Genitourinary Disorders

34 Genitourinary Disorders

The genitourinary system is responsible for maintaining an optimal environment for metabolism, including regulation of water and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphate, and magnesium); excretion of waste products (urea, creatinine, poisons, and drugs); acid-base regulation; and hormonal secretion (vitamin D, renin, erythropoietin, and prostaglandins). The male system has both reproductive and excretory functions. Genitourinary problems in children and adolescents range from commonly occurring, easily treated diseases to significant congenital or acquired conditions. Pediatric primary care providers play a significant role in working with children, adolescents, and families to identify problems, manage disorders, maintain optimal function, and provide education and support related to genitourinary function. First-line assessment and management, provision of continuity of care, and referral to and collaboration with pediatric urologists and nephrologists are important components of patient management.

Discussion of related functional health problems—enuresis and dysfunctional voiding—is included in Chapter 12.

image Anatomy and Physiology

The renal system is composed of two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. The kidneys are positioned posteriorly on the abdominal wall. The main features of the kidney are the cortex, the medulla, and the collecting system. The renal medulla and nephrons are present at birth, but the peripheral tubules are small and immature. By adolescence, the kidneys are of adult size and weight. The ureters are muscular tubes that convey urine from the kidneys to the bladder by peristaltic contractions. The bladder is a muscular reservoir to collect the urine. It lies close to the anterior abdominal wall in early childhood. With growth it descends into the pelvis and changes shape from cylindrical to pyramidal. As the bladder nears its capacity, nerve signals are transmitted to the brain to indicate that urination is required. When urination occurs, the sphincter between the bladder and urethra opens and contractions of the bladder create pressure to force urine out the urethral meatus. The male urethra is significantly longer than the female’s as it leaves the bladder in the lower pelvis, passes through the prostate with openings for the release of bulbourethral gland fluids and semen with sexual activity, and extends the full length of the penile shaft. The urethral meatus is normally located on the tip of the glans in the male. In the female, the urethra descends from the bladder and exits the body inside the labia minora, midline, just posterior to the clitoris.

Physiologically the kidneys serve to filter, clear, reabsorb, and secrete substances essential to the body’s metabolism. The urinary system begins forming and excreting urine at 3 months of gestational age. Glomerular filtration and renal blood flow begin to increase at birth and become stable by 1 to 2 years of age. In infants, total extracellular fluid volume is significantly greater than that of adults, and fluid composition tends to have a lower bicarbonate concentration. Normal urine excretion is 1.5 to 3 mL/kg/hr. The kidneys are still maturing throughout infancy, although all measurable variables of kidney function approach adult values between 6 and 12 months of life.

image Assessment of the Genitourinary System

Diagnostic Studies

Diagnostic studies are ordered as indicated. The proper collection, transport, and storage of urine are essential to obtain accurate results. Most tests on urine, unless otherwise indicated, are best done on a first morning void. A second morning void, collected before the ingestion of large amounts of fluid, is recommended for microscopic examination. This second void collects fresh urine and increases the likelihood of seeing cellular casts, which can dissolve within 10 to 30 minutes. Urine should be evaluated within 30 minutes and, if stored, kept below 39.2° F (4° C), but not overnight unless in a special preservative (e.g., boric acid).

The following should be noted on urinalysis (UA):

Physical characteristics. Color, clarity, odor, specific gravity, and osmolality are noted.

Chemical characteristics. Urine dipsticks are available, are among the waived tests by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA), and are widely used to determine pH, specific gravity, glucose, ketones, protein, bile pigments, hemoglobin, nitrites, and leukocyte esterase. For correct results, strips must remain in their original containers and not be exposed to moisture, light, cold, or heat until used. Urine must be fresh, warmed to room temperature if refrigerated, and read at correct time intervals for each test strip (Table 34-1).

Microscopic examination of urine. Urine can be spun by centrifuge and the sediment examined, or it can be examined without being spun. When evaluating results, consideration must be given to which method of collection was used. Urine should be examined under the microscope for red blood cells (RBCs), WBCs, bacteria, casts, and crystals. Microscopic examination of a fresh specimen is essential if blood or protein is found on the dipstick or urinary tract symptoms are present.

