Fig. 8.1
Different types at laparoscopy. (a) Anterior intramural fibroid. (b) Posterior intramural fibroid. (c) Posterior (sessile) subserous fibroid. (d) Posterior pedunculated subserous fibroid. (Photos Courtesy of Prof Y. S. Zhong, Guangzhou, China)
Fibroids and Infertility
The incidence of uterine fibroids increases with age and therefore with the current trend of delay in childbearing in our society, women who wish to conceive are more likely to present with uterine fibroids. It is currently estimated that uterine fibroids may be associated with 5–10 % of infertility cases [43] and possibly may be the sole cause in 1–3 %. But the question as to whether uterine fibroids actually cause infertility or simply an association has always been a matter of intense debate [44]. The relationship between uterine fibroids and infertility remains a single controversial and critically debated issue in reproductive medicine and counselling of patients sometimes is challenging [40, 45, 46]. The uncertainty remains as to whether uterine fibroids can be the sole cause of infertility or become prevalent in the infertile population as a result of aging which in itself is an independent risk factor [47].
Several biological mechanisms have been proposed to support the causal relationship between uterine fibroids and infertility. The presence of uterine fibroids may interfere with fertility by causing altered and dysfunctional uterine contractility [48, 49], anatomical distortion of uterine shape and endometrial cavity, cervix and fallopian tube impairing sperm migration [50, 51], ovum transport or embryo implantation [8, 50, 52, 53]. Fibroids may also cause disturbances in the endometrial vascular supply and altered endometrial development and receptivity [49, 54–56]. Fibroids may also cause local thinning of the endometrium and atrophy [57], endometrial inflammation, secretion of vasoactive substances, or changes in the endometrial hormonal milieu creating a hostile environment and impairment of sperm transport and embryo implantation (Fig. 8.2a, b) [8, 53, 58, 59]. Fibroids located near the cervix or tubal ostia may mechanically impair sperm migration and ovum retrieval by the fallopian tubes [60].

Fig. 8.2
(a, b) Effects of large intramural fibroid on the endometrium (before and after myomectomy)
Despite the plausible molecular mechanisms supporting a causal relationship between uterine fibroids and infertility [61], reports of clinical association from several studies have been inconsistent and controversial. High quality, properly designed randomised controlled studies are lacking [62] restricting the literature on the causal relationship between uterine fibroids and fertility to evidence from small case-control and cohort studies which have given conflicting reports of an association [12]. These studies are of poor scientific quality, poorly designed, fraught with selection biases and mostly underpowered [12, 63].
The difficulty in designing a high quality controlled trial results from several confounders such as variable presentation of the disease, variable methods of diagnosis and classification and lack of precise anatomical and functional definition of uterine fibroids [40]. In addition, the majority of these studies were retrospective and most studies did not control for important confounders influencing IVF outcomes such as age and number of previous cycles [40, 63, 64]. The relative effect of uterine fibroids located near the cervix or fallopian tube, multiple and different sized fibroids on fertility has not been accounted for in any of the studies exploring association of uterine fibroids and fertility although these variables are more likely to be important causative factors [65].
Whereas some meta-analyses have not shown any association between uterine fibroids and infertility [62, 66], more recent ones show clear evidence. The most recent meta-analyses which included 19 studies reported a relative risk of pregnancy and live birth in women with fibroids of 0.85 [95 % confidence interval (CI): 0.77–0.94, P = 0.002] and 0.79 (95 % CI: 0.70–0.88, P < 0.0001), respectively [64]. The impact of fibroids on fertility is largely determined by the location in relation to the uterine layers and size [65, 67–69]. Submucosal fibroids, intramural fibroids and subserosal fibroids impact on fertility in order of decreasing relative importance. Submucous fibroids reduce treatment outcome [70–72] as well as increased risk of pregnancy loss [8, 73] in IVF/ICSI cycles.
