Monofollicular Stimulation in PCOS Patients

Fig. 8.1
Method of endometrial preparation by Letrozole in PCOS
Five hundred and one PCOS patients were enrolled and 501 FET cycles performed between 2011 and 2012. The clinical pregnancy rate was 51.1 % (256/501), implantation rate was 36.8 % (349/948), miscarriage rate was 18 % (46/256), and live birth rate was 41.9 % (210/501). 67.1 % (336/501) cycles developed only one leading follicle (≥14 mm), two follicles ≥14 mm developed in 19.6 % (98/501) cycles, and three dominant follicles appeared in 6.8 % (34/501) cycles. In 6.6 % (33/501) cycles, there were more than three follicle ≥14 mm. Average serum estradiol level was 333 ± 240 pg/mL on the trigger day. Endometrial thickness was 12.1 ± 2.9 mm on ET day. There was no OHSS case in our study. The clinical outcome according to the leading follicle number is demonstrated in Table 8.1. Estradiol levels were significantly high in the group with more than three leading follicles. There was no significant difference in the clinical pregnancy rate and implantation rate in the four groups. It is suggested that Letrozole is an attractive option with its oral route of administration, cost, safety profile, and effectiveness in ovulation induction and ovarian stimulation. The protocol of Letrozole combined with hMG has the potential to be the first-line treatment option for ovulation induction in PCOS women, while its use in ovarian stimulation for IVF deserves further study.
Table 8.1
Data of different groups according to leading follicle number
Follicle number
ET day
Trigger day
Clinical pregnancy rate (%)
Implantation rate
12.1 ± 2.8
80 ± 73
14.7 ± 7.4
275 ± 141**
0.7 ± 2.2
49.1 (165/336)
11.8 ± 2.9
85 ± 94
21.5 ± 10.2
368 ± 174
0.5 ± 0.2
49.0 (48/98)
36.7 (68/188)
13.2 ± 3.1
98 ± 102
26.6 ± 12
464 ± 221
0.6 ± 0.6
52.9 (18/34)
36.4 (24/66)
12.5 ± 3.6
246 ± 198*
18.3 ± 14
1101 ± 787*
0.4 ± 0.2
75.8 (25/33)
42.9 (27/63)
*P < 0.05, vs 1,2,3; **P < 0.05, vs 2,3,4


Clomiphene is given for 5 days following the onset of a spontaneous or a progestagen-induced period, starting any time from days 2, 3, 4, and 5; the recommended starting dose is 50 mg/day. Letrozole has been shown to have good ovulation rate in CC-resistant PCOS women; 5 mg/day showed an optimal result, with a high monofolliculogenesis rate in PCOS women. The approach to the treatment of PCOS patients with gonadotropins is the “step-up” protocol with no difference in efficacy between the different gonadotropin preparations. PCOS patients undergoing IVF treatment have similar pregnancy, miscarriage, and live birth rates compared to those of non-PCOS patients. Ovarian stimulation in women with PCOS poses a particular challenge, as many of these women exhibit exaggerated response, resulting in an increased risk of OHSS and multiple gestations. The transfer of frozen-thawed embryos has important implications for the management of women undergoing ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF. FET endometrial preparation by following stimulation with Letrozole combined with hMG in PCOS is a novel protocol; the clinical pregnancy rate was 51.1 % (256/501), implantation rate was 36.8 % (349/948), miscarriage rate was 18 % (46/256), and live birth rate was 41.9 %(210/501). 67.1 % (336/501) cycles developed only one leading follicle (≥14 mm), and two follicles ≥14 mm developed in 19.6 % (98/501) cycles. The protocol of Letrozole combined with hMG has the potential to be the first-line treatment option for ovulation induction in PCOS women, while its use in ovarian stimulation for IVF deserves further study.
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