Depending on the results of the UA and/or clinical symptoms, other tests may be indicated, including:

Gram stain. A Gram stain of the urine can be helpful in identifying organisms when examining urine under the microscope. Greater than 10 WBCs/hpf and bacteria on the Gram stain are highly predictive of a UTI, and a urine culture should be performed (Quigley, 2009).

Urine culture and sensitivities. Culture remains the gold standard for diagnosing and treating UTIs. Urine culture can be done by standard culture methods or with a dipslide incubated overnight at room temperature. Urine should be cultured immediately but may be refrigerated for up to 24 hours before plating. Urine specimens unrefrigerated for 2 hours or more are subject to bacterial overgrowth, change in pH, and dissolution of RBC and WBC casts. Bacterial identification and sensitivities need only be performed in complicated or nonresponsive cases.

Urethral swabs. Either urethral swabs (insertion of the specified sterile swab 1 to 2 cm into the urethral opening with a slow gentle twisting action on removal) or vaginal swabs are accurate methods of culture acquisition for diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis and are the only diagnostic methods available in some areas of practice. The culture media are specific for each of those organisms. This method of specimen collection for culture, however, is being replaced with screening tests using a urine nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) to detect these organisms (AAP, 2009). If the urine test for these organisms is available, the specimen should only be between 10 and 20 mL of the first-catch urine with no cleansing of the perineum or penis. See Chapter 35 for more information.

A 24-hour urine collection. Collecting a 24-hour sample of urine is done to determine calcium excretion, the calcium-creatinine ratio, and quantification of protein.

Blood work

Ultrasonography of the renal system provides noninvasive structural information.

Voiding urosonography (VUS) using a second-generation contrast agent is a safe, sensitive, and radiation-free method for detecting and grading vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and has been shown to be superior to voiding cystourethrogram (Kis et al, 2010).

Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scanning is the most sensitive tool for detecting acute pyelonephritis and renal scarring and should be considered in a young child with febrile UTI (Feld and Mattoo, 2010; Lee et al, 2009). Combined with renal ultrasound scanning, DMSA scanning has high sensitivity for detecting VUR. However, alone the DMSA provides limited information regarding VUR (Fouzas et al, 2010).

Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). There is controversy related to the indications for VCUG in children with UTI. According to Lee and colleagues (2009), a VCUG is only indicated if there is an abnormal DMSA scan and voiding urosonography or there is recurrent infection. However, Fouzas and colleagues (2010) suggest that DMSA scanning has limited ability to identify VUR and should not replace VCUG. Feld and Mattoo (2010) suggest that VCUG is the gold standard for diagnosing VUR and should be done as soon as the urine is sterile.

image Genitourinary Tract Disorders

Urinary Tract Infection and Pyelonephritis


There are three kinds of UTI in children: asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Young children may have limited or unusual symptoms; therefore, a high degree of suspicion must be maintained to diagnose UTI. Inflammation and infection can occur at any point in the urinary tract, so a UTI must be identified according to location. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is bacteria in the urine without other symptoms and is benign and does not cause renal injury. Cystitis is an infection of the bladder that produces lower tract symptoms but does not cause fever or renal injury (Elder, 2007d). Pyelonephritis is the most severe type of UTI involving the renal parenchyma or kidneys and must be readily identified and treated because of the potential irreversible renal damage that can occur. Clinical signs thought to be consistent with pyelonephritis include fever, irritability, and vomiting in an infant and urinary symptoms associated with fever, bacteriuria, vomiting, and renal tenderness. It is the most common cause of serious bacterial infection in infants younger than 24 months of age with fever without a focus (Elder, 2007d). A complicated UTI is defined as a UTI with fever, toxicity, and dehydration or a UTI occurring in a child younger than 3 to 6 months of age. The UTI may be classified based on its association with other structural or functional abnormality, such as VUR, obstruction, dysfunctional voiding, or pregnancy. Additionally, a UTI must be identified as a first occurrence, recurrent (within 2 weeks with the same organism or any reinfection with a different organism), or chronic (ongoing, unresolved, often caused by a structural abnormality or resistant organism). Finally, age and gender of the pediatric patient are important factors in determining the method of evaluation and the course of treatment.


