Non-neoplastic pediatric lung lesions
Neoplastic pediatric lung lesions
Reactive or prior treatment-related changes
Clear cell (sugar) tumor
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Aspiration or Trauma/Fat emboli (with positive Oil Red O staining)
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Juvenile squamous papilloma
Bronchogenic cysts
Metastatic tumors
Pleuropulmonary blastoma
Salivary gland-type tumors (Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma)
Primary adenocarcinoma
Table 6.2
Summary of pediatric mediastinal lesions by compartment
Anterior/superior mediastinum (5 Ts) |
• Thymic lesions
• Thyroid lesions
• Teratoma or germ cell tumors
• Terrible lymphoma
• Terribly common metastatic neoplasms
• Vascular tumors
• Hernia |
Posterior mediastinum |
• Neurogenic and neuroblastic tumors
• Bronchogenic and congenital cysts
• Hernia
• Paraspinal abscess
• Vertebral lesions |
Middle mediastinum |
• Lymphoma
• Bronchogenic cysts |
6.2 Cytology of Normal and Benign Elements in the Lung
Benign respiratory epithelial cells are columnar with basally oriented nuclei, terminal bars, and cilia.
Creola bodies are hyperplastic or papillary clusters of bronchial cells with occasional vacuolization and small nucleoli that can be seen with asthma or bronchiectasis.
Reactive atypia (mild nuclear enlargement and prominent nucleoli) can be seen with radiation, chemotherapy, or severe inflammation (Fig. 6.1).Fig. 6.1Reactive epithelial atypia in BAL (a. Papanicolaou stain, high power; b. Diff-Quik stain, high power; c. H&E stain, high power). Lung specimens from patients status post chemotherapy showing reactive pneumocytes and reactive bronchial epithelial cells. These cells have mild nuclear enlargement without irregularities, and are seen in association with benign cells, including ciliated bronchial cells on the cell block (c).
Reserve cell hyperplasia or proliferation is more common when there is lung injury and shedding of the normal respiratory tract epithelium. These cells appear in tightly packed clusters with small nuclei and scant cytoplasm.
Macrophages have abundant foamy to vacuolated cytoplasm, oval to round nuclei, and occasional prominent nucleoli. The vacuolated cytoplasm may have debris or other ingested material, such as hemosiderin or anthracotic pigment. The presence of macrophages is used to confirm the adequacy of sputum samples and BALs (Fig. 6.2).Fig. 6.2Non-diagnostic lung FNA in a pediatric patient showing benign macrophages (Diff-Quik stain, medium power). The aspirates show benign macrophages in a bloody background and do not characterize a mass lesion in the lung. Thus, these findings are non-diagnostic.
Lipid-laden macrophages can be highlighted with an Oil Red O stain, and these cells can be elevated in patients with lipoid pneumonia, fat embolism syndrome, pulmonary aspiration, or amiodarone toxicity (Fig. 6.3).Fig. 6.3Lipid laden macrophages (a. Diff-Quik stain, high power, b. Oil red O stain, high power). Lipid laden macrophages are frequently a sign of aspiration, along with other etiologies, in children. Thus, identification of them is important and an Oil Red O stain can help prove their presence (b).
Curschmann spirals are coiled strands or helical casts of inspissated mucus that appears darkly stained. These are a non-specific finding, seen with excess mucus production (e.g., asthma) (Fig. 6.4).Fig. 6.4Curschmann spirals in a bronchial specimen (Papanicolaou stain, medium power). These darkly stained spiral shaped structures represent thick, inspissated mucus.
Charcot-Leyden crystals are small, eosinophilic to orangeophilic, rhomboid-shaped crystals that are derived from the granules of degranulated/degenerating eosinophils, usually in the setting of asthma and other causes of eosinophilia. These can be seen in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis with numerous eosinophils and fungal hyphae (Fig. 6.5).Fig. 6.5Charcot-Leyden crystals (Papanicolaou stain, high power). Eosinophilic rhomboidal crystals (arrow) are frequently seen with eosinophilic-rich infiltrates. They can be an important clue that the inflammatory cells are predominantly eosinophils given that the eosinophilic granules are hard to identify on a Papanicolaou stain.
Ciliocytophthoria appears as detached ciliary tufts, and is associated with viral infection (e.g., adenovirus) but can also be a non-specific finding (Fig. 6.6).Fig. 6.6Ciliocytophthoria (Papanicolaou stain, medium power). Detached ciliary tufts (ciliocytophthoria) can be seen in BALs of patients with adenovirus infection and should not be confused with organisms or contaminants (arrow).
In systemic disease (autoimmune, cystic fibrosis, asthma), the lung can show a variety of reactive changes. In asthma, increased eosinophils are often present within mucus. Cystic fibrosis is characterized by thick mucus plugs, often with abundant mixed inflammation. Most pulmonary specimens from these patients are obtained to evaluate for infection. Two particular infections, Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are relatively common in cystic fibrosis patients and can have implications for disease progression.
Pollen or starch granules: Starch granules appear as clear and refractile cubes with a Maltese cross appearance under polarized light. Pollen appears as spherical structures that are colorful, have a thickened wall, and may have small internal bodies or a spiked border, and can mimic large yeast forms or other infectious organisms , in addition to other contaminants.
Drug particles: Dark black carbonaceous material can appear within histiocytes in drug users, particularly crack/cocaine smokers. Rhomboid crystals can appear with aspiration of barium sulfate.
6.3 Bronchogenic Cysts
Clinical Features
These developmental cysts arising from the foregut appear most frequently as a posterior mediastinal cyst, but can also be intrapulmonary. These are rare lesions, but can compress the airway if large.
Cytological Features
Aspirates yield thick proteinaceous to mucoid fluid with variable types of lining cells, including ciliated, squamous, or simple columnar epithelium (Fig. 6.7). Liquid-based cytology can be helpful for demonstrating the cyst lining cells and excluding thymic or neoplastic cysts (e.g., germ cell tumors with cystic change).

