
Chapter 62 Genetics

Our understanding of human genes and of the genetic basis of disease has grown dramatically, especially with the completion of mapping of the Human Genome Project. Molecular technology for identifying human genes has allowed for the diagnosis and understanding of the mechanisms of human diseases. Medical genetics involves not only the diagnosis, treatment, and management of individuals with multiple congenital anomalies, developmental disabilities, and hereditary diseases, but it also involves human disorders having complex inheritance, such as diabetes, many types of cancer, and heart disease (e.g., cardiomyopathy). Knowledge of medical genetics is relevant to all medical practice, particularly pediatrics.




Do Multiple Birth Defects Have Recognizable Patterns?

Multiple major and minor structural anomalies can have recognizable patterns: syndrome, sequence, association, and complex. Table 62-2defines and gives examples of each pattern. Each of these patterns has implications for etiology, natural history, and prognosis. The patterns of malformationmust be considered when a child has multiple major and minor anomalies, especially if accompanied by growth, developmental, or behavioral abnormalities. Each pattern may have different modes of inheritance: single gene, chromosome abnormality, or multifactorial causes.

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Jun 19, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Genetics

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