How to search for evidence

1.2.2 Medline and PubMed

PubMed is provided free by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health and gives access to the comprehensive database Medline to anyone with internet access. The website is

The best approach to find evidence is to use the Clinical Queries option in PubMed. Click on Clinical Queries, under PubMed Tools, currently in the centre of the PubMed home page (Figure 1.2), which brings up a new screen (Figure 1.3). Enter your search terms into the Search box and click on SEARCH. PubMed automatically finds RCTs in the first column (set the Category to “therapy” and Scope to “narrow” to find RCTs) and systematic reviews including Cochrane reviews in the middle column (Figure 1.3). Ignore the third column (only used by geneticists). Experiment with search terms until you find the best ways of expanding or narrowing the search to find what you want.

Figure 1.2 PubMed home page (2013).


Figure 1.3 PubMed Clinical Queries page (2013).


1.3 Statistical terms and explanations

Cluster randomized trial: a trial in which a group of individuals is randomized. For example, whole villages could be randomized to have a study intervention or no intervention, rather than individuals. The village becomes the unit of randomization. Outcomes are compared between those who do and do not receive the intervention.

Confidence Intervals (CI): a way of quantifying measurement uncertainty. This is usually expressed as the 95% CI, which means that the true value will be within the range 95% of the time. If the Relative Risk of dying with treatment compared with placebo is 0.50 (95% CI 0.20–0.75), the treatment reduces the risk of dying by 50%, and 95% of the time it will reduce the risk by somewhere between 20% and 75%.

Negative predictive value (NPV)

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Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on How to search for evidence

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