The weight of evidence shows the submucous fibroids have the most significant adverse effect on fertility by decreasing implantation rate and increase the risk of miscarriage in both spontaneous and assisted reproduction cycles [66, 74, 75]. A systematic review found submucosal fibroids had the strongest association with lower conception and ongoing pregnancy rates with an odds ratio, 0.5; 95 % confidence interval, 0.3–0.8 [46]. Results from several studies show increased in the probability of spontaneous pregnancy, reduction in the risk of miscarriage as well as marked improvement in IVF outcome [71, 76–78] after hysteroscopic resection of submucous fibroids.
Clinicians also agree that subserosal fibroids are generally insignificant and do not exert any adverse impact on fertility. The risk of surgical removal of isolated subserosal fibroids in an otherwise asymptomatic infertile patient may outweigh any benefit and currently, there is insufficient evidence to support myomectomy for subserosal fibroids to improve fertility [79]. The impact of intramural fibroids on fertility is more controversial and is discussed in a later chapter.
Principles of Management
The decision as to whether or not to intervene for fibroids for the sake of improving fertility is not always a straightforward decision and will depend on many factors, including the type, site, size and number of fibroid(s) as well as patient characteristics such as age and cause of infertility.
Medical Management of Uterine Fibroids
Medical treatment of fibroids is mainly restricted to their effect on short term symptomatic relief of menstrual disturbances and pain and for preoperative treatment of fibroids to reduce volume or correct anaemia but not as a stand alone treatment for fibroids associated with infertility.
GnRH agonists can be used for pre-operative correction of anaemia in severely anaemic patient or to reduce uterine/fibroid volume and to enable minimally invasive surgical approach as well as reduction in peri-operative blood loss [9]. They suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis by inhibiting release of FSH and LH resulting in decreased oestrogen production. In addition, GnRH agonists also directly inhibit expression of aromatase P450 activity in the cells of the fibroid inhibiting local oestrogen production [80]. GnRH agonist treatment causes confluent nodular hyaline degeneration and hydropic degeneration necrosis of the fibroids [57, 81–83]. Administration of GnRHa for 3 months has been shown in various studies to significantly reduce the volume of fibroid by about 35–65 % [84] and induces amenorrhea significantly reducing symptoms in the short term.
The selective progesterone receptors modulator (SPRM) ulipristal acetate is currently being investigated for its role in the treatment of fibroids. A placebo controlled randomised control trial has shown that 91 and 92 % of women taking 5 and 10 mg of ulipristal acetate daily respectively for the symptomatic treatment of fibroids had significant reduction in uterine bleeding compared to 19 % in women taking placebo [85]. Another study comparing ulipristal acetate to GnRH agonist shows that ulipristal acetate (at both 5 and 10 mg) had comparable clinical outcomes and reduction in fibroid volume when compared to once-monthly injections (3.75 mg) of the GnRHa leuprolide acetate [86] an effect which persist up to 6 months of discontinuation of treatment [86]. The down side of these agents is the associated altered endometrial changes, the long term significance of which is not yet known.
Aromatase inhibitors have also been explored in the treatment of uterine fibroids. The use of aromatase inhibitors is based on their role in inhibiting aromatase p450 activity which is highly expressed in the fibroid tissue. A 3 month course of the aromatase inhibitor letrozole 5 mg daily has been shown in a prospective study to significantly reduce fibroid volume and improve fibroid associated symptoms but unlike GnRH agonist, does not affect bone mineral density [87]. A more recent randomised controlled trial showed that letrozole at 2.5 mg/day reduced fibroid size by 45.6 % versus 33.2 % compared with GnRH agonist triptorelin [88]. A Cochrane review did not find any evidence to support the use of aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids [89].
Myomectomy can be performed through the traditional abdominal route or a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach for intramural and subserosal fibroids whilst submucousal fibroids can be effectively resected hysteroscopically [62]. These surgical techniques are discussed in detail in the following chapters.
