42 Michael J. Seckl Department of Surgery and Cancer, Charing Cross Hospital, Campus of Imperial College London, London, UK Gestational trophoblast neoplasms (GTNs) arise from the cells of conception and form a range of related conditions, from the generally benign partial hydatidiform mole through to the aggressive malignancies of choriocarcinoma and rare placental site trophoblast tumour (PSTT) and epithelioid trophoblastic tumour (ETT) [1]. The combination of this unique biology, relative rarity and effective therapies makes GTNs an extremely interesting and important area of gynaecological and oncological care. Despite the rarity of these illnesses, patients with molar pregnancies requiring additional treatment after evacuation can expect successful treatment outcomes, with overall cure rates for GTNs approaching 100% [2]. For patients with choriocarcinoma and PSTT/ETT, using the treatments that have been established for over 25 years, the majority of patients can also be treated with a high expectation of cure with minimal long‐term toxicity [3,4]. Despite this major progress, developments in management of trophoblast disease are still required to help further reduce toxicity, eliminate remaining deaths and refine diagnostic tools. For over 40 years the UK has had centralized registration of all cases, and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone monitoring, pathology review and management has been essential in achieving the best outcomes for patients. This chapter is based on the experience from the UK’s and the world’s largest trophoblast tumour centre at Charing Cross Hospital in London. The World Health Organization classification of GTNs divides trophoblast tumours into premalignant partial and complete hydatidiform moles and the malignant diagnoses of invasive mole, choriocarcinoma and PSTT/ETT. More recently, we have recognized a new potential premalignant member of the gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) spectrum known as atypical placental site nodules [5]. The reported incidence of molar pregnancies in Europe and North America is on the order of 0.2–1.5 per 1000 live births [1] and a recent study from the UK has indicated an overall incidence of one molar pregnancy per 591 viable conceptions for the period 2000–2009 [6]. Overall, partial molar pregnancies are slightly more common than complete moles, with an approximate ratio of 60 : 40 in the UK series. Similar data have been reported from other European countries where whole‐population analyses are possible [7]. Whilst there are some modest variations in the incidence of molar pregnancies based on race and geography, there are two clearly documented risk factors for an increased risk of molar pregnancy: the extremes of maternal age and a previous molar pregnancy [8,9]. The relative risk for molar pregnancies is highest at the extremes of the reproductive age group. The results from the recent England and Wales analysis, summarized in Table 42.1, indicate that there is a modest increased risk for younger teenagers, a relatively level risk for women aged 16–45 and then increasing risks after the age of 45 and particularly for those over the age of 50. Of interest, the risk of partial molar pregnancy remains relatively unchanged across the age group, with most of the change in overall risk due to an increased incidence of complete molar pregnancies. In the 18–40 age group, complete moles make up about 40% of all molar pregnancies, but in the 45+ age group they account for over 90% of cases [6,8]. Interestingly, most of the risk for a second molar pregnancy resides in complete rather than partial moles and the risk of three consecutive molar pregnancies is almost exclusively for complete moles [9]. The latter should raise the possibility of a rare genetic variant known as familial recurrent hydatidiform mole (FRHM) syndrome (discussed in a subsequent section). Table 42.1 Risk of molar pregnancy compared with the number of viable conceptions at varying maternal ages in England and Wales. Source: adapted from Savage et al. [6]. The genetic origins of complete and partial molar pregnancies are demonstrated in Fig. 42.1. Partial moles are triploid with 69 chromosomes comprising two sets of paternal and one set of maternal chromosomes. Macroscopically and on ultrasound scanning during the first trimester, partial mole will often resemble normal products of conception. The embryo can appear viable on an early ultrasound scan but becomes non‐viable by week 10–12. The histology of partial mole shows less swelling of the chorionic villi than in a complete mole and there may be only focal changes. As a result the diagnosis of partial mole can often be missed after a miscarriage or evacuation, unless the products are sent for expert pathological review. Fig. 42.1 Genetic origin and structure of a normal conception, partial mole and complete molar pregnancy. The clinical presentation of partial mole is most frequently via a failed pregnancy rather than irregular bleeding or by detection on routine ultrasound. The obstetric management is by suction evacuation and histological review; all patients with partial mole should be followed up by registration and serial hCG measurement. Fortunately, partial mole rarely transforms into malignant disease, and there is an overall risk of 0.5–1% of patients requiring chemotherapy after a partial mole [10]. In complete moles the genetic material