. The value of serum or urinary FSH levels as predictors of reproductive potential in the general population has not been determined. Testing is cycle day specific (cycle days 2–4), limiting flexibility.
Women having an abnormally elevated FSH value will have DOR . The PPV of FSH for poor response to ovarian stimulation or failure to conceive is higher in older women. Limited evidence suggests that women with fluctuating FSH levels should not wait for the ideal cycle, wherein the FSH concentration is normal, to undergo IVF stimulation [8].
FSH is a late marker of dwindling ovarian function. With AMH and AFC demonstrating better predictive value for ovarian response than FSH, these are more likely to be the tests of choice. It remains unknown whether high FSH levels in women of reproductive age predict an earlier onset of menopause.
14.5 Basal Estradiol
Estradiol levels vary over the course of a menstrual cycle, peaking in both the late follicular and mid-luteal phases. As ovarian reserve declines, the follicular phase shortens because of decreasing feedback inhibition by follicles recruited during the previous cycle. As a result, an elevated day 3 estradiol level could reflect diminishing ovarian reserve.
Estradiol is released from the ovary during follicular development. The estradiol level is usually low (<50 pg/mL) on days 2–4 of the menstrual cycle. An elevated value (>60–80 pg/mL) in the early follicular phase can indicate reproductive aging and hastened oocyte development. Through central negative feedback, a high estradiol level can suppress an elevated FSH concentration into the normal range. The value of obtaining an estradiol level is that it allows the correct interpretation of a normal basal FSH level. Basal estradiol has low predictive accuracy for poor ovarian response and failure to conceive and, therefore, this test should not be used in isolation to assess ovarian reserve [9].
14.6 Anti-Müllerian Hormone
AMH is a homodimeric glycopeptide that is produced predominantly by granulosa cells. AMH is believed to downregulate FSH -mediated folliculogenesis. AMH expression is highest in secondary, preantral, and small antral follicles. AMH seems to have a role in selecting the dominant follicle in addition to generally mediating preantral follicular recruitment. AMH levels start undergoing a log-linear decline approximately 15 years prior to menopause and drop to very low levels approximately 5 years before menopause [10].
The anti-Müllerian hormone concentration is fairly stable within and between menstrual cycles [11]. As the number of ovarian follicles decreases with age, a concomitant decrease in AMH levels occurs, which reflects this age-related oocyte depletion [12]. Although an undetectable AMH level suggests diminished ovarian reserve and can identify individuals at risk of poor ovarian response to stimulation, undetectable and low AMH levels (0.2–0.7 ng/mL DSL ELISA) are not predictive of failure to conceive [13]. AMH levels may allow treatment to be tailored to each individual. Lower AMH levels are associated with reduced ovarian response to stimulation and high levels are associated with a brisk ovarian response to stimulation [13]. Although the AMH level is a good predictor of oocyte quantity, it may not provide information about egg quality. Young women with low AMH levels may have a reduced number of oocytes, but normal age-appropriate oocyte quality [14].
One limitation of AMH level testing is the variability of results between the available assays. In clinical practice, individual AMH level test results must be interpreted based on the normal range of the assay used [15]. AMH level testing is a useful screening test in women at high risk of diminished ovarian reserve and in women undergoing IVF [16, 17].
The nonpregnancy predictive value of a low AMH value appears to increase if older women at risk for ovarian aging are tested. The use of AMH as a routine screening tool for DOR in a low-risk population is not recommended.
AMH level testing may be valuable in assessing ovarian reserve in young women with cancer before and after chemotherapy [18]. AMH may enable assessment of ovarian reserve before and after ovarian surgery and for women at high risk of primary ovarian insufficiency. AMH level testing may in future provide an accurate method of predicting the reproductive lifespan and the timing of menopause [19].
AMH has the advantage over FSH in that AMH levels remain relatively stable over the menstrual cycle, thus measurement does not need to be cycle day specific. A recent meta-analysis of earlier studies showed no significant association between AMH, modeled as a continuous variable, and pregnancy following ART [20]. However, more recent studies of larger sizes, modeling AMH using cutoff values, have shown lower odds of pregnancy and live birth following ART among women with low AMH levels [21–24].
High AMH values are associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and may identify women at risk for OHSS . It is believed that AMH remains a valid assay even when ovarian suppression occurs through oral contraceptives, although age-specific AMH percentiles decrease by 11% with oral contraceptives . [25].
14.7 Inhibin B
Inhibin B is a glycoprotein hormone that is secreted primarily by preantral and antral follicles. The serum concentration of inhibin B decreases with the age-related decrease in the number of oocytes. Inhibin B has central negative feedback that controls FSH secretion. Therefore, a decrease in inhibin B levels leads to increased pituitary FSH secretion and higher early follicular FSH levels.

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