GnRH Agonists in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

Fig. 9.1
Amino acid sequence of native GnRH

Position 6 is involved in enzymatic cleavage. Positions 2 and 3 are involved in gonadotropin release, and positions 1, 6 and 10 are important for three-dimensional structure [1].

9.2.2 Structure of GnRH Agonist

Native GnRH has a short half-life due to rapid cleavage of bonds between amino acids 5–6, 6–7, 9–10. By altering amino acids at this position, analogues of GnRH can be synthesized with different properties (Fig. 9.2) [2].


Fig. 9.2
Structural modification of GnRH, leading to formation of GnRH agonist

Substitution of amino acid glycine at position 10 at ‘c’ terminus was a first major modification. This was for increasing the potency. But 90 % of its biological activity was lost with splitting of glycine at 10. It was restored by attachment of NH2-ethylamide to proline at position 9 [1].

Replacement of glycine at postion 6 by D amino acids decreases enzymatic degradation. Hence it renders more stability. These modifications also have higher receptor binding affinity.

The introduction of larger, hydrophobic and more lipophilic D amino acids at position 6 can further increase the affinity. Increased lipophilicity is associated with prolonged half-life [1].

9.2.3 Structure of Antagonist

Substitution of amino acids at positions 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 10 produces antagonist (Figs. 9.3 and 9.4) [3].


Fig. 9.3
Amino acid sequence of Cetrorelix


Fig. 9.4
Amino acid sequence of Ganirelix

9.2.4 Mode of Action of GnRH

Native GnRH has got a half-life of 2–4 min. GnRH neuronal system releases it in pulsatile fashion. It is necessary for rhythmic secretion of FSH and LH. The pulse frequency is approximately 1 per hour during follicular phase and 1 per 3 h in luteal phase.

It results in gonadal stimulation without down-regulation of anterior pituitary.

GnRH can produce its biological effect if it covers receptors episodically. Hence it gives time for replenishment of receptors. Receptors have three important segments which include hormone-specific external binding, transmembranous region and internal site controlling the process of internalization.

Gonadotrophin will be secreted only in response to pulsatile release of GnRH. A change in frequency or amplitude or both is associated with irregular gonadotropin release. Continuous delivery is ineffective and can lead to suppression of gonadotropic pituitary function. Similarly, prolonged stimulation of receptor by GnRH molecule results in down-regulation. (loss of ability of receptor to respond with original sensitivity). The receptor after being internalized does not return to cell surface for further action. So GnRH limits its own activity by down-regulation.

9.3 GnRH Analogues

They are structural modifications of natural GnRH. There are two types of GnRH analogues that are used: GnRH agonist and GnRH antagonist.

9.4 GnRH Agonists

A gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist is a synthetic peptide modelled after the hypothalamic neurohormone GnRH. It interacts with the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors resulting in released gonadotropins (FSH and LH) from pitutary.

The agonist was developed with the idea of increasing the stability, potency and receptor affinity.

An increased potency could be achieved by replacing glycine for D amino acids at position 6 and by replacing gly-NH2 at position 10 by ethyl amide. It has 100–200 times more affinity to the receptors than native GnRH. Such structural modifications render these compounds more hydrophobic and more resistant to enzymatic degradation.

In 1978, it was discovered that repeated administration of GnRH agonist produced a transient increase in gonadal function. The mechanism of action is ‘flare effect’ followed by down-regulation. Within 12 h of administration it induces liberation of high amounts of LH and FSH. It also increases the number of receptors (fivefold increase in FSH, tenfold increase in LH and fourfold increase in E2 receptors). This is known as up-regulation. This is rationale for using GnRH agonist as trigger in antagonist cycles.

The continuous occupation of the receptors leads to desensitization due to clustering and internalization of receptors resulting in fall of FSH and LH levels. This is known as down-regulation which results in arrest of follicles and fall in sex steroids. This effect is completely reversible as soon as therapy is stopped. This is a basis for clinical use of agonist in ovulation induction and controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. GnRH agonists, when chronically administered, result in marked reductions in blood levels of testosterone and oestrogen.

9.4.1 Available Preparations

The preparations available include leuprolide acetate, the first GnRH agonist to be approved in the United States, nafarelin acetate, histerelin, triptorelin, buserelin and goserelin acetate.

9.4.2 Routes of Administration

GnRH agonists need to be administered parenterally, as they would be susceptible to gastrointestinal proteolysis. Preparations are available for intramuscular, nasal and subcutaneous administration. The preferred route of administration is the subcutaneous route. As the absorption is rapid, blood concentration remains elevated for many hours without long-term pituitary desensitization. Nasal Spray

Buserelin and naferelin are available as nasal preparations.

By nasal route of administration, the absorption is unpredictable. Considerable losses occur by proteolysis and swallowing, giving a fluctuating desensitization levels. The systemic absorption of nasal buserelin is estimated to be 5 % only. So it needs to be administered two to four times a day to maintain an effective drug concentration. The only advantage is that it is a convenient alternative to parenteral route of administration [4].

In most of the cases it is sufficient to prevent premature LH surge. Subcutaneous Injections (Daily Doses)

This can be given once a day. They are given preference because of more stable effect. After subcutaneous administration agonist is rapidly absorbed and blood concentrations remain elevated for several hours.

Buserelin, histerelin, leuprolide and triptorelin can be effectively used as subcutaneous daily administrations. Histerelin is used in treatment of central precocious puberty.

In controlled ovarian hyperstimalation subcutaneous daily preparations are started in luteal phase of previous cycle or follicular phase of stimulation cycle according to the protocol used (long, short or ultrashort protocol). Commonly used preparation for this is leuprolide. Intramuscular Depot Preparations

Depot preparations are useful where long-term pituitary desensitization is needed. So they are given preference for treatment of endometriosis, adenomyosis or fibroids.

Depot preparations are not first choice of treatment in ART because of long duration of action. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadal state may be sustained for 8 weeks after single depot in regularly cycling women.

It is used in ART practice in cases of frozen embryo transfer cycles, egg donation or embryo donation cycles for suppression of endogenous hormones.

Leuprolide and triptorelin are available as intramuscular depot preparations.

Goserelin acetate is available as 3.6 mg depot preparation for subcutaneous use.

Albuquerque LE found no evidence of a significant difference between depot and daily GnRHa use for pituitary down-regulation in IVF cycles using the long protocol, but substantial differences could not be ruled out [5]. Since depot GnRHa requires more gonadotropins and a longer duration of use, it may increase the overall costs of IVF treatment [5]. Hence, daily administration of GnRH agonist seems to be a more cost-effective option as compared to depot preparation.

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