Family-Centered Care

Chapter 42 Family-Centered Care

Speaking Intelligently

Family-centered care has been defined as “an approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health-care patients, families, and providers.”1 It means care for a person—not a condition. It means care for a person with a family, culture, and goals—a person whose family should be allowed to actively participate whenever possible and desired by the patient. You will know family-centered care when you see it.

Medical Knowledge and Patient Care

Parental Expectations

What do families want from family-centered care? Most want good communication and information sharing. Parents specifically do not wish to request information—they want providers to offer it, both verbally and in writing.4 They want providers to be open to flexibility and negotiation, not paternalistic, including allowing them to be present during procedures performed on their child.5 However, parents vary in the extent to which they wish to participate in hands-on care6; recognition of such variations represents a key aspect of family-centered care. Adolescents represent a special population in pediatrics, and their autonomy should be considered.

Cultural Competence

Care cannot be family-centered without cultural competence. Culturally competent providers “demonstrate behaviors, attitudes, policies, and structures that allow them to work cross-culturally.”7 Cultural competence requires flexibility to present information differently to different families. The increasing proportion of minority populations in the United States renders cultural competence more complex and more important. Cultural competence in health care may help address the significant health-care disparities among minority populations and is an important component of patient safety.8

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Family-Centered Care

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