Monotoring Ovarian Stimulation

Bordeaux, France


A proper evaluation of the stimulation process includes both functional (i.e., hormonal measures) and morphological (i.e., ultrasound visualization) indices. The combined evaluation should identify a comfort zone between inadequate and excessive stimulation. Zone parameters are assuredly different for mono- or paucifollicular (classic) stimulations on the one hand, and multifollicular (for IVF) stimulations on the other.

5.1 Hormonal (Functional) Monitoring

The only essential hormonal parameter is the rapid plasma estradiol assay, but the evaluation process may be strengthened by addition of LH and/or progesterone measures.

5.1.1 Estradiol

Estradiol assumes the role of lead indicator because its level in blood reflects secretory activity of the dominant ovarian follicle coupled with that of numerous smaller follicles that have developed directly in response to the injected gonadotropins. For this reason pre-ovulatory estradiol is normally higher in stimulated cycles than in the spontaneous cycle. In the natural cycle, the dominant follicle releases estradiol in regularly increasing amounts from the sixth day CD until the pre-ovulatory peak, usually in the range of 125–250 pg/ml.

5.1.2 Progesterone

Measuring progesterone concomitantly with estradiol is a valuable safeguard because it represents another marker of the stimulation quality. However, levels should remain under 1 ng/ml throughout the stimulation process and readings that exceed 1 ng/ml would likely suggest one of the following:

  • An unnoticed ovulation that occurred between two monitoring controls

  • An abnormally developing stimulation, despite the presence of satisfactory estradiol and ultrasound parameters

  • An inappropriately early follicular luteinization caused by erratic surges of endogenous pituitary LH

  • The release of progesterone into blood as a result of FSH-promoted secretion from granulosa cells

During a normal follicular phase, progesterone originates in the theca interna and is converted to androgens for transport to granulosa cells where the production of estradiol is completed. In case of a relative lack of LH, more of the progesterone production may enter the blood instead of being moved along the steroidogenic pathways. An inappropriate increase of blood progesterone results in a thickened cervical mucus and an abnormally matured uterine endometrium that becomes visible on ultrasound. The stimulation cycle should be stopped when this occurs, although the treatment protocol should not necessarily be modified upon the initial occurrence. However, a repeated rise of plasma progesterone during a second consecutive treatment cycle should lead to consideration of protocol modification, or possibly to changing the gonadotropin itself. A progesterone level in excess of 5 ng/ml in the first monitoring sample might be a sign of an early pregnancy. Even if the patient believes she had a normal menses, a pregnancy test would be indicated.

5.1.3 Luteinizing Hormone

A serum LH assay is mandatory when an intra-uterine insemination is planned, but LH measures are also useful for a simple stimulation cycle intended for a single intercourse, in order to know if a spontaneous ovulatory process might have begun prior to hCG administration, a sign of optimal follicular maturity, or if it is the hCG administration that will trigger the ovulation:

An LH rise together with a concomitant progesterone rise suggests that a spontaneous ovulatory process has started within the previous 12–24 h, and that an ovulation will occur on the following day. It will no longer be possible to block this spontaneous event by means of a GnRH antagonist.

An LH rise in excess of twice its initial level, but without a progesterone elevation, is an early sign of a spontaneous ovulation that will likely occur 2 days hence; this is similar to the timing that follows an hCG administration. In this situation the spontaneous gonadotropin surge may still be arrested, or at least delayed, if necessary, by using a GnRH antagonist.

5.2 Ultrasound (Morphologic) Monitoring

Ultrasonic imagery for the purpose of monitoring ovulation is best performed though the endo-vaginal route because it places the ultrasound probe in the closest position relative to the pelvic organs being examined. Typical 2D imagery is sufficient to visualize the numbers of growing follicles as well as their shape, location, growth rate, and echogenicity. The images may also help clarify reasons why similar estradiol levels can occur with different types of follicular cohorts. The imagery should also help grade the thickness and echogenicity of the uterine mucosa, as well as the extent of cervical mucus secretion.

5.2.1 Ovarian Follicles

Ovarian follicles appear as transonic structures within the ovary. The mean diameter of a follicle is estimated by the average of two perpendicular diameters, with the calipers placed in contact with the internal follicular wall [1].

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