General Discussion

Galactorrhea is the inappropriate production of milk from the breast in the absence of pregnancy or beyond 6–12 months postpartum in a nonbreastfeeding woman. The discharge of milk may be unilateral or bilateral, may be intermittent or persistent, and may vary in terms of volume. Galactorrhea may also occur in males and in infants and teenage girls.

Distinguishing galactorrhea from other forms of nipple discharge usually is straightforward. The discharge in galactorrhea has the appearance of milk, occurs from multiple ducts in the nipple, most commonly occurs bilaterally, and usually is spontaneous.

When nipple discharge is consistent with galactorrhea, the medical history often will reveal the etiology. Important elements of the history and physical exam are outlined below.

Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on GALACTORRHEA

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