A more novel approach to myomectomy is that of Robotic-assisted surgery designed as an alternative to overcome the technical limitations of conventional laparoscopic myomectomy [90–92]. The surgeon uses a robotic system to control the instruments for laparoscopic instead of direct handling [93]. The main advantages of the robotic system compared with the traditional laparoscopic approach to surgery is improved ergonomics and precise vision [94]. The use of the robotic system offers the technical advantages of ability to remove large and more difficult uterine fibroids as well as improved closure of the myometrium compared with the conventional laparoscopic myomectomy [94]. Both robotic assisted laparoscopic myomectomy and traditional conventional laparoscopic myomectomy have been shown in several studies to reduce intraoperative blood loss, lower rate of postoperative adhesions and shorter hospital stay compared with laparoscopic and abdominal myomectomy [95–100]. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy and abdominal myomectomy have comparable effectiveness in the symptomatic treatment of uterine fibroids [100]. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy however is associated with greater residual fibroids when measured 12 weeks after surgery [100]. The major drawbacks of robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy are the high cost of disposable instruments [101, 102] and the increased duration of operating time and the depth of surgical expertise required [103].
Long term pregnancy outcomes such as chances of conception, miscarriage rates and perinatal outcomes after robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy have not yet been reported in large prospective series [104]. A small prospective observational study has quoted a conception rate of 69 % after robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy [105]. A recent large multicentre retrospective study of 127 pregnancies showed that pregnancy outcomes are similar to the conventional laparoscopic myomectomy with Spontaneous miscarriage rate of 18.9 % (95 % CI 13.0, 26.6), Preterm delivery prior to 35 weeks of gestational age occurred in 17.4 % (95 % CI 10.9, 26.5) and 1.1 % risk of uterine rupture (95 % CI 0.3, 4.7) [106]. A large, well-designed prospective controlled study is needed to further ascertain fertility rates and pregnancy outcomes after robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy.
A Cochrane review of two trials involving 158 participants found no evidence of benefit of safety and effectiveness of robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery compared with conventional laparoscopic surgery for benign gynaecological diseases. Both conventional and robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery for benign gynaecological diseases have comparable rates of conversions to open surgery as well as intraoperative outcome, complications, length of hospital stay and quality of life. Robotic laparoscopic surgery however, is associated with longer operation time higher cost compared with the laparoscopic surgery [107].
Other Treatment Modalities
In recent years, several other treatment modalities alternative to medical and surgical have been described in the management of symptomatic fibroids. These include bilateral uterine artery embolisation, laparoscopic or magnetic resonance imaging-guided cryomyolysis and magnetic resonance imaging guided focused ultrasound surgery and laparoscopic uterine artery ligation. Promising reductions in fibroid size and control of symptoms have been reported with these techniques but more data are necessary particularly regarding their effect on future fertility [84, 108–112].
Cryomyolysis is a new minimally invasive treatment modality for symptomatic fibroids [113, 114]. Liquid nitrogen is passed through a cryoprobe inserted directly into the uterine fibroid to create a temperature below −90 °C within the fibroid which results in the formation of an ice ball within the fibroid and subsequently undergoes necrosis. Cryomyolysis has been shown in studies to be an effective method of treatment for symptomatic fibroids [115, 116]. Traditionally, cryomyolysis has been performed by laparoscopy but in recent years, MRI-guided cryomyolysis has been used as a more precise and less invasive alternative to laparoscopic cryomyolysis. MRI-guided cryomyolysis has the added advantages of direct visualisation of the ice ball, monitor and maintain the temperature at the periphery of the ice ball at 0 °C to prevent damage to the surrounding structures [116, 117]. A mean fibroid volume reduction of 50–62 % and significant improvement in symptomatology have been reported [118]. The impact of cryomyolysis on fertility has not been evaluated but data from a small series of 9 women showed fertility may remain preserved [119]. The procedure should therefore not be recommended for women who desire future fertility.
MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) is a new addition to the newer, more effective, minimally invasive methods of treating symptomatic fibroids. Under MRI guidance, high-intensity focused ultrasound is targeted on the fibroid to create thermal energy to precisely ablate fibroids and tissues within the focal zone sparing tissues within 2–3 mm of the focal zone. The technique utilises an abdominal transducer which is placed on the patient’s abdomen and the ultrasound energy focused to destroy fibroids within the focal zone. Apart from permitting direct visualisation of the fibroid, the MRI also records the temperature generated and precisely demarcate the normal and destroyed tissues. This technique has shown encouraging result in the treatment of symptomatic fibroids [120].
Apart from isolated case reports of successful pregnancies, the only report on pregnancy outcome in the literature at present is a small series of 54 pregnancies in 51 women after MRgFUS which suggested that post procedure normal pregnancy outcomes and deliveries are possible. The mean time to conception post-procedure was 8 months with a 41 % live birth rate, 28 % spontaneous miscarriages and 64 % vaginal deliveries. Eleven percent had elective termination of pregnancies and 28 % of spontaneous miscarriage after MRgFUS for the treatment of uterine fibroids [120]. Although the preliminary results are reassuring and viable intrauterine pregnancy, with a full-term vaginal delivery, the impact of this treatment modality on fertility has not been fully assessed and hence patients with desire for further fertility should receive appropriate counselling prior to embarking on treatment. In addition, the role of MRgFUS for enhancement of fertility in women with non hysteroscopically resectable uterine fibroid distorting the uterine cavity should be investigated further [120–125].
Laparoscopic uterine artery ligation is a fertility conserving, minimally invasive treatment option for symptomatic uterine fibroid performed as a laparoscopic procedure with very fewer associated complications and side effects. Significant reduction in fibroid volume have been reported with preservation of uterus and ovarian blood supply to permit possible pregnancy [126]. A study comparing this treatment approach to the more traditional uterine artery embolization found a slight reduction in fibroid at 3 and 6 months with an average volume reduction of 58 % [127].
Although the possibility of pregnancy has been proposed, there is currently no evidence of fertility and pregnancy outcome and therefore the authors concluded that patients contemplating pregnancy should be adequately counselled regarding the risk and benefits before performing this procedure [126]. Commonly reported adverse events include, minor skin burns (4 %), worsening of symptoms of menorrhagia (4 %), nausea requiring hospitalisation (1 %) and injury to the uterine serosa (1 %) [123]. Modest reduction in volume of fibroids have been reported in various studies and reduction in symptomatology [128] as well as improvement of quality of life reported to be within the range of 79.3–88 % 24 months after treatment [123, 129–131]. The effectiveness of this treatment modality in the symptomatic treatment of uterine fibroids has not been compared in randomised control trials with medical, surgical and other treatment modalities. The role of uterine artery embolisation will be discussed in detail in a later chapter.
Uterine fibroids occur commonly in women of reproductive age group and may play an aetiological role in infertility and pregnancy wastage in a significant number of women. Several studies have suggested an association between uterine fibroids and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as reduced fertility and increased miscarriage. Management of uterine fibroids to improve fertility and reduce pregnancy wastage is currently surrounded by considerable uncertainty and remains controversial. In managing uterine fibroid-associated infertility, clinicians must balance the potential benefits in the context of fertility enhancement with complications of the procedure.
Key Practice Points
Uterine fibroids may be associated with 5–10 % of infertility cases.
The effect of fibroids on infertility depends on the site, number and size of the fibroids.
Submucous fibroids have a significant negative effect on fertility. Subserous fibroids have no significant effect while the role of intramural fibroids is controversial.
New treatment modalities such as robotically assisted myomectomy, ulipristal acetate, focused ultrasound surgery and Cryomyolysis need further evaluation regarding their role in treatment of fibroids associated with infertility
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