Induction and Augmentation

Department of Family Medicine, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA


Key Points


Induction is defined as artificial initiation of labor.



Augmentation is defined as artificial stimulation of labor.



Induction should always be performed for a specific indication.



Under most circumstances, the initiation of labor occurs without assistance at the appropriate time. Under some circumstances, however, induction of labor is indicated prior to the onset of labor via natural processes. Table 19.1 presents a list of indications for induction. Induction should always be performed for a specific indication and, when possible, under circumstances where cervical status is favorable for delivery.

Table 19.1
Indications for induction


Chronic hypertension

Diabetes mellitus

Heart disease


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Sep 23, 2016 | Posted by in OBSTETRICS | Comments Off on Induction and Augmentation

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