Fig. 6.7
Bronchogenic cyst (Diff-Quik stain, low power). This bronchogenic cyst shows thickened proteinaceous fluid with a few ciliated cells.
Differential Diagnosis
A cystic lesion in the mediastinum or lung of a child raises the differential diagnosis of thymic cyst, mediastinal goiter, lymphangioma, cystic pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM ; formerly congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation ), mesenchymal cystic hamartoma, and neoplastic cysts (e.g., cystic teratoma or other germ cell tumor with cystic change). In contrast to bronchogenic cysts, most of the congenital malformations and hamartomas in this age group are within the lung and are multicystic lesions with small cysts.
If small lymphocytes are identified from a cystic lesion in the mediastinum in the pediatric population, the possibility of a thymic cyst should be considered. Flow cytometry and/or immunoperoxidase stains can be used to support thymic origin by identifying immature and maturing T-cells that are positive for TdT, CD1a, and CD3.
6.4 Infectious Disease
Clinical Features
Fine needle aspiration biopsy has not been routinely used for the diagnosis of infectious disease in the lung. Thus, there are few studies evaluating its effectiveness. One paper in the adult literature reported a range of sensitivity of 21–47 % for FNA and 52–94 % for core needle biopsy [3]. One study in the pediatric population reported a sensitivity of 88 %, but did not separate FNA from core needle biopsy [4]. Another noted that CT-guided biopsy had a high diagnostic yield of 60 %, but only yielded organisms already isolated from peripheral blood [1]. Occasionally, FNA performed for infectious disease of the lung may reveal an undiagnosed tumor of the chest wall or mediastinum.
Cytological Features
Infections that present as discrete masses in the lung frequently show either abscess formation, granulomatous inflammation , or a cystic fungal ball. Aspirates show abundant histiocytes with a variable numbers of small lymphocytes and neutrophils in the background (Figs. 6.8 and 6.9). Stains for fungal elements and/or acid fast bacteria can be performed on aspirate smears and may be useful; however, if there are only rare yeast or fungal elements, the possibility of specimen contamination with Alternaria or other fungi or oropharyngeal contamination from Candida should be considered [5] (Fig. 6.10). Well-formed granulomas with clusters of epithelioid histiocytes are suggestive of fungal or mycobacterial infection (Fig. 6.11). Fungal balls typically show abundant granular debris with fungal hyphae present. BAL is commonly used for the cytologic evaluation of suspected infection but, in the setting of a mass lesion, may not yield representative material. Depending on the etiologic agent, BALs can show neutrophils, lymphocytes, and/or histiocytes, necroinflammatory debris and reactive epithelial cells. Gram, methenamine silver, AFB and Fite stains can be helpful for identifying microorganisms on cytospins, liquid-based preparations or cell blocks from BALs. Viral infections, such as cytomegalovirus and herpes virus, can also be seen in BAL specimens (Fig. 6.12).

Fig. 6.8
Lung abscess (a. Diff-Quik stain, medium power; b. Papanicolaou stain, medium power; c. H&E stain, high power). The aspirates show abundant neutrophils and granular debris in this FNA from a lung mass.

Fig. 6.9
Fungal infection creating mass lung lesion in a young patient (a. Papanicolaou stain, high power; b. H&E stain, high power; c. Grocott stain, high power). The aspirates show branching fungal hyphae within a background of acute inflammation, debris, and reactive changes. The Grocott stain shows branching fungal hyphae, compatible with Aspergillus (c).

Fig. 6.10
Other fungal organisms in children (a, b. Grocott stain , high power). Fusarium identified in this pediatric lung specimen was morphologically similar to Aspergillus (a). Candida can also be identified in BAL specimens in children and may represent contamination from the oropharynx (b).

Fig. 6.11
Granulomatous inflammation in the lung (Diff-Quik stain, high power). There are clusters of epithelioid histiocytes and scattered small lymphocytes, compatible with epithelioid granulomas.