is totally male in origin (Fig. 42.1), resulting from the fertilization of an ‘empty’ anucleate oocyte lacking maternal DNA. The chromosome complement is most commonly 46XX, which results from one X chromosome‐carrying sperm that duplicates its DNA, or less frequently 46XY or 46XX from the presence of two separate sperm [1]. The clinical diagnosis of complete mole most often occurs as a result of first‐trimester bleeding or an abnormal ultrasound. There is no fetal material and the histology shows the characteristic oedematous villous stroma. The textbook ‘bunch of grapes’ appearance is only seen in the second trimester and as most cases are diagnosed earlier, this is now rarely observed in UK practice. The typical macroscopic appearances of a complete mole are shown in Fig. 42.2. Obstetric management is by suction evacuation followed by registration and serial hCG measurement. Complete molar pregnancies have an appreciable risk of proceeding to invasive disease, with approximately 15% of patients with complete mole requiring chemotherapy. Fig. 42.2 Macroscopic appearance of a complete molar pregnancy from early in the second trimester. Occasionally we see patients who have repetitive complete molar pregnancies and who have failed to conceive a normal baby. Patients who have had three consecutive complete moles should be genetically tested to determine whether they have FRHM syndrome where the DNA is biparental in origin rather than androgenetic [11]. Thus far, mutations in two genes have been associated with this autosomal recessive condition, NLRP7 [12] and KHD3CL [13], that account for about 75% and 5–10% of cases respectively, so additional gene(s) remain to be discovered [14]. Affected women have rarely been reported to achieve a normal pregnancy, with most just suffering repeated complete moles or pregnancy losses where no pathology is available. Unfortunately, the risk of subsequent malignancy requiring chemotherapy is the same for these patients as for those with androgenetic complete moles. Therefore recommending repeated rounds of attempted natural conception does not seem appropriate. As these genes are normally expressed in both the egg and the genital tract/uterus, the question then arises as to whether the recurrent moles are due to a defective egg or a problem with uterine implantation. To help resolve this, one affected patient agreed to try egg donation from an unaffected relative and this resulted in a normal pregnancy [15]; since then, several other women with FRHM have similarly had normal babies. The risk of having a twin pregnancy comprising a complete mole and healthy co‐twin is estimated to be 1–5 per 100 000 [16,17]. These pregnancies cause considerable anxiety for both the patient and managing clinicians as there is a perception that they are likely to be associated with an increased risk of serious and potentially life‐threatening complications for the mother, including haemorrhage, uterine perforation, pre‐eclampsia, toxaemia and malignant change in the mole requiring chemotherapy. In addition, it was thought that the possibility of carrying the healthy co‐twin to viability or term was remote. These concerns were underpinned by several small case series based on local hospital reports [17] and so suffered from case ascertainment bias. We examined this issue in a UK population‐based series of 77 women that was the largest of its kind and which was not subject to case ascertainment bias. To our surprise, we discovered that the risk of malignancy was not increased by allowing such pregnancies to continue, a fact that we subsequently substantiated in singleton molar pregnancies evacuated in the second and third rather than first trimester [18]. Moreover, nearly 40% of them resulted in a healthy take‐home baby with most of the rest undergoing spontaneous loss from presumed continued molar growth. Importantly, there was only a small increased risk in pre‐eclampsia that could be safely managed and no cases of uterine perforation or maternal death [17]. Since then a further 90 patients have been offered the choice of early termination versus continuing their pregnancies. This has confirmed our earlier findings, with no maternal losses and no increased risk of malignancy by allowing the pregnancy to continue. Moreover, the healthy take‐home baby rate has risen to just under 60% (unpublished observations). The mode of delivery has been a mixture of normal vaginal and caesarean section depending on local assessment of what was considered the safest option. Therefore, after appropriate counselling, it seems reasonable to allow women to continue such pregnancies but under close monitoring to ensure that potential complications are detected early and dealt with promptly. Following a normal pregnancy, placental remnants in the uterine wall usually spontaneously regress and disappear. Occasionally, they may persist and form placental site nodules. These may present with irregular bleeding that often results in dilation and curettage. The subsequent pathology reveals the placental site nodule material. This has always been regarded as a benign condition. However, recent data suggest that some placental site nodules may have atypical histopathological features and, if so, can in 10–15% of cases be associated with or subsequently develop into either a PSTT or ETT [5]. Consequently, patients found to have placental site nodules where there may be atypical features