Oral Presentations

Chapter 12 Oral Presentations

Oral presentations take a myriad of forms and occur in multiple settings. What follows is a sample of presentation types and the settings in which they may be encountered:

Each has its own unique skill set, but some principles apply to all.

Oral presentations follow different structures. Most medical students are taught the classic, complete, formal presentation format, which is rarely used in daily medical practice. For example, birth history, feeding history, growth/development, immunizations, family history, social history, and review of systems are not included in most presentations pediatricians make to each other. Far more important are an assessment and proposed plan, which should be parts of every presentation.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

As in all communication, presentations should be approached with advance knowledge of the goals and frame of reference of speaker and listeners, as well as the context in which the exchange is taking place. Let’s take an example of an infant who presents to an emergency department (ED) with evidence of congestive heart failure (CHF) (failure to thrive, dyspnea with feeding, a murmur on auscultation, and cardiomegaly on chest radiograph). As the resident caring for the child, you may present this case several times:

Listener Presentation Type Your Goals
ED attending Summary Summarize history/examination/assessment, develop plan
Hospitalist Summary Acceptance for hospital admission
Cardiologist Focused Request echocardiogram
Ward resident Problem-based Transfer care, summarize course and current plans
Department chair Formal Education on diagnosis/management of CHF

The amount of detail you provide for each presentation will also differ depending on the context.

People think in terms of narrative, and patients/caregivers tend to tell their medical histories in the forms of stories. However, many details of these narratives add little, if anything, to the medical history. Compare the following:

With this:

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Oral Presentations

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