Fig. 4.1
Congenital cataracts with microcornea due to mutation in the CRYAA. (a) A 24-year-old male with congenital nuclear cataract and microcornea due to c.34C > T mutation in the CRYAA gene; (b) slit-lamp examination reveals nuclear opacities in the lens (Reproduced with permission from Sun et al. [7])
Other cataract-related mutations in αA- and αB-crystallins are listed in Table 4.1 [3–7, 12–15].
Table 4.1
Human hereditary cataract genes and associated clinical phenotypes
Gene |
Chromosome |
Mode of inheritance |
DNA alteration |
Amino acid alteration |
Phenotypes |
3q21–q25 |
AD |
c.859C > T |
R287W |
Juvenile progressive lamellar cataract [8] |
AD |
c.1091G > A |
R339H |
Sutural cataract [9]
Lamellar cataract [10] | ||
20p11.23–p12.1 |
AR |
C736-1384_c.957-66del |
T246fsX7 |
Developmental cataract [11] |
21q22.3 |
AD |
c.346C > T |
R116C |
Lamellar, central nuclear opacities, iris coloboma, microcornea [12] |
AD |
c.14C > T |
R49C |
Nuclear opacity [5] | ||
AD |
c.347G > A |
R116H |
Anterior polar, cortical, embryonic nuclear, anterior subcapsular opacities, microcornea, corneal opacity [13] | ||
AD |
c.27G > A
c.62C > G
c.247G > A
c.1134C > T
c.130C > T |
R21W |
Congenital cataract [14]
Nuclear opacity, inferior macular dislocation [4]
Presenile progressive lamellar or total cataract [6]
Posterior polar progressing nuclear or lamellar cataract [13]
Anterior or posterior polar opacity [13] | ||
11q23.3–q24.2 |
AD |
c.358A > G |
R120G |
Lens opacity and myopathy [4] |
AD |
c.418G > A
c.58C > T |
P20S |
Posterior polar cataract [15]
Thin lamellar cataract [4]
Posterior polar cataract [4] | ||
CRYBA1/3 |
17q11.1–q12 |
AD |
IVS3 + 1 G > T
IVS3 + 2 T > G
IVS3 + 1 G > A
IVS3 + 1 G > A |
Sutural cataract [16]
Nuclear cataract [17]
Lamellar and sutural cataract [18]
Posterior polar cataract [19] | |
22q11.2–q13.1 |
AD |
c.317 T > C
c.225G > T |
G64W |
Bilateral lamellar cataract and microphthalmia [20]
Bilateral nuclear cataract and microcornea [21] |
22q11.2–q12.1 |
AD |
c.658G > T |
G220X |
Bilateral pulverulent opacity, typically in the fetal nucleus, also seen in cortex, anterior and posterior Y sutures [22] |
AD |
c.2 T > A
c.737C > T |
Q223X |
Nuclear pulverulent cataract [23]
Nuclear cataract [24] | ||
22q11.2–q12.2 |
AD |
c.463C > T |
Q155X |
AD |
c.453G > C
c.383A > T
c.607G > A
c.453G > C |
W151C |
Nuclear cataract [27]
Nuclear and circular cortical opacities [28]
Nuclear cataract [29]
Membranous cataract [30] | ||
2q33–q35 |
AD |
c.125A > C |
T5P |
Coppock-like cataract [31] |
AD |
c.502C > T
c.327C > A
c.470G > A |
W157X |
Lamellar cataract [18]
Nuclear cataract [31]
Nuclear cataract, microcornea [31] | ||
2q33–q35 |
AD |
c.67C > A |
P23T |
AD |
c.176G > A |
R58H |
Aculeiform cataract [36] | ||
AD |
c.109C > A |
R36S |
Symmetrical crystal deposition and grayish opacities, bilateral [37] | ||
AD |
c.70C > A |
P24T |
AD |
c.466G > A |
W156X |
Nuclear cataract [40] | ||
AD |
c.229C > A
c.34C > T |
R14C |
Anterior polar cerulean cataract [36]
Coralliform cataract [40] | ||
6p24–p23 |
AR |
c.1043G > A |
G348E |
Congenital (total) cataract, adult I phenotype [41] |
AR |
c.1148G > A |
R383H |
I phenotype-related [41] | ||
GJA3 |
13q11 |
AD |
c.188A > G
c.1138insC |
S380fs |
Zonular pulverulent cataract [43] |
AD |
c.560C > T
c.114C > A
c.227G > A
c.563A > C
c.82G > A
c.176C > T
c.7G > T
c.32 T > C
c.260C > T |
L11S |
Nuclear pulverulent cataract [43]
Total cataract [43]
Cortical, capsular cataract [43]
Zonular pulverulent opacity [42]
“Ant-egg” opacity [43] | ||
GJA8 |
1q21.1 |
AD |
c.262C > T
c.143A > C
c.263C > A |
P88Q |
Zonular pulverulent cataract [44]
Lamellar pulverulent cataract [45]
Lamellar pulverulent cataract [46] |
HSF4 |
16q21–q22.1 |
AR |
c.221G > A
c.524G > C |
R175P |
Congenital total cataract [47]
Nuclear, cortical cataract [48] |
LIM2 |
19q13.4 |
AR |
c.313 T > G |
F105V |
Presenile cataract [49] |
AR |
c.587G > A |
G154E |
Juvenile-onset cataract [50] | ||
16q22–q23 |
AD |
c.863G > C |
R288P |
Juvenile-onset lamellar opacity [51] |
AD |
c.890A > G |
K297R |
Congenital cerulean cataract [52] | ||
AQP0 |
12q13 |
AD |
c.413C > G
c.401A > G |
E134G |
Nonprogressive lamellar and sutural opacities [53]
Polymorphic cataracts (bilateral progressive punctate, lamellar, uneven anterior/posterior opacities, cortical opacity) [53] |
Xp22.13 |
XL |
c.2387insC |
A797fsX35 |
Cataract, dental abnormalities, mental retardation [54] |
XL |
c.3459delC |
L1154fsