Fig. 36.1
High quality diagnostic medio-lateral oblique images
Similarly, the NHSBSP advise the following image quality criteria for cranio-caudal (CC) images
Medial border should be imaged
Some axillary tail should be present
Pectoral muscle shadow may be shown
Nipple in profile
Correct annotations
Appropriate exposure
Appropriate compression force
Absence of movement
Skin fold free
Absence of artefacts
Symmetrical images (RCC versus LCC)
Using the above criteria, Fig. 36.2 illustrates diagnostic quality images of RCC and LCC mammograms.

Fig. 36.2
High quality diagnostic cranio-caudal images
Using these image quality criteria, for serial studies (such as in screening), it is advantageous to review previous images, when available, prior to imaging the client. This practice allows previous areas of difficulty to be identified (e.g. thin pectoral muscle or lack of infra mammary angle); furthermore comparison between current and previous mammograms enables the observer to check whether the entire breast has been included. Detailed information on client positioning can be found in Chaps. 21, 22 and 23.
Compression Force
Compression force should be sufficient to separate the overlying structures in the breast, to create a uniform and reduced tissue thickness and to immobilise the breast – thereby minimising the potential of motion unsharpness [5, 6]. The reduced tissue thickness minimises geometric unsharpness and scatter, both of which should enhance image quality. Further discussion on compression force application can be found in Chap. 22.
Exposure Factors
Exposure factors normally determined by the imaging equipment. These are optimised to enable detail in both dense glandular and less dense fatty tissues to be demonstrated, breast tissue to be seen through the pectoral muscle on the MLO projection and the skin edge to be visualised.
See Chap. 16 for further information on exposure factors.
As developing cancers can have similar density to glandular breast tissue, high contrast is essential to differentiate suspicious features from normal appearances. There are many variables which affect contrast between lesions and surrounding tissue, these include exposure factor optimisation, use of compression force and breast position. Good technique is therefore necessary for adequate lesion visibility.
In the clinical setting, sharpness is related to displaying distinct anatomical features with clear edges. Lack of sharpness increases the risk of low density lesions being missed and some features being incorrectly characterised. The sharpness of an image is related to all of the following: [7, 8]
Client motion
Physical characteristics of the image detector
Noise gives the image a grainy, mottled appearance and can obscure or even mimic small lesions. If noise is present then the perception of microcalcifications can be challenging. Further information about noise can be found in Chap. 16.
Visual Grading Analysis Tools in Mammography
Possibly the most well-known visual grading analysis tool is PGMI [9] (Perfect, Good, Moderate, Inadequate). The tool comprises a set of criteria (see below); each criterion is judged as perfect, good, moderate or inadequate. As demonstrated, the criteria consider a broad range of areas which go well beyond the image itself (eg date of examination). Some clinical departments have adapted this tool to allow a numeric visual quality score to be assigned to mammography images, where perfect, good, moderate and inadequate are translated to numbers (eg 4 = perfect; 1 = inadequate). Many journal papers have used adaptations of this scale to visually judge image quality.
All breast tissue imaged (fat tissue visualised posterior to glandular tissue)
Correct image identification clearly shown
date of examination
client identification—name and number and/or date of birth
side markers
positional markers
radiographer identification
Correct exposure according to workplace requirements
Good compression force
Absence of movement
Absence of artefacts
Absence of skin folds
Symmetrical images.
Further clarification of point 1 is given for the CC and MLO views: on the CC projection the posterior nipple line (PNL) must be within 1 cm of the PNL on the MLO view the medial border of the breast should be demonstrated, with the nipple in profile and in the midline of the breast. For the MLO projection the pectoral muscle should be a sufficient width and reach nipple level, the infra-mammary fold should be well demonstrated with the nipple in profile and the posterior nipple line (PNL) should be within 1 cm of the PNL on the CC view.
For an image to be classed as perfect criteria 1–8 must be met.
Good images meet criteria 1–5 with minor degrees of variation for criteria 6–8
Moderate images will have most of the breast tissue imaged, the nipple may not be in profile and for the CC images the nipple not in the midline. The MLO images may not have the pectoral muscle down to nipple level but the posterior breast tissue must be demonstrated and the IMF may not be well demonstrated. Criteria 2–5 must be met, artefacts and skin folds which do not obscure the breast tissue fall into the moderate category along with asymmetrical images.
Inadequate images may have a significant part of the breast not imaged; incorrect identification; incorrect exposure; inadequate compression; blurring: artefacts or skin folds obscuring the breast tissue.
EAR (Excellent, Acceptable, Repeat) is another visual grading analysis tool. The criteria are very similar to PGMI, with the addition of ‘correct number of images taken’.
All practitioners should regularly review their images both individually and along with their peers as part of Quality Assurance. Self-assessment tools help to ensure that the review is a standardised process.
Many publications have commented on the subjective nature of EAR and PGMI [10, 11], and their usefulness has been questioned. Although countries such as Norway and Australia use PGMI [12], many breast imaging centres in the UK have ceased to use it except in NHSBSP training centres to assess the standards of trainee practitioners. Self-assessment and peer reviewing of images is more routinely used for qualified practitioners. Currently within the UK there is no nationally agreed visual grading analysis tool, however the National Breast Screening QA Centre is in the process of developing a new self- assessment tool to be used with digital images.
Viewing Conditions
Image display devices are addressed in Chap. 16 but it is important to mention them here in the context of viewing conditions. Image quality should be assessed on monitors that are fit for purpose. The NHSBSP recommend that image display devices capable of at least 5MP (megapixel) resolution should be used when reporting digital mammography images [13]. One area worthy of consideration is within the clinical imaging room, as these acquisition monitors are often used for checking image quality prior to a client leaving the department. They have lower MP values and are not designed to be used for reporting. Importantly, whatever monitor quality is used it is crucial that they are fit for purpose. Ambient room lighting should be dimmed to a consistent value for viewing images.
A Critical Reflection on Image Quality Criteria and Visual Grading Analysis Tools Used in Mammography
An assumption of the ability to detect features representing pathology in radiology is that it is related to image quality – if quality increases then pathology detection should, generally, increase too. Assessment of quality by visual means is clinically realistic and if done adequately it will have valuable implications for the imaging service. However, assessing image quality by visual means can be hard to achieve, if the assessment is to give accurate and repeatable results and if it is going to predict diagnostic performance.
Radiology and radiography literature is plagued with poorly designed and poorly implemented methods of visually assessing image quality. For many imaging procedures European quality criteria highlighting specific anatomical structures have been defined and these are often referred to for research and clinical purposes. Attempts have been made to update and translate these into visual grading criteria suitable for digital imaging. Unfortunately the original European quality criteria can only give an assessment of how well an image will perform for very general clinical tasks and they may be inadequate at predicting diagnostic performance for specific pathologies. Mammography is no different to the rest of radiology and radiography, since more rigorously validated image quality criteria which can be more task specific do not exist.
As we have already seen, within mammography, various clinically important anatomical structures for the mammogram have been identified that carry information concerning the presence of pathology; the ability to visualise these structures is used as a basis for visual image quality assessment. The important underlying assumption with this is the detection of pathology correlates well with the visibility of this normal anatomy.
Building on the criteria, visual grading analysis tools (eg PGMI and EAR) have been created and they remain in common use. The use of such tools, it was hoped, would minimise subjectivity and also offer the potential to provide a numeric value of visual image quality that would correlate with cancer detection. However, similar to the criteria, none of the visual grading analysis tools used in mammography have been validated. For clinical and research purposes there is a need for robust visual grading scales to be created and validated. Below we explain one approach on how this might be achieved.
Bandura’s [14] theory provides a suitable theoretical basis for visual grading scale development and validation [15, 16]. This is because visual image quality evaluation requires interaction between human attitude/perception and physical attributes in an image. Psychometrics, a branch of psychology, deals with measuring human attributes that cannot be measured directly. In this context, the [psychometric] visual grading scale would comprise a set of statements (items) that attempt to measure perception of visual image quality in a valid and consistent fashion. Using Bandura’s theory, visual grading scale development and validation comprises several steps.
First, a draft set of quality statements (scale items) is created using generic [17] and mammography specific literature. They would include essential visual anatomical characteristics that should reflect mammographic image quality. Second, a focus group of clinical mammography experts would review and, if required, modify the items. The items are then worded positively (50 %) and negatively (50 %), to minimise affirmation bias. Then, a Likert scale is included for scoring. A Likert scale of 1–5 is suitable, where 1 would be strongly disagree with the item; 5 would be strongly agree with the item. Second, a set of approximately 7 FFDM mammographic image sets, with qualities varying from poor to excellent, are identified through consensus by a panel of experts. Physical measures, such as signal to noise ratio, could be included to assist the selection process. Third, the draft scale is pilot tested with a small number of clinical mammography professionals to identify and correct any ambiguity associated with item wording. Fourth, the scale is used to assess visual quality of the 7 mammographic image sets by suitably trained clinical mammography professionals. To reduce error, at least 150 professionals should do this, resulting in 7 × 150 completed visual grading scales. Fifth, the data should be analysed statistically to validate the visual grading scale [18, 19]. This analysis can result in several scales being produced, examples could include: 1. Full scale to assess left or right CC/MLO image sets; 2. Full scale for CC only and full scale for MLO only; 2. Shorter scales (with fewer scale items) for ‘1’ and ‘2’.

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