are now having their pathology reviewed centrally in the UK. If atypical placental site nodule is confirmed, then these patients are registered and seen centrally for monitoring. If the nodule is thought to be typical, then at present local MRI pelvis imaging is suggested and if this is normal no further monitoring is currently undertaken. However, as we learn more it is likely that the advice will change. Overall, 90% of patients with molar pregnancies will not need any additional treatment following their evacuation. In these patients the residual trophoblast tissue cells fail to proliferate and as the cells stop growing, hCG levels return to normal. At present there is no effective prognostic method that allows accurate distinction between the patients who will develop malignant disease after evacuation and the majority who will not [19]. As a result all patients with molar pregnancy should be registered for an hCG follow‐up system. The use of this approach allows the early identification of patients whose disease is continuing to proliferate, while also allowing careful observation of patients with more slowly falling hCG levels, so minimizing unnecessary chemotherapy. Patients taking part in an hCG surveillance programme usually have the need for additional treatment determined by the pattern of their hCG results. Thus, an hCG level that has plateaued or is rising following evacuation of a molar pregnancy is the commonest indication of malignant change requiring chemotherapy. Table 42.2 shows the Charing Cross Hospital recommended indications for treatment. The first four of these are also used by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) [2]. However, based on our recent work, the second indication has been dropped because nearly all women with a falling but elevated hCG 6 months after evacuation will normalize hCG levels spontaneously without chemotherapy [20]. The last three indications are UK‐specific reasons for commencing treatment. Typically, about 1–2% of patients start therapy because of excessive bleeding requiring transfusion even if hCG is falling because the treatment helps to settle the bleeding. An hCG concentration above 20 000 IU/L 4 weeks after uterine evacuation is associated with a high risk of developing malignant change that requires chemotherapy and with a small risk of uterine perforation and accounts for probably another 1–2% of patients who require chemotherapy in the UK. The presence of more than 2 cm lung and/or vaginal metastases as a sole indication for treatment has not been seen for over 25 years, likely because of improved early diagnosis within the first trimester and better surveillance. Those patients recovering from molar pregnancy enrolled in the surveillance service and who go on to require treatment have a cure rate approaching 100% [21], and over 95% will initially fall into the low‐risk treatment group. Table 42.2 The indications used at Charing Cross Hospital for initiating chemotherapy treatment in patients with gestational trophoblast tumours. hCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin. Invasive mole nearly always arises from a complete mole and is characterized by invasion of malignant cells into the myometrium, which can lead to perforation of the uterus. Microscopically, invasive mole has a similar histological appearance to complete mole but is characterized by the ability to invade into the myometrium and local structures if untreated. Fortunately, the incidence of invasive mole in the UK has fallen substantially with the introduction of routine ultrasonography, the early evacuation of complete moles and effective hCG surveillance, and is now rare. Choriocarcinoma is histologically and clinically overtly malignant and presents the most frequent emergency medical problems in the management of trophoblast disease. The diagnosis often follows a complete mole, when the patients are usually in a surveillance programme, but can also arise after any other type of pregnancy including a partial mole, a non‐molar abortion, miscarriage, ectopic or term pregnancy. The clinical presentation of choriocarcinoma can be due to local disease in the uterus leading to bleeding in two‐thirds of cases, or from distant metastases that can cause a wide variety of symptoms, with the lungs, central nervous system (CNS) and liver the most frequent sites of distant disease. About one‐third of patients will have no obvious residual abnormality within the uterus [1]. The cases of choriocarcinoma presenting with symptoms from distant metastases can be diagnostically challenging [22]. However, the combination of the gynaecological history and elevated serum hCG usually makes the diagnosis clear and so avoids biopsy, which can be hazardous due to the risk of severe haemorrhage, as demonstrated following a liver biopsy (Fig. 42.3). On the occasions when choriocarcinoma pathology is available, the characteristic findings show the structure of the villous trophoblast but sheets of syncytiotrophoblast or cytotrophoblast cells, haemorrhage, necrosis and intravascular growth are common [1]. The genetic profile of choriocarcinoma can reflect its origin from a complete or partial mole [10] or a normal diploid conception combined with a range of gross abnormalities without any specific characteristic patterns [23]. Some cases will prove to be non‐gestational choriocarcinomas that pathologically are identical to gestational