Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy


Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, also known as morning sickness, is very common, affecting 70% to 85% of pregnant women. It can range in severity from mild nausea to hyperemesis gravidarum. The cause of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is not known. Risk factors include molar gestation, multiple gestation, family history, or a history of hyperemesis gravidarum in prior pregnancies. Recognition and treatment of milder symptoms can prevent progression of symptoms and hospitalization.

Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy usually starts before 9 weeks of pregnancy and usually ends by the 20th week. If symptoms begin after 9 weeks, if the vomiting is severe, or if other symptoms are present, then other causes of nausea and vomiting should be investigated.

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

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