Fig. 6.12
BAL specimen showing HSV infection in an immunocompromised child (a, b. Thin Prep, Papanicolaou stain, high power). The squamous cells in this specimen show prominent nuclear enlargement, margination of the chromatin, and multinucleation, which are clues of an HSV infection.
Material should be submitted from the FNA or BAL for microbial cultures and special stains. When handling the specimen, care should be taken to avoid contamination. Since complications such as pneumothorax are common in lung FNA, few passes may be performed, and each pass should be triaged carefully. If the needle tip is not touched to the slide when the first drop(s) are taken for smears, the remaining specimen may be rinsed into sterile saline for microbiologic studies. If the smears show anything other than an infectious process, this rinse can be used for other ancillary studies (flow cytometry, cell block, etc.). In addition, if there is abundant hemodilution on subsequent passes, unstained smears could be prepared from the best pass and sent for special stains [5].
Differential Diagnosis
Neoplastic disease, metastatic or primary, may mimic an infectious lung mass radiologically. Although atypical bronchial cells and/or pneumocytes can be present in the setting of infection, cytologic features of malignancy, such as increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios, nuclear pleomorphism, nuclear membrane irregularity, and hyperchromasia are absent. Lymphocytic infiltrates associated with infectious processes are polyclonal, in contrast to the monoclonal proliferations associated with non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Primary lung carcinomas are exceedingly rare in the pediatric population. When atypical squamous or glandular cells are identified in an FNA or exfoliative specimen from the lung of a child or adolescent with a mass lesion, reactive atypia in metaplastic squamous cells, bronchial cells or pneumocytes secondary to infection should be excluded before considering malignancy.
6.5 Alveolar Proteinosis
Clinical Features
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disorder associated with impaired or dysfunctional surfactant clearance. Some cases are congenital, due to mutations in surfactant protein-B, ABCA3 or GM-CSF receptor genes. This is in contrast to adults, in which most cases are acquired and due to autoantibodies to GM-CSF. Most other pediatric cases are secondary to infection, drugs, foreign material, treatment for malignancy, or idiopathic causes. PAP is characterized by accumulation of lipid-rich proteinaceous material in alveolar spaces leading to respiratory distress or failure. On imaging, patients have diffuse, bilateral, pulmonary infiltrates or opacities, without features of fibrosis or chronic lung disease. BALs can be performed in these patients for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes.
Cytological Features
The BALs from patients with PAP have abundant, acellular, PAS-positive diastase-resistant, lipid-rich proteinaceous material, often in large globules, and pulmonary macrophages containing similar material. Degenerating macrophages, lamellar bodies, cholesterol crystals, and reactive pneumocytes can also be present, but inflammation is usually absent (Fig. 6.13). PAS and PAS-D stains can be performed on additional cytospins, liquid-based preparations or sections from a cell block to support the diagnosis.

Fig. 6.13
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (a. Papanicolaou stain, high power; b. H&E stain, high power). This BAL from a patient with longstanding pulmonary alveolar proteinosis shows proteinaceous acellular material forming large globules and prominent background debris.
Differential Diagnosis
The other possibilities to consider are mucus plugs or alveolar casts from Pneumocystis jirovecii infection. Mucus plugs lack the intense PAS-positivity seen in PAP but stain with mucicarmine or Alcian blue , while methenamine silver stains can help to exclude Pneumocystis jirovecii infection.
Electron microscopy shows that the lamellar bodies are proteinaceous surfactant material.
6.6 Primary Lung Neoplasms
Primary lung neoplasms are so rare in the pediatric population that they are frequently not included in the differential diagnosis of mass lesions. Over two-thirds of cases are malignant, the majority of which are bronchogenic in origin. Carcinoid tumor is the most common pediatric lung malignancy accounting for 33 % of malignant cases, followed by bronchogenic carcinoma (28 %), mucoepidermoid carcinoma (9 %), and pleuropulmonary blastoma (8 %). Benign tumors are more frequently located in the parenchyma with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor accounting for 70 % of benign cases, followed by hamartoma (12 %) [6, 7]. Bronchial tumors may be amenable to transbronchial biopsy ; however, this technique is rarely used in the pediatric population. Although FNA can be used in children and adolescents, the tumors seen in these patients are often difficult or impossible to diagnose with confidence given the limited cells aspirated in these cases and the need for architectural evaluation (e.g., hamartoma or inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor).
6.6.1 Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor
Clinical Features
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMTs) are the most common lung tumors in patients under 15 years of age, and are usually found incidentally on imaging. These tumors typically present as a solitary, peripheral mass lesion and behave in a benign fashion in the majority of cases.
Cytological Features
The aspirates yield relatively bland, plump spindle cells arranged in sheets, clusters and singly with a background of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and myxoid matrix. Scattered lesional cells with a ganglion-like appearance and foamy xanthomatous cells can also be seen. A collagenous or hyalinized stroma can be seen on cell block or core biopsy as well. Preparation of a cell block for immunoperoxidase stains is important to confirm the myofibroblastic nature of the tumor cells (positive for smooth muscle actin, negative for S100, cytokeratin, and desmin), and to assess for the presence of ALK-1 or ROS positivity. Rearrangement of ALK, ROS1, and genes of other actionable kinases is present in approximately 90 % of IMTs in the pediatric population and can be assessed by FISH or other molecular techniques [8].

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