choriocarcinomas but are in fact germ cell or epthelial tumours that have trophoblastic differentiation and genetically originate from the patient. These tumours may initially respond well to combination agent chemotherapy used to treat gestational trophoblastic tumours but then revert to their true phenotype, and if epithelial in origin do badly [3]. Fig 42.3 CT scan of the abdomen in a patient with choriocarcinoma demonstrating multiple liver metastases and a large subcapsular haematoma secondary to a core biopsy. PSTT was originally described in 1976 [6] and is the rarest form of GTD, accounting for 0.2% of all registered cases of GTD in the UK [4]. ETT is an even rarer variant first described in 1998 [24] and although it is thought to behave in a similar fashion to PSTT, in reality we are still learning about the similarities and differences of these two entities [2]. PSTT/ETT most commonly follows a normal pregnancy but can also occur after a non‐molar abortion or a molar pregnancy. In contrast to the more common types of trophoblast disease, which characteristically present fairly soon after the index pregnancy, in PSTT the average interval between the prior pregnancy and presentation is 3.4 years. The most frequent presentations are amenorrhoea or abnormal bleeding. In nearly all cases the serum hCG level is elevated, but is characteristically lower for the volume of disease than in the other GTNs. The tumour can arise after any type of pregnancy including complete and partial moles [25] and is believed to be derived from the non‐villous trophoblast. The pathology is characterized by intermediate trophoblastic cells with vacuolated cytoplasm, the expression of placental alkaline phosphatase and hCG, and the absence of cytotrophoblast and villi. ETT develops from the chorionic‐type intermediate trophoblast present in other parts of the placenta such as the chorionic plate and fetal membranes. Pathologically, ETT is distinguished from PSTT by its smaller cells, its smaller, more monomorphic cells and by its nested, nodular, well‐circumscribed growth pattern unlike the sheet‐like infiltrative pattern seen with PSTT [26]. In addition, clinically, ETT tends to secrete even less hCG than PSTT. The clinical presentation of PSTT/ETT can range from slow‐growing disease limited to the uterus to metastatic disease, with lung and liver the most common sites of distant spread [7]. Spread to lymphatics is a bit more common in PSTT/ETT compared with choriocarcinoma where it is exceptionally rare [4]. Produced predominantly by syncytiotrophoblast cells, hCG is a glycosylated heterodimer protein consisting of α and β units held together by non‐covalent bonds. In malignant disease a number of hCG variants can occur, including hyperglycosylated hCG, nicked hCG, hCG missing the β subunit C‐terminal peptide and the free β subunit [1]. With the potential exception of a few atypical cases of PSTT/ETT, hCG is constitutively expressed by all forms of premalignant and malignant GTD. The measurement of hCG allows estimation of tumour bulk, forms an important part of the assessment of the patient’s disease risk and provides a simple method to follow the response to treatment. The hCG level can be measured by a variety of immunoassays but at present there is no internationally standardized assay and the various commercially available kits used in different hospitals can vary in their ability to detect different forms of partially degraded hCG molecules and so can give divergent results and occasional false negatives [27]. It is also important to be aware that patients with exceptionally high hCG levels may produce a false‐negative result through the high‐dose ‘hook’ effect. Moreover, any assay might produce a false‐positive hCG value. Consequently, if the clinical situation does not correspond with an elevated hCG value, then another hCG assay should be employed and/or the hCG should be checked in the urine. This is because heterophilic antibodies, which are the commonest cause of false‐positive hCG values by occasionally allowing two independent assays to report positively, are too large (unlike hCG) to pass into the urine [1]. In the UK we are very fortunate to have an hCG assay that detects all forms of hCG produced in cancer and because of the way it is configured is highly unlikely to suffer false‐positive results. In the absence of tumour hCG production, the serum half‐life of hCG is 24–36 hours; however, for patients receiving chemotherapy, total hCG levels characteristically show slower rates of fall as the tumour cells continue to produce some hCG as their number decreases with treatment. Data from the early days of successful chemotherapy treatment for trophoblast disease show clearly that there is a relationship between the level of elevation of hCG at presentation, the presence of distant metastases and the reducing chances of cure with single‐agent chemotherapy. This relationship and the impact on treatment choice and cure rate were first codified by the Bagshawe scoring system published in 1976 [28]. Subsequently, there have been a number of revisions and parallel systems introduced that are broadly similar to this original. Table 42.3 shows the revised 2000 FIGO prognostic score. From assessment of these parameters, an estimate of the risk category can be obtained and patients offered initial treatment either with single‐agent chemotherapy if their score is 6 or less or multiagent