The organism most commonly associated with UTI is Escherichia coli (70%), although other organisms, such as Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, and Proteus can be found. UTI secondary to group B streptococcus is more common in neonates. Several factors are believed to contribute to the etiology of UTIs. Most UTIs are thought to be ascending (i.e., the infection begins with colonization of the urethral area and ascends the urinary tract). If the infection progresses to the kidney, intrarenal reflux deep into the kidneys can lead to scarring. However, the most important risk factor for the development of pyelonephritis in children is VUR, which can be detected in 10% to 45% of young children who have symptomatic UTIs. Furthermore, reflux of infected urine from the bladder increases the risk of pyelonephritis. This damage to the kidney occurs in the composite papillae, which have wide and gaping openings allowing intrarenal reflux. The composite papillae are located in the upper and lower poles of the kidney, which is the usual site of scarring. Simple papillae have angled, slitlike openings that resist intrarenal reflux (Fig. 34-5).

Host resistance factors and bacterial virulence factors are also important in the etiology of UTIs. Host resistance factors include the presence of a structural abnormality or dysplasia (such as VUR, obstruction, or any other anatomic defect) or the presence of functional abnormalities (such as dysfunctional voiding or constipation). Other factors affecting resistance include female gender (having a short urethra), poor hygiene, irritation, sexual activity or sexual abuse, and pinworms.

Several bacterial factors are known, but the two most important ones are adherence and virulence of the bacteria. Bacteria that have fimbriae or pili are able to anchor or adhere to the surface of the bladder mucosa. This adherence allows the bacteria to resist the bladder’s defensive cleansing flow of urine and causes tissue inflammation and cell damage. Adherence may also play a role in bacteria ascending the urinary tract. Virulence refers to the toxicity of substances released by bacteria. The greater the virulence, the greater the damage to the urinary tract. Both of these factors enhance colonization of the urinary tract and aid in the persistence and effect of the bacteria.

The risk of UTI in infants 2-24 months of age is about 5%. The incidence in females is more than twice that of males (2.27%); uncircumsized boys have a rate 4 to 20 times greater than circumsized boys (AAP, 2011). There is a greater frequency in premature and low-birthweight infants. Females older than 12 months of age have 2.1% prevalence; after the first year of life, it is also more common to find a UTI in females than in males with an overall incidence of 3% to 5% in girls and 1% in boys (Elder, 2007d). Ten percent of girls and 3% of boys will have a UTI by 16 years of age (Hutchings and Jadresic, 2010). The incidence of UTI is often increased in adolescent girls as they become sexually active. Recurrence is common, often within the first year after the initial infection.

Clinical Findings

Diagnostic Studies

The method used to collect urine has an effect on the interpretation of results. It is acceptable to collect urine for urinalysis only from a non–toilet-trained child by using a sterile, adhesive bag carefully place over well cleaned genitals. If the bagged urine results in a positive leukocyte esterase or nitrite test, a child younger than 24 months of age has risk factors, or the patient is symptomatic additional urine should be collected by sterile catheterization or suprapubic aspiration. The National Collaborating Center for Women’s and Children’s Health (2007) recommends that prior to suprapubic tap an ultrasound should be used to confirm urine in the bladder. Older children, who can void on command, should be able to obtain a clean-catch void. Having the female child sit backward on the toilet separates the labia and decreases contamination. See the diagnostic studies section earlier in this chapter for other pertinent information.

UA should be used only to raise or lower suspicion. Suspicious findings include foul odor, cloudiness, nitrites, leukocytes, alkaline pH, proteinuria, hematuria, pyuria, and bacteriuria.

