
Chapter 65 Nephrology



What Is Acute Renal Failure?

Acute renal failure (ARF) refers to sudden deterioration in renal function. ARF can result from multiple anatomic problems, including acute or subacute obstruction of arteries, veins, ureters, bladder, or urethra. An alternative pathophysiologic approach categorizes ARF as caused by decreased renal perfusion, ischemic or toxic cell injury, or intrinsic renal disease. When a child has ARF with oliguria, causes can be broadly categorized:

Table 65-1 has examples of oliguric ARF in each category. Remember that not all ARF is associated with oliguria.

Table 65-1 Causes of Acute Renal Failure

Prerenal Intrinsic Renal
(Most Common Category in Children)
TBW depletion
IV volume depletion
Septic shock
Nephrotic syndrome
Mechanical failure of renal perfusion
Congestive heart failure
Cardiac tamponade
Critical coarctation of the aorta
Renal artery thrombosis
Tubulointerstitial diseaseAcute tubular necrosis
Toxic (e.g., aminoglycosides)Ischemic (prolongedprerenal state)
Tubulointerstitial nephritisDrug-induced (e.g., NSAIDs)
Infectious (e.g., EBV)
Microvascular disease
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Blood clots
Bilateral stones
Intraabdominal tumors (e.g., Burkitt’s lymphoma)
Posterior urethral valves

EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; IV, intravascular; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; TBW, total body water.


How Can I Determine the Cause of Acute Renal Failure?

History, physical examination, and the initial laboratory tests used to diagnose the cause of ARF are listed in Table 65-3. The fractional excretion of sodium (FeNa) is particularly useful to differentiate acute tubular necrosis from prerenal causes, especially when urine output is low. This distinction is important because prompt intervention may facilitate renal recovery when ARF results from a potentially reversible cause, such as volume depletion. Even patients with intrinsic or postrenal causes for decreased GFR will benefit from appropriate fluid and electrolyte therapy if volume-depleted.



What Is Chronic Kidney Disease?

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) refers to impaired renal function, irrespective of the GFR, that persists for at least 3 months. The terms chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) and chronic renal failure (CRF) refer to the degree of GFR impairment and are no longer used. There are 5 stages of CKD based on the severity of renal impairment (Table 65-4). A patient does not need to have reduced GFR to be categorized as having CKD. A patient with stage I CKD has normal GFR with reduced renal mass, either acquired or congenital, and must be monitored for possible worsening of renal function. A patient with stage V CKD has end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and may need dialysis or renal transplantation. Loss of renal function causes impairment of other organ systems. Incidence of CKD and ESRD in children is less than 15 cases per million population in North America.

Table 65-4 Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Stage of CKD Description
Stage I Kidney damage with normal or even higher than normal GFR (> 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 surface area) (e.g., patients with renal scarring/reflux nephropathy, or diabetic nephropathy)
Stage II Mild impairment of renal function (GFR 60–89 ml/min/1.73 m2 surface area)
Stage III Moderate impairment of renal function (GFR 30–59 ml/min/1.73 m2 surface area)
Stage IV Severe impairment of renal function (GFR 15–29 ml/min/1.73 m2 surface area)
Stage V Kidney failure (GFR < 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 surface area or patient on dialysis)

GFR, Glomerular filtration rate.


What Is the Laboratory Evaluation for Suspected Chronic Kidney Disease?

The initial laboratory approach to CKD mirrors that for ARF (Table 65-3). Laboratory tests useful in the long-term management of children with CKD include serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, calcium and phosphorus, parathyroid hormone level, and the complete blood count (CBC). Other tests depend on the disease that caused the CKD.




What Further Tests Are Needed?

The cause of GN is identified from history, physical examination, and selected tests (Table 65-6). C3 complement and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) levels help differentiate amongst the various causes of GN. Renal biopsy, when indicated, can identify the underlying etiology, provide information about the severity of the GN, verify a clinical diagnosis, or determine the degree of chronicity. In some diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, a biopsy can distinguish the subclasses of GN, which has therapeutic and prognostic importance.

Table 65-6 Etiologic Evaluation of a Child with Glomerulonephritis

Disorder History and Examination Laboratory Tests
Postinfectious GN Pharyngitis/impetigo (recent) Transiently depressed C3 and C4 (6–8 weeks)
Gross hematuria preceding edema Rapid streptococcal antigen; ASO titer
IgA nephropathy Recurrent gross hematuria precipitated by viral infections or exercise None
Idiopathic MPGN Not specific: fatigue, anemia Persistently low C3/C4
HSP Syndrome: purpuric skin rash, periarthritis, abdominal pain, and glomerulonephritis None: Clinical diagnosis
Diagnosis confirmed by IgA deposits on skin and renal biopsy. If tested, ANA, C3/C4, and ANCA should be negative
Hepatitis B or C Blood transfusions, sexual activity, or IV drug abuse Hepatic transaminases
Jaundice Hepatitis B surface antigen
Maternal hepatitis Hepatitis C antibody
SSx of chronic liver disease (+/−) C3/C4 (persistently depressed)
SLE SSx of SLE (see Chapter 70) C3 and C4 (depressed)
dsDNA/Sm antibodies
Alport’s syndrome Family history of renal failure Genetic testing possible in some families
Hearing loss or ocular abnormalities
ANCA-positive GN Respiratory problems, sinusitis, skin rash, constitutional symptoms ANCA (c and p)

ANA, Antinuclear antibody; ANCA, antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody; ASO, antistreptolysin O test; C3 and C4, third and fourth components of complement; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; GN, glomerulonephritis; HSP, Henoch-Schönlein purpura; IgA, immunoglobulin A; IV, intravenous; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; Sm, Smith; SSx, signs and symptoms +/−, variable.

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