
• Geographic location (resource-limited, resource-rich)
• Type of practice (academic, community)
• Presence of a free-standing pediatric hospital
• Organization of practice (subspecialty based or general pathology)
• Clinical environment (experience with and acceptance of FNA, referral patterns)
• Availability of physicians trained in performance and interpretation of fine needle aspiration
• Sensitivity and performance of fine needle aspiration (diagnostic vs. inadequate or non-diagnostic specimens, definitive or narrowed diagnoses that effectively guide management vs. nonspecific diagnoses/need for additional biopsy)
Within the USA and other resource-rich countries, the volume of pediatric FNAs can also vary greatly in different practice settings. Clinicians who have had positive experiences with FNA as a diagnostic modality are more likely to consider referring patients for FNA or to recommend the use of FNA to their colleagues, than those who have had negative experiences. Acquisition of an adequate specimen, appropriate triage, and diagnostic expertise are all required for providing a high quality FNA service. Adequate samples can be obtained by pathologists, interventional radiologists, and/or clinicians with appropriate training and expertise in performing FNAs. However, within a given institution, the type(s) and availability of qualified physicians impacts whether FNAs are performed in inpatient and/or outpatient settings, or not at all, and whether the lesions sampled are superficial and/or deep. Appropriate triage of the specimen is essential when ancillary studies are needed for a definitive or narrowed differential diagnosis. Rapid on site evaluation (ROSE) not only allows assessment of adequacy, but also guides appropriate triage of the specimen. However, ROSE can be time consuming and is deemed economically impractical in some practice settings. The availability of pathologists and/or cytotechnologists to perform ROSE can have a significant impact on whether the procedure results in a definitive or narrowed differential diagnosis and thus, on the use of FNA rather than a more invasive core or open biopsy for the primary evaluation of a mass lesion in a child or adolescent. Finally, the expertise required for accurate cytologic diagnosis of pediatric lesions is more likely to be found in settings with subspecialty-trained cytopathologists and pediatric pathologists, and can have a positive impact on the use of FNA. In general, the key elements for the acceptance and successful use of FNA as a diagnostic modality in the pediatric population are more likely to be found in an academic institution than in a community hospital.
Geographic location and practice setting also influence the type and pathologic spectrum of pediatric lesions evaluated by FNA. In resource-limited countries, malignancies comprise the majority of lesions diagnosed by FNA [4], while in resource-rich countries benign processes predominate [1]. Moreover, in resource-limited countries, a greater proportion of malignancies diagnosed by FNA are primary and/or deep-seated tumors than in resource-rich countries. In the USA, primary cytologic diagnosis of malignancies is rare; rather, FNA is primarily used for the evaluation of superficial masses, the majority of which are benign and located in the head and neck [1]. It is important to note that this pattern is observed even in institutions with robust pediatric FNA services and, in part, reflects the fact that Children’s Oncology Group therapeutic protocols are based on histologic diagnosis and associated biologic studies require frozen or formalin-fixed tissue.

1.3 Diagnostic Considerations

Mass lesions in children and adolescents raise different diagnostic considerations than those in adults. In the pediatric population, malignancies are rare and comprised predominantly of hematolymphoid and central nervous system neoplasms. In contrast, in the adult population, cancer is common and epithelial neoplasms account for the vast majority of malignancies. Unlike in adults, small changes in age can significantly alter the differential diagnostic considerations in the pediatric population [5]. Table 1.2 lists the three most common types of malignancies in different age groups, and illustrates the changes observed with small increments of age. The types of tumors seen in a given anatomic site also vary with age. In the kidney, for example, mesoblastic nephroma is usually diagnosed in the first 3 months of life, whereas Wilms tumor is most common in children under 5 years of age, and renal cell carcinoma primarily affects adolescents. A variety of genetic syndromes are also associated with increased risk of developing certain pediatric tumors, as illustrated by the increased risk of Wilms tumor in children with Beckwith–Wiedemann, WAGR (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary malformation, and mental retardation), and Denys–Drash syndromes. Awareness of the types of tumors that arise at different ages in various anatomic locations and of the associations between genetic syndromes and certain types of tumors is important for accurate cytologic diagnosis of pediatric mass lesions.
Table 1.2
Cancer incidence by age group in children based on data from the Automated Childhood Cancer Information System ([5], adopted from ref. [2])

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Jul 18, 2017 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Introduction

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