Microscopic evaluation of uncentrifuged urine is helpful if bacteria are seen.

Urine culture by standard culture methods or by dipslide is essential to confirm the diagnosis. See Table 34-3 for evaluation of culture results.

Gram stain is helpful if bacteria are identified.

Bacterial identification and determination of sensitivities are necessary in patients who appear toxic or could have pyelonephritis, have relapses or recurrent UTI, or are nonresponsive to medication.

Complete blood count (CBC) (elevated WBC count), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), BUN, and creatinine should be done if the child is less than 1 year of age, appears ill, or if pyelonephritis is suspected.

Serum procalcitonin level of more than 0.5 ng/mL is an accurate and reliable biologic marker for renal involvement during a febrile urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, and with renal scarring, so it may be useful in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of UTIs (Bressan et al, 2009; Cataldi et al, 2010).

Blood culture should be done if sepsis is suspected or if the young child is unimmunized (see Chapter 23).

TABLE 34-3 Criteria for Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections

Method of Collection Colony Count (Pure Culture) Probability of Infection (%)
Suprapubic aspiration Any organism >99
Catheterization >10,000 95
≥10,000 to 100,000 Infection likely, especially if obstruction or if voids frequently
1000 to <10,000 single organism Suspicious, repeat
<1000 Infection unlikely
Clean Voided
Boy >10,000 single organism Infection likely
Girl Three specimens, >10,000 95
  Two specimens, >100,000 90
One specimen, >100,000 80
50,000 to 100,000 Suspicious, infection possible, repeat
10,000 to 50,000 Suspicious, if symptomatic, repeat
10,000 to 50,000 Infection unlikely if asymptomatic
<10,000 Infection unlikely

From Tan JM: Nephrology. In Custer JW, Rau RE: The Harriet Lane handbook, ed 18, Philadelphia, 2009, Mosby.


Goals of treatment are to quickly identify the extent and level of infection; to treat appropriately to eradicate infection; to provide symptomatic relief; to find and correct anatomic or functional abnormalities; and to prevent recurrence and new or progressive renal damage (AAP, 2007). When deciding on a treatment plan, the child’s age, sex, symptoms, the suspected location of the UTI and antibiotic resistance patterns in the community must be considered. Figure 34-6 outlines treatment of UTI in the child.

image Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX): More than 2 months old: 6 to 12 mg/kg TMP component in two divided doses; adolescents: 160 mg TMP component every 12 hours. There is increasing resistance to TMP-SMX in the U.S. (20%) (Sobel and Kaye, 2009).

image Amoxicillin: Less than 3 months old: 20 to 30 mg/kg/day in two divided doses every 12 hours; more than 3 months old: 25 to 50 mg/kg/day in two divided doses; adolescents: 250 mg every 8 hours or 500 mg every 12 hours (resistance in U.S. is approaching 35%) (Sobel and Kaye, 2009).

image Amoxicillin clavulanate (doses for amoxicillin component): Less than 3 months old: 30 mg/kg/day in two divided doses; less than 88 pounds (40 kg): 25 to 45 mg/kg/day in two divided doses; adolescents: 875/125 mg every 12 hours.

image Cephalexin: 2-24 months: 50-100 mg/kg divided in four doses; 25 to 50 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours (maximum dose of 4 g).

image Cefixime: 2-24 months: 8 mg/kg/day in one dose 16 mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours for first day, then 8 mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours to complete treatment; adolescents: 400 mg every 12 to 24 hours.

image Cefpodoxime proxetil: 2 months to 12 years: 10 mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours (maximum dose of 400 mg/day); adolescents: 200 to 800 mg/day divided every 12 hours (maximum dose of 800 mg/day).

image Ciprofloxacin extended release: Adolescents older than 18 years: 500 mg once a day for 3 days

image Nitrofurantoin: Older than 1 month of age: 5 to 7 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours (maximum 400 mg/24 hr). Adolescents: 50 to 100 mg/dose every 6 hours (macrocrystals) or 100 mg twice a day (dual release).

