24 Jane E. Norman and Sarah J. Stock MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Edinburgh Queen’s Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, UK Induction of labour is defined as the artificial initiation of labour [1]. It is performed when it is considered that there are benefits to the baby and/or mother if the baby is delivered, compared with the alternative of the baby remaining in utero. Rates of induction of labour have increased over a 10‐year per period in the UK, from 15.4% in 2003–2004 to 21.2% in 2013–2014 [1]. Rates of induction of labour for singleton pregnancy were 23.3% in the USA in 2010, but with modest declines in the following two years [2]. The UK, the USA and the World Health Organization (WHO) have produced guidelines on the indications and methods for this common clinical procedure [3–5]. Possible indications for induction of labour include a range of conditions associated with maternal or fetal compromise (Table 24.1), although the risks and benefits of induction in many of these particular scenarios have not been fully evaluated in randomized trials. In practice, the timing of induction requires careful clinical judgement, and it is not always obvious at which point in these disease or physiological processes that the interests of the mother or baby, or both, will be better served by ending the pregnancy by induction of labour. Table 24.1 Potential indications for induction of labour. Source: adapted from ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins [4] with further additions. In practice, clinical conditions are not the only factors affecting induction rates, with one recent study suggesting that over 25% of the variation in induction rates is unexplained by such factors [6]. This variation may reflect differences in physicians’ willingness to induce labour for maternal or caregiver convenience, greater or lesser demand from women for induction of labour in different areas, or uncertainties about the benefits and risks of induction across a range of scenarios. There is greater consensus about the contraindications to induction of labour. Contraindications relate either to factors which make labour or vaginal delivery unsuitable or to indications for immediate delivery (these latter include complete placenta praevia, vasa praevia, transverse fetal lie, umbilical cord prolapse and previous classical caesarean section). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also includes ‘previous myomectomy entering the endometrial cavity’ as a contraindication to labour induction [4]. These contraindications are absolute and are fairly uncontroversial. In clinical practice, however, a frequent but challenging scenario is the woman with a previous caesarean section; such women commonly present with recognized indications for induction but are at increased risk of uterine rupture. Their management is discussed further in the section on induction of labour in the presence of previous caesarean section. Induction of labour is most successful when the cervix is ‘ripe’ at the time of labour induction [7,8]. Ripening is the process by which the cervix changes in consistency prior to the onset of labour: collagen content and cross‐linking decline and water content increases [9]. Physiologically, this facilitates the cervix being progressively dilated by contractions of the myometrium once labour starts. Prior to the onset of labour, ripeness can be measured by using a strain gauge to determine the force required to dilate the cervix. In clinical practice, however, the most commonly used assessment of cervical ripening is the Calder modification of the Bishop score [8] (Table 24.2). This score comprises five components of the cervix, all assessed on vaginal examination: cervical length, dilation, position, consistency and its station relative to the ischial spines. Labour induction with an unripe cervix will require more uterine activity to effect cervical dilation, potentially causing a longer labour, more pain and stress for both mother and baby, a higher risk of uterine rupture and evidence of an increased odds ratio (OR) of delivery by caesarean section (2.29, 95% CI 1.53–3.41) [10]. Despite this, one systematic review has suggested that the Bishop score is a poor predictor of the outcome of induction of labour at term and should not be used [11]. Table 24.2 Calder modification of Bishop score. Source: Calder AA, Embrey MP, Tait T. Ripening of the cervix with extra‐amniotic prostaglandin E2 in viscous gel before induction of labour. BJOG 1977;84:264–268. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons. Given the deficiencies of the Bishop score, ultrasound measurement of cervical length is a superficially more attractive option to predict success of induction of labour. A variety of cervical lengths, ranging from 16 to 32 mm, have been used to indicate cervical ripeness. When these varying cervical lengths are assessed together, a ‘short’ cervical length predicts success and a ‘long’ cervical length predicts failure of labour induction, with a likelihood ratio (LR) of success after a positive test of 1.66 (95% CI 1.20–2.31) and after a negative test of 0.51 (95% CI 0.39–0.67) [12]. These data are based on results from 19 trials and 3065 women, with ‘success’ in labour induction being defined variously as achieving vaginal delivery, achieving delivery with 24 hours of labour induction, or achieving the active stage of labour. Although there is a statistically significant association between an ultrasound measurement of short cervical length and the success of induction, the predictive value of these measurements do not support the clinical use of this test in practice. It is widely considered that a diagnostic test should have a positive LR of 5 or greater or a negative LR of 0.2 or less to be clinically useful; ultrasound measurement of cervical length for predicting success of induction of labour is clearly suboptimal when measured against this standard [13]. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials to compare Bishop score with any other method for assessing pre‐induction cervical ripening in women admitted for induction of labour identified only two trials (both comparing transvaginal ultrasound with Bishop score) [14]. The total number of women recruited was less than 250. No superiority of one test over the other was demonstrated in total. Analysis of cervico‐vaginal fluid insulin‐like growth factor‐binding protein (IGFBP)‐1 has also been used to predict the success of induction of labour in a population of 193 nulliparous women. IGFBP‐1 is associated with an adjusted OR of 5.5 (95% CI 2.3–12.9) in predicting vaginal delivery, after adjustement for cervical length on ultrasound and Bishop score [15]. More studies need to be done to determine any potential role in clinical practice. To summarize, neither the Bishop score nor (currently) transvaginal ultrasound are effective as tools to predict success of induction of labour. This does not mean that the Bishop score should be abandoned, as it may be useful in determining whether the cervix is ripe or whether further doses of prostaglandins are required to achieve ripeness. However, alternative, more effective tests to predict the outcome of induction of labour would undoubtedly be helpful. In order to reduce the risk of adverse events associated with labour induction with an unripe cervix, induction is often preceded by strategies to induce cervical ripening. In the UK, this is most commonly achieved with prostaglandins, normally intravaginal prostaglandin (PG)E2. There has been increasing use of prostaglandins in association with induction of labour in Scotland over the last three decades [16]. In the USA, a wider variety and routes of administration of prostaglandins are endorsed, including intracervical and intravaginal PGE2 and intravaginal misoprostol tablets. Oral administration of prostaglandins is not normally recommended for labour induction at term because it is associated with gastrointestinal side effects. Commonly used dose regimens in the UK and USA are shown in Table 24.3. Table 24.3 Pharmacological agents for cervical ripening. * US practice. The efficacy of prostaglandins for cervical ripening was shown in a seminal paper by Calder et al. [17]. Although highly effective in this regard, the cervical ripening effects of prostaglandins cannot easily be separated from their stimulatory effect on uterine contractions and it is largely this that causes the potential adverse effects of induction of labour with prostaglandins. Excessive uterine contractions are termed ‘hyperstimulation’ and can be associated with abnormalities of fetal heart rate (FHR). In some women, an abnormal FHR may require immediate delivery by caesarean section. There are now extensive trial data on the use of prostaglandins for induction of labour. Demonstrated benefits of PGE2 for cervical ripening compared with placebo or no treatment include a ‘probable’ reduced risk of vaginal delivery not being achieved within 24 hours, a ‘probable’ reduced risk of caesarean section and an increased risk of uterine hyperstimulation with FHR changes (4.8% vs. 1.0%; risk ratio, RR 3.16, 95% CI 1.67–5.98] [18]. When formulations of vaginal PGE2 are compared, the latest Cochrane review suggests that ‘tablets, gels and pessaries appear to be as effective as each other, any differences between formulations are marginal but may be important’ [18]. In another Cochrane review, intracervical PGE2 has been shown to be superior to placebo for cervical ripening, but inferior to vaginal prostaglandin in terms of the risk of not achieving vaginal delivery within 24 hours (RR 1.26, 95% CI 1.12–1.41) [14], leading the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to conclude that ‘intracervical PGE2 should not be used for induction of labour’. The effects of vaginal or oral PGE1 (commonly administered as misoprostol) are similar to those of PGE2 when placebo is used as the direct comparator of each; in other words PGE1 also reduces the risk of vaginal delivery not occurring within 24 hours compared with placebo [19,20]. However, direct comparison between vaginal PGE2 and vaginal misoprostol shows that labour induction with vaginal misoprostol is associated with a lower likelihood of vaginal birth not occuring within 24 hours (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.66–0.89) and a trend to a greater risk of uterine hyperstimulation with FHR changes (RR 1.43, 95% CI 0.97–2.09) [21]. A systematic review of randomized comparisons demonstrated lower caesearean section rates with oral misoprostol compared with vaginal PGE2 (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78–0.99) [20]. This same systematic review suggested that trials comparing vaginal misoprostol with oral misoprostol showed fewer babies with a low Apgar score and lower rates of postpartum haemorrhage in the oral group, but heterogeneous results for vaginal delivery within 24 hours and caesearan section rates [20]. In a sytematic review and network meta‐analysis comparing prostaglandins, the odds of failing to achieve a vaginal delivery were lowest with vaginal misoprostol and the odds of caesarean section were lowest with titrated oral misoprostol [22]. A newly marketed slow‐release formulation of misoprostol [23] now has licencing approval in the UK and some other European countries, but has not yet been comprehensively compared with other formulations of vaginal prostaglandin for labour induction. Authorities in the UK and USA have come to different conclusions about the benefits of misoprostol over and above those of PGE2. In the UK, NICE currently recommend that misoprostol not be used routinely except in the situation of intrauterine fetal death. In contrast, ACOG endorses the use of misoprostol for induction of labour in a woman with an unfavourable cervix (assuming there has been no previous uterine surgery) [4]. Cochrane suggests that if misoprostol is being used, that oral is ‘safer’ than vaginal, and a dose of 20–25 µg in solution is most appropriate [20]. Various alternative induction strategies have been investigated in order to avoid the stimulatory effects of prostaglandins on uterine contractions and hence avoid the adverse effects of prostaglandins in labour induction. Mechanical methods commonly involve extra‐amniotic saline solution infusion and laminaria, the hygroscopic dilator or extra‐amniotic Foley catheter placement or cervical ripening balloon. Enthusiasm for the Foley catheter as a cervical ripening/pre‐induction agent has increased following the publication of a large randomized trial demonstrating similar section rates to those observed with PGE2, but with fewer maternal side effects [24]. A subsequent randomized trial compared the Foley catheter to oral misoprostol for labour induction, and again showed similar rates of adverse effects [25]. Importantly, a network meta‐analysis comparing the Foley catheter, misoprostol and dinoprostone for induction of labour showed the lowest rates of uterine hyperstimulation accompanied by FHR changes in association with Foley catheter use, although vaginal misoprostol was the most effective agent for achieving vaginal delivery within 24 hours [26]. Membrane sweeping is recommended on routine antenatal visits post‐term as an adjunct to labour induction as it reduces the risk of pregnancy prolongation beyond 41 weeks [27]. Of the pharmacological methods, nitric oxide donors [28] and intracervical hyaluronidase [29] both appear to ripen the cervix without inducing myometrial contractility, but there is insufficient evidence as yet to recommend their use in clinical practice. Mifepristone, a progesterone antagonist, has less stimulatory effects on myometrial contractions than prostaglandins but insufficient evidence about safety currently precludes use with a live baby [3,30]. Once the cervix is ripe, continuation of labour induction may involve forewater amniotomy (artificial rupture of the membranes) with or without augmentation of labour with oxytocin. Forewater amniotomy for induction of labour (without PGE2 but sometimes with oxytocin) is commonly used as a primary method of induction in women with a ripe cervix, but is not routinely advised because of the increased requirement for oxytocin augmentation [31] if used alone, and because of lower acceptability compared with prostaglandin if used in combination with oxytocin [3]. It is probably for these reasons that use of artificial rupture of membranes with or without oxytocin is now much less commonly used as the primary method of induction of labour in the UK. Augmentation of labour is the process of speeding up the first stage of labour. For decades, amniotomy with or without oxytocin has been the standard intervention in this scenario, but recent systematic reviews suggest that these practices may not be evidence based. A meta‐analysis of 14 trials in nearly 5000 women indicated that routine amniotomy had no effect on the duration of the first stage of labour, maternal satisfaction or Apgar scores at delivery, but that there was a trend to increased risk of caesarean section (RR 1.26, 95% CI 0.98–1.62) [32]. These facts support the authors’ conclusion that ‘we cannot recommend that amniotomy should be introduced routinely as part of standard labour management and care’. There is a little more evidence in support of the use of amniotomy with oxytocin for augmentation of labour. As with prostaglandins, oxytocin has to be used carefully because the myometrial contractions it induces cause a reduction in blood flow to the uterus. This reduction in blood flow can lead to fetal distress, especially if the fetus is already compromised. A Cochrane systematic review and meta‐analysis showed that early amniotomy and oxytocin augmentation applied prior to any delay in labour being identified reduced the risk of caesarean section (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.77–0.99) and shortened the duration of labour (average mean difference 1.28 hours, 95% CI –1.97 to –0.59) [33]. There were no differences in any neonatal outcomes or in maternal satisfaction rates.
Induction and Augmentation of Labour
Indications for induction of labour
Abruptio placentae
Fetal demise
Gestational hypertension
Pre‐eclampsia, eclampsia
Pre‐labour rupture of membranes
Post‐term pregnancy
Maternal medical conditions
Fetal compromise
Advanced maternal age at term
Gestational diabetes at term
Large‐for‐gestational‐age baby at term
Contraindications to induction of labour
Predicting success of induction of labour
Dilation (cm)
Length of cervix (cm)
Station (relative to ischial spines)
Pharmacological and mechanical methods of induction of labour
Route of administration
Maximum dose
PGE2 tablets
3 mg every 6 hours
6 mg
PGE2 gel (dinoprostone)
1 mg every 6 hours
3 mg (4 mg in unfavourable primigravidae)
PGE2 controlled‐release pessary (dinoprostone)
Pessary releases 10 mg in 24 hours
PGE1 (misoprostol) tablets*
25 µg every 3–5 hours
None stated
PGE1 (misoprostol) vaginal delivery system
200 µg released at rate of about 7 µg/hour over 24 hours
PGE2 (dinoprostone)*
0.5 mg every 6–12 hours
1.5 mg
Prostaglandins for cervical ripening and induction of labour
Other methods of cervical ripening and induction of labour
Augmentation of labour