Improving the Preclinical Mouse Efficacy Studies of Adenomyosis

Outcome measure

Animal efficacy studies

Clinical trials

Incidence of adenomyosis


Number of nodules


Depth of myometrial infiltration


Grade of levels of cell invasiveness


Uterine weight v. bodyweight ratio



Food intake


Uterine contractility (ex vivo)


Evoked hypersensitivity


Spontaneous cyclic pain


Chronic pelvic pain


Dypareunia (presence/absence, severity)


Menstrual characteristics


Quality of life


Sexual satisfaction


Pain diaries


Adverse events


Global impression


aUterus size by ultrasonographic measurement is frequently used

There is no well documented correlation between the histological extent of adenomyosis and the severity of dysmenorrhea, the amount of blood loss or infertility in women [41]. Since rodents do not menstruate, the mouse model does not yield itself to the study of adenomyosis-related menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea. However, the induction of adenomyosis and its progression in mice is associated with increased sensitivity to noxious thermal stimuli [24, 38]. This is most likely due to central sensitization. It is possible that, similar to endometriosis [42], adenomyosis may be associated with features of neuropathic pain. As such, patients with adenomyosis may exhibit an array of sensory phenotypes including sensory gain [43]. In endometriosis such sensory gains [44] may be related to molecular changes in the central nervous system particularly in the dorsal root ganglia [45]. Since the severity of adenomyosis-associated pain in the mouse cannot be measured directly, sensitivity to noxious thermal stimuli has been used as a surrogate marker. For example, the hotplate test is performed by placing the mouse on a metal plate that is gradually heated to preset levels. The response latency is measured as the time from placement on the plate to the point when the mouse licks its hind paws. The hotplate test measures response thresholds to high intensity stimulus and is thus an “acute pain test” [46], but the response is mediated by spinal-brain stem-spinal reflexes [47]. Therefore, the test may reflect changes at the supraspinal level resulting from adenomyosis-induced pain, which supports its use as a surrogate measure of pain in adenomyosis. It also has the advantage of being simple to perform and of low cost. The tail-flick test is performed by directing a focused high-intensity light to generate a thermal stimulus 1–2 cm distal to the end of the tail. The time from start of stimulation to tail withdrawal determines tail-flick latency. The vaginal distention test was introduced as a non-thermal pain behavior measure [48]. The test is performed using a small latex balloon (10 mm long and 1.5 mm wide when not inflated) tied to a thin catheter. Immediately prior to the testing session, the un-inflated balloon is lubricated by K-Y jelly and inserted into the mid-vaginal canal. The balloon is gradually inflated in situ using a computer-controlled pump. The mouse is trained to respond to the noxious stimulus by interrupting the electric circuit which stops the pump. The test requires sophisticated equipments that are not widely available. Similar to dysmenorrhea, vaginal distention induces a form of visceral pain. Still, the relevance of these tests to women presenting with pelvic pain or dysmenorrhea is debatable. The mechanism of visceral pain is less well understood than somatic pain [49].

Caution should be exercised when using vaginal distention or response to noxious thermal stimuli tests to evaluate adenomyosis-associated pain behavior in mice. As in the case in neuropathic pain, sensory gain may well be a feature that is only observed in a subset of patients [43, 50]. Vaginal distention test, hotplate test, and other tests that measure the response of mice to noxious stimuli actually evaluate the severity of evoked pain, i.e. the hypersensitivity of withdrawal reflexes to sensory stimuli. This contrasts with the primary efficacy measure(s) used in clinical trials of adenomyosis where the focus is on dysmenorrhea or chronic pelvic pain which are forms of spontaneous pain. These types of pain have never been evaluated in animal models of adenomyosis or endometriosis, presumably due to the enormous difficulties this entails.

Outside of the field of adenomyosis, various attempts have been made to measure spontaneous pain in rodents. For example, ultrasound vocalization at 22–28 Hz was reported to be associated with chronic pain in rats [51], but the value of this test has been disputed [52, 53]. Two recent studies described the use of facial grimace scale which is used to assess pain in infants, for evaluating pain severity in mice and rats [54, 55]. This model seems promising, but it remains to be determined if it can be applied to the assessment of adenomyosis-related pain in mouse, assuming that adenomyosis in mouse does indeed induce pain.

Abnormal uterine contractility may contribute to adenomyosis-associated dysmenorrhea and pain. Intensified and somewhat deranged uterine contractility have recently been documented and found to correlate with reduced response latency to noxious thermal stimulus in mice with induced adenomyosis [38]. Uterine contractility could also be a functional measurement in the sense that it may be used in efficacy evaluation. There is a need to develop neural biomarkers and objective correlates of adenomyosis-associated pain as these may provide more reproducible measures.

Significant Results: Statistical, Biological or Clinical?

Published mouse efficacy studies almost always report positive findings. But almost always, these studies report statistically significant differences in response or outcome measures. Few studies considered biological or clinical significance. Thus questions remain about the clinical significance of a demonstrable statistical difference.

It is difficult to draw biologically meaningful conclusions from a statistically significant difference to put it simply, there is no conversion rule that could be applied. However, it would be helpful if studies report relative or percentage change in response to treatment as this enables a more intuitive appreciation of the importance of any reported changes. As a rule of thumb, barring a type I error, a 10 % change in a moderately powered study suggests that the intervention (which may still be efficacious) has not targeted major pathways, whilst an 80 % change may signal that a major pathway has been affected. Table 8.2 provides a proposed descriptor of possible biological significance in mouse studies.

Table 8.2
Suggested descriptors corresponding to the percentage change for the findings of mouse efficacy studies

Percentage of change

Descriptor of improvement/reduction









Disease and Symptom Heterogeneity

Mice used in preclinical studies of adenomyosis are often genetically homogeneous (inbred strains such as SHN) or genetically similar (such as ICR or CD-1), and they are also identical in age and disease severity. The situation is different in women as patients are genetically heterogeneous and differ in a large number of important characteristics. In addition, in women, adenomyosis is often associated with co-morbidities such as endometriosis [56] and leiomyomas [57] or general health conditions such as hypertension and obesity which do not feature in animal models. Also important are factors relevant to parity. In NAT induced adenomyosis, affected mice appear to be uniformly hypersensitive to evoked pain [24, 38]. Women with adenomyosis, on the other hand, are symptomatically heterogeneous and a sizeable portion are asymptomatic [58]. All of this further complicates extrapolation from animal to human.

Chronicity and Treatment Duration

While the long delay from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis in endometriosis is well-documented [5962], the symptom-to-diagnosis interval in adenomyosis has not been reported. As mentioned above, a sizeable portion of women with adenomyosis are asymptomatic. Adenomyosis is still more often diagnosed only in hysterectomy specimens of symptomatic women, thus it is likely that delayed identification of adenomyosis may well be the norm. Parker et al. reported that persistent dysmenorrhea following treatment for endometriosis is associated with increased junction zone thickness [63]. The severity of dysmenorrhea was significantly lower in patients with a junctional zone thickness (JZ) ≥11 mm compared with those with JZ <8 mm. There was a positive correlation between the severity of non-menstrual pain and JZ thickness (r = 0.51, p = .004) at 3 months after treatment and a significant decrease in non-menstrual pain only in women with a JZ <8 mm [63]. Similar findings were reported by Ferrero et al. in a group of women who underwent surgical resection of pelvic and colorectal endometriosis [64]. Delayed diagnosis is also suggested from the study of Kissler et al. who demonstrated that dysmenorrhea of long duration in patients who have had endometriosis for over 11 years is significantly related to uterine adenomyosis [65].

The relative lifespan of a laboratory mouse is approximately 37 times shorter than human life. The average estimate of the diagnostic delay for endometriosis is 7 years [5962], which for a mouse translates into about 9.8 weeks or 69 days. This is still likely to be an underestimate as it does not take into account the time lapse from the genesis of endometriosis to it becoming symptomatic. In order to mimic the situation in humans, this time lag may be considered as the minimal induction of adenomyosis to start of treatment interval in the mouse model. Yet only 4 of 11 published drug efficacy studies had an induction period longer than 69 days (Table 8.3). The relevance of the induction period is emphasized by the finding that treatment efficacy in mouse models seems to be negatively correlated with the length of induction [18].

Table 8.3
The characteristics of published preclinical mouse efficacy studies



Compound(s) tested

Mouse strain

Method of induction

Length of induction (days)

Treatment duration (days)

Major outcome measures


Include dose-response?

Sample sizea


Singtripop et al. (1992) [69]





35 (+35 days no Tx)




8 + 13




35 (+35 days no Tx)




9 + 11


Mori et al. (1993) [13]






P, H



11 + 13


Zhou et al. (2000) [15] (2000)

Mifepristone (SPRM)








10 + 9


Mori et al. (2001) [17]

ONO-4817 (MMP inhibitor)








12 + 12







10 + 10


Mori et al. (2002) [18]

CP8816, CP8863 (SPRM)








10 + 10







12 + 10

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Sep 20, 2016 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Improving the Preclinical Mouse Efficacy Studies of Adenomyosis

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