Recurrent UTI: Further evaluation required (USN, VCUG if not done). Use of prophylactic antibiotics (Box 34-1) is controversial

BOX 34-1 Radiologic Workup and Prophylaxis for Urinary Tract Infections

DMSA, Dimercaptosuccinic acid; HTN, hypertension; IVP, intravenous pyelogram; TMP-SMX, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; US, ultrasound; UTI, urinary tract infection; VCUG, voiding cystourethrogram; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux.

Patient Education, Prevention, and Prognosis

The following should be discussed with parents and/or patients:

According to Fitzgerald and colleagues (2009), “The relationship between UTI, renal scarring, and VUR is unclear, as is the progression of uncomplicated UTI to pyelonephritis and subsequent damage to the kidneys.” Major risk factors for renal damage include delay in treatment of pyelonephritis, younger than 1 year of age, anatomic or neurogenic obstruction, severe reflux, dysplasia, and multiple infections. The same acute inflammatory process responsible for eradication of bacteria is also responsible for damage to renal tissue and subsequent scarring.

Vesicoureteral Reflux


VUR is regurgitation of urine from the bladder up the ureter to the kidney. The major concern with VUR is the exposure of the kidney to infected urine (Feld and Mattoo, 2010). Primary VUR is the most common type and is typified by a congenital, abnormally short ureter and ineffective valve. Secondary VUR is due to bladder outlet obstruction and can be functional or structural. It is graded according to an international classification (Fig. 34-7). Grade I does not reach the renal pelvis; grade II extends up to the renal pelvis without dilation; grade III describes reflux to the renal pelvis with mild to moderate dilation of the ureter and the renal pelvis; grades IV and V (high grade) include definite distention of the ureters and renal pelvis and can include hydronephrosis or reflux into the intrarenal collecting system (Elder, 2007e).


The goal of treatment is the prevention of infection and subsequent scarring. Early identification and appropriate treatment of infection achieve this goal. Table 34-5 presents a summary of the American Urological Association (AUA) guideline on management of primary VUR (Peters et al, 2010). The guideline statements are labeled as standards, recommendations, and options based on the level of evidence and degree of flexibility in application.

Most children outgrow their reflux, probably secondary to an increase in the intramural length of the ureter. Grades I and II reflux resolve spontaneously in up to 85% of children, grade III in 50%, and grade IV in 30%; however, grade V is unlikely to resolve spontaneously (Greenbaum and Mesrobian, 2006). VUR tends to resolve earlier in African-American children. Older children who present with VUR and those with bilateral VUR tend to have lower rates of spontaneous resolution (Feld and Mattoo, 2010). Very few children with low-grade VUR require surgery.

Treat underlying comorbidities such as constipation and dysfunctional voiding.

Prophylactic antibiotics may be used when a child has VUR to prevent UTI, pyelonephritis, renal injury and other sequelae. Feld and Mattoo (2010) recommend prophylaxis for any grade of primary VUR although a number of other studies have questioned the efficacy of prophylactic antibiotics for both VUR and recurrent UTI (Dai et al, 2009; Garin et al, 2006; Peters et al, 2010). Recommended medications used for prophylaxis should be given at bedtime and are listed in Box 34-1. The duration of prophylaxis depends on the age of the child, the severity of the VUR, patient compliance, presence of renal scarring, and recurrent infections on prophylaxis.

Surgery is reserved for failed medical management.

Interval urine cultures are performed with symptoms of unexplained illness.

Repeat VCUG once after the diagnosis of reflux at 12 to 18 months to monitor reflux and scarring. Routine follow-up studies are recommended every 1 to 2 years, depending on the reflux grade, sex, and whether both or only one kidney is affected. Blood pressure and growth parameters should be checked at least yearly.

Nephrology consultation is indicated in the presence of higher-grade reflux, notable scarring, a solitary or atrophic kidney, hypertension, elevated creatinine, or evidence of abnormal kidney function with any grade of reflux.


Clinical Findings

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