combination chemotherapy for scores of 7 and over [29]. Table 42.3 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) prognostic scoring system employed for assessing the intensity of the initial chemotherapy treatment. * Scoring is done using data obtained within 24 hours prior to starting chemotherapy. In the UK, over 90% women with molar pregnancies who require additional treatment following their initial evacuation fall into the low‐risk treatment category as defined by the FIGO prognostic scoring system. The role of repeated uterine evacuation in the management of these patients has been a subject of uncertainty until recently. A number of studies looking at the impact of repeated evacuation in women with rising or static hCG levels following their first evacuation have suggested that a repeated procedure is rarely curative [30,31]. Based on these data, the current recommendation is that a repeated evacuation should only be considered if the hCG level is under 5000 IU/L and tissue is seen in the uterine cavity on ultrasound. For patients meeting the FIGO standard for low‐risk treatment, the most widely used protocol is methotrexate given intramuscularly with oral folinic acid rescue following the schedule shown in Table 42.4. The first course of treatment should be administered in hospital with the subsequent courses administered at home. This is because they have a higher risk of bleeding as therapy starts, particularly if the tumour shrinks rapidly with the initial chemotherapy. Bleeding usually responds well to strict bed rest and less than 1% of low‐risk patients require emergency interventions such as embolization, vaginal packing or hysterectomy. Table 42.4 The low‐risk methotrexate and folinic acid chemotherapy treatment schedule. The low‐risk chemotherapy treatment is usually well tolerated without much major toxicity. Methotrexate does not cause alopecia or significant nausea and myelosuppression is extremely rare. Of the side effects that do occur, the most frequent problems, occurring in about 2–3% of cases, are mucositis, a gritty feeling in the eyes and, more rarely, pleuritic chest or abdominal pains from serositis. Mild elevation of liver function tests can occur but rarely prevents ongoing therapy. For low‐risk patients with lung metastases visible on their chest radiographs, the policy at Charing Cross Hospital is to perform MRI of the head and if normal to add CNS prophylaxis with intrathecal methotrexate administration to minimize the risk of development of CNS disease. A maximum of three doses of intrathecal methotrexate is given unless the cerebrospinal fluid to serum hCG ratio exceeds 1 : 60 [1]. Treatment is continued until normalization of the serum hCG level (0–4 IU/L) and then a further three cycles (6 weeks) to ensure eradication of any residual disease that is below the level of serological detection. In the Netherlands, the policy had been to only give two cycles of consolidation therapy after normalization of the hCG and their relapse rate was double that of the UK so the Dutch have recently modified their policy to emulate the UK [32]. A typical example of the treatment graph for a patient successfully completing methotrexate chemotherapy is shown in Fig. 42.4. Fig. 42.4 Treatment and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) graph of a low‐risk patient with a gestational trophoblast tumour, successfully treated with methotrexate (MTX) and folinic acid (FA) chemotherapy. An overview of the data for the 1990s indicates that 67% of patients in the low‐risk group will only require treatment with the methotrexate protocol to successfully complete their therapy. Patients who have an inadequate response to methotrexate therapy, as shown by an hCG plateau or rise, have their treatment changed to second‐line therapy. This comprises single‐agent actinomycin D (1.25 mg/m2 i.v. repeated every 2 weeks) which, like methotrexate, is relatively less toxic than the alternative etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide and vincristine (EMA/CO) combination chemotherapy (Table 42.5). To minimize the number of patients proceeding to EMA/CO we have increased the hCG cut‐off at the point of methotrexate resistance from 100 to 300 IU/L, and since this resulted in equally good results [21,33] we are now testing an hCG cut‐off of 1000 IU/L.This means that only patients with an hCG above 1000 IU/L at the point of methotrexate resistance proceed to EMA/CO whilst the rest receive a trial of single‐agent actinomycin D. Table 42.5 EMA/CO chemotherapy. An individual example of the pattern of hCG levels during the course of management is shown in Fig. 42.5. This demonstrates the rise in hCG that led to the introduction of methotrexate chemotherapy; following this, the hCG initially falls but after two cycles appears to plateau. The introduction of second‐line treatment with EMA/CO chemotherapy leads to a rapid fall in hCG to normal and the completion of chemotherapy after 6 weeks of further treatment. Overall the survival in this group is currently running at 100% and the sequential introduction of additional chemotherapy as necessary minimizes the potential long‐term carcinogenic risks of excess treatment. Fig. 42.5 Treatment and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) graph of a low‐risk patient with a gestational trophoblast tumour, initially treated with methotrexate (MTX) and folinic acid (FA) chemotherapy, changing to EMA‐CO treatment in response to an hCG plateau. Historical data from treatment prior to the introduction of multiagent chemotherapy demonstrated that less than one‐third of high‐risk patients would be cured with single‐agent therapy [34]. The introduction of combination chemotherapy treatments in the 1970s transformed this situation, and modern data indicate a cure rate for high‐risk patients of 85–94% using EMA/CO chemotherapy []. This combination delivers a dose‐intense treatment with the five chemotherapy agents, delivered in two groups 1 week apart as shown in Table 42.5. Delivering therapy on a weekly as opposed to 3–4 weekly basis appears to be the most effective approach to this rapidly proliferating malignancy. EMA‐CO is myelosuppressive and most patients require granulocyte colony‐stimulating factor support each week to maintain treatment intensity and to minimize the risk of neutropenic sepsis. Nausea and vomiting are now rarely a problem with modern antiemetics that include the 5HT3 receptor antagonists such as ondansetron combined with domperidone. The addition of dexamethesone is rarely required and we prefer to avoid this given the rare but unpleasant problem of avascular necrosis of the femoral and humeral heads requiring joint replacements in young patients. Increasing lethargy with progressive cycles of EMA/CO is common and some patients develop peripheral neuropathy that can be aided by stopping the vincristine. Overall, the regimen is well tolerated compared with many other multiagent therapies and serious or life‐threatening toxicity is very rare. As in the low‐risk situation, treatment is continued for 6 weeks after the normalization of hCG. Moreover, the second day of the EMA comprising etoposide and actinomycin D can be dropped once the hCG is normal. An example of a high‐risk patient treated in this case with the high‐risk chemotherapy regimen is shown in Fig. 42.6, which demonstrates the resolution of extensive lung metastases and normalization of hCG levels in response to treatment. Fig. 42.6 Pre‐treatment chest CT scan (a), treatment graph (b) and post‐treatment CT scan (c) in a 29‐year‐old woman presenting with respiratory failure secondary to choriocarcinoma 2 months after the birth of a healthy child. Ultra‐high‐risk disease is a new term to try to define those high‐risk patients at greatest risk of death. Analysis of the causes of death in patients with high‐risk disease revealed that this occurred either early or late. The early deaths took place within 4 weeks of admission due to organ failure associated with one or more of the following: fatal haemorrhage, metabolic upset from tumour lysis and very adavanced disease. The late deaths were from multiresistant disease. In addition, some deaths were due to cancers that were in fact non‐gestational epithelial malignancies histopathologically mimicking gestational choriocarcinomas. Factors associated with early or late deaths included a FIGO score above 12, very advanced lung disease, liver with or without brain metastases, and an interval from the last‐known and presumed causative pregnancy greater than 2.8 years [3]. To reduce early deaths, we developed a gentle induction chemotherapy comprising low‐dose etoposide 100 mg/m2 and cisplatin 20 mg/m2 (EP) given intravenously on days 1 and 2 and repeated weekly for up to 3 weeks until the patient is well enough to tolerate standard‐dose therapy. This has almost completely eliminated early deaths from patients with advanced GTN [3]. Those patients with liver metastases or liver and brain metastases have a particularly poor long‐term survival and so they should be considered for more prolonged platinum‐containing therapy. In the UK these patients now all receive etoposide and cisplatin alternating with 1 day of EMA [38]. Moreover, for patients with brain metastases, the methotrexate dose is increased to 1 g/m2 in the EMA and intrathecal methotrexate is given with the EP to ensure adequate CNS penetration. We also extend the duration of consolidation therapy in ultra‐high‐risk patients to 8 weeks. Further details of how to manage such complex patients is beyond the scope of this chapter but can be found elsewhere [38–40]. Of the high‐risk patients treated with EMA/CO, approximately 18–20% develop resistance to this combination and require a change to second‐line drug treatment. In this situation, the EP/EMA [41] or TE/TP [42] regimens may be used, which incorporate cisplatin and additional etoposide into the combination along with paclitaxel in the TE/TP regimen. These treatments, combined with surgery, both appear to salvage about 80% of patients failing EMA/CO. Since TE/TP seems much better tolerated and is given every 2 weeks rather than the weekly EP/EMA, TE/TP is now frequently the preferred option for EMA/CO failures [2]. Patients relapsing after EP/EMA and/or TE/TP can still be salvaged by surgery and/or further chemotherapy. Several other agents have activity in these tumours including gemcitabine, pemetrexed and capecitabine either alone or in combinations with other drugs. In addition, high‐dose chemotherapy with peripheral stem cell support may help to salvage some patients [2]. Recent work presented at international meetings has suggested that some antibodies that target surface molecules on either the trophoblastic tumour cells or surrounding immune cells may also salvage some patients who have failed all other