How to Study This Book

Chapter 1 How to Study This Book

How does one define a good pediatrician? Is it a physician with an extensive fund of knowledge, or one who can deliver care compassionately? Perhaps it is one who can communicate well with patients and their families, or one who can lead a medical team to the correct diagnosis and treatment plan? Perhaps the best pediatrician is one who masters all of these skills? Students and residents in pediatrics are confronted with the task of acquiring large amounts of medical knowledge in the limited time of a clerkship or a rotation, a daunting task unto itself. However, how does one acquire those “other” attributes, such as professionalism and the ability to communicate? The purpose of this book is to provide the learner an efficient method of learning these attributes simultaneously with and in the context of the necessary medical knowledge. This book is by no means an exhaustive compendium of all pediatric knowledge. Rather, this book sets out to help the student acquire knowledge of the processes that define a good pediatrician. To help the reader accomplish this, the remainder of this chapter outlines the structure of this book and provides a few suggestions for prioritizing reading and study of the concepts presented.

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on How to Study This Book

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