therapies. Consequently, there is considerable optimism that the remaining 5% of deaths from highrisk disease will be eliminated in the near future. PSTT/ETT, unlike choriocarcinoma, tend to be much more slow‐growing, remain confined to the uterus for longer, have a greater liklihood of lymphatic spread, produce less hCG, and tend to be less chemosensitive. However, like choriocarcinoma, they can metastasize widely. The FIGO scoring system is not an effective way to determine management. Instead analysis of the UK experience has shown that the key independent prognostic factor is the interval from the last‐known or causative pregnancy. Patients presenting beyond 4 years do exceptionally badly whereas those presenting within 4 years have a 98% long‐term survival regardless of stage [4]. A more recent and as yet unpublished update suggests that stage is also an independent prognostic factor. Therapy is therefore stage and interval adapted. For patients with stage I disease within 4 years of the causative pregnancy, a simple hysterectomy with lymph node sampling and sparing of the ovaries but without adjuvant chemotherapy is all that is needed. However, those with stage I diease presenting more than 4 years from the causative pregnancy should be considered for adjuvant chemotherapy with or without high‐dose chemotherapy given the comparative reduced sensitivity to standard‐dose chemotherapy. Women who present with metastatic disease within 4 years are currently treated with EP/EMA chemotherapy until their hCG level is normal for 8 weeks and then offered surgery to remove all residual disease sites. If there is still active disease then high‐dose therapy is considered. The latter is now included for all metastatic patients presenting beyond 4 years, along with other novel therapies. Some young patients presenting with PSTT/ETT within 4 years of the presumed causative pregnncy are understandably keen to preserve their fertility and wish to avoid hysterectomy. Several experimental approaches are being examined including focal resection of uterine disease using a modified Strassman procedure, followed by either nothing or adjuvant chemotherapy. Alternatively, neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been tried followed by observation or focal resection if a residual uterine lesion is seen. The problem with these approaches resides in persisting diffuse microscopic disease causing subsequent relapse with the potential to place patients in a poor prognostic group [43]. These approaches therefore remain experimental. To gain more insight into PSTT/ETT the International Society for the Study of Trophoblastic Diseases has established a database for these cases which is run by Sheffield and Charing Cross in the UK (http://stdc.group.shef.ac.uk/psttuhr/index.html). For the majority of patients with trophoblast disease who achieve a serological remission the outlook is very bright in terms of the very low risks of relapse, the high possibility of further successful pregnancies and only modest long‐term health risks from the chemotherapy exposure. Once the hCG level has fallen to normal, the risk of relapse is less than 4% for patients starting in the low‐risk category and 8% for patients in the high‐risk EMA/CO category [44]. Generally, recurrences occur within the first 12 months after treatment. Importantly, fertility is not clearly affected by single‐agent therapy with methotrexate and apart from hastening the menapause by 3 years [45], EMA/CO appears to also have no impact on the chances of a successful pregnancy, which for both methotrexate alone or EMA/CO is 83% [46]. Despite this good news, some patients attending for fertility testing have been very worried by reports of low to undetectable anti‐Müllerian hormone levels. Fortunately, all these women were menstruating normally, subsequently conceived and have had babies [47]. Further pregnancy should be deferred for 12 months after treatment to avoid any teratogenic effects on developing oocytes and to minimize possible confusion from the rising hCG levels between a new pregnancy and disease relapse. Despite this advice 500 of our treated patients have conceived in the first year of follow‐up. Interestingly, the risk of relapse appeared to be lower, there were no abnormal babies and only the expected rate of miscarriages/pregnancy losses and second molar pregnancies. Only one patient suffered severe difficulty with lung metastases but fortunately both the patient and her baby were saved [48,49]. Therefore, for women who are worried about their declining fertility, it seems reasonable to let them make their own informed choice about earlier attempts to conceive. Many patients after experiencing one molar pregnancy, and particularly those who require chemotherapy, are anxious about the problem occurring again in any subsequent pregnancy. While the data suggest that the risk of a further molar pregnancy is about 10‐fold higher than in the normal population, this only equates to an approximate 1 in 100 risk [8,9]. This risk appears to be independent of chemotherapy exposure, being similar for those patients who required chemotherapy and those where the molar pregnancy was cured by evacuation alone. Although our prior analysis with 15 000 patient‐years of follow‐up suggested a slightly increased risk of second cancers in patients treated with combination chemotherapies [50], more recent data with over 30 000 patient‐years of follow‐up has revealed a different story [51]. These data show that EMA/CO if kept under 6 months in total duration carries no overall increased risk of triggering a second cancer in later life [51]. This is very important information to share with our patients. Of course, those that rarely need high‐dose chemotherapy may not be in the same position and it is also true that high‐dose chemotherapy will almost certainly destroy fertility. Fortunately, though, very few of our patients end up needing this. Despite the high cure rate and relatively low long‐term toxicity from chemotherapy treatment, it is unsurprising that the diagnosis of a gestational tumour and particularly treatment with chemotherapy can result in a number of psychological sequelae. The main areas that can lead to stress in the short term include the loss of the pregnancy, the impact of the ‘cancer’ diagnosis, the treatment process and the delay of future pregnancy. During chemotherapy treatment issues regarding potential side effects, emotional problems and fertility concerns are frequent and patients will benefit from the support of an experienced counsellor. A number of studies have shown that these concerns can remain for many years, with feelings regarding the wish for more children, a lack of control of fertility and an ongoing mourning for the lost pregnancy still frequently reported 5–10 years after successful treatment [52,53]. A number of surveys have demonstrated the wish of many patients to have more support throughout their diagnosis and treatment through counselling and other forms of support. With the rarity of the diagnosis, providing expert counselling close to home is likely to be challenging, but support in the form of the patients internet forum (https://mymolarpregnancy.com/) has proved extremely useful to many patients in the UK and elsewhere. Over 90% of molar pregnancies will be cured with the first evacuation, the cases that require chemotherapy are generally cured with very low toxicity treatment, and the overall cure rate is approximately 100%. Patients presenting with high‐risk disease can now expect to be cured in nearly 95% of cases and the development of new therapies provides promise that the remaining 5% of deaths will be eliminated in the not too distant future. PSTT/ETT, the rarest forms of GTN when presenting with advanced disease or beyond 4 years from the presumed causative pregnancy, still cause significant problems and major advances are required to improve cure rates. In the UK there is a well‐established centralized surveillance and treatment service that links all the obstetric and gynaecology teams with an effective registration, follow‐up and expert treatment service. There is 24‐hour emergency advice and treatment available in both major centres and they are always willing to give advice on any UK and overseas patient. The establishment of similar centralized care elsewhere in the world is to be encouraged to help improve outcomes for women with GTD globally.
Gestational Trophoblast Neoplasia
Classification, demographics and risk factors
Per cent partial moles of viable conceptions
Per cent complete moles of viable conceptions
Overall risk of molar pregnancy
1 in 250
1 in 370
1 in 400
1 in 909
1 in 666
1 in 625
1 in 625
1 in 370
1 in 96
1 in 6
Premalignant pathology and presentation
Partial mole
Complete mole
Familial recurrent hydatidiform mole syndrome
Twin pregnancies
Atypical placental site nodules
Registration and surveillance
Rising hCG in two or plateaued in three consecutive serum samples
Raised hCG level 6 months after evacuation (even if falling)
Histological evidence of choriocarcinoma
Metastases to the brain, liver, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, kidneys or other solid organs
hCG >20 000 IU/L more than 4 weeks after evacuation
Heavy vaginal bleeding or gastrointestinal/intraperitoneal bleeding
Lung or vaginal metastases >2 cm
Malignant pathology and presentation
Invasive mole (chorioadenoma destruens)
Placental site trophoblast tumour and epithelioid trophoblastic tumour
Role of hCG in trophoblast disease diagnosis and management
Prognostic factors and treatment groups
Age (years)
Antecedent pregnancy
Months from index pregnancy
Pretreatment hCG (IU/L)
1000–10 000
1000–100 000
>100 000
Largest tumour size
<3 cm
3–5 cm
≥5 cm
Site of metastases
Spleen, kidney
Brain, liver
Number of metastases
Previous chemotherapy
Single agent
Two or more drugs
Low‐risk disease management
Day 1
Methotrexate 50 mg i.m. at noon
Day 2
Folinic acid 15 mg p.o. at 6 p.m.
Day 3
Methotrexate 50 mg i.m. at noon
Day 4
Folinic acid 15 mg p.o. at 6 p.m.
Day 5
Methotrexate 50 mg i.m. at noon
Day 6
Folinic acid 15 mg p.o. at 6 p.m.
Day 7
Methotrexate 50 mg i.m. at noon
Day 8
Folinic acid 15 mg p.o. at 6 p.m.
Week 1
Day 1
Actinomycin D 0.5 mg i.v.
Etoposide 100 mg/m2 i.v.
Methotrexate 300 mg/m2 i.v.
Day 2
Actinomycin D 0.5 mg i.v.
Etoposide 100 mg/m2 i.v.
Folinic acid 15 mg p.o. 12‐hourly × 4 doses
Starting 24 hours after commencing methotrexate
Week 2
Day 8
Vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 (maximum 2 mg)
Cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2
High‐risk disease management
Ultra‐high‐risk disease
Salvage of EMA/CO failures
Management of PSTT/ETT
Risk of relapse and late treatment complications
Subsequent fertility
Long‐term toxicities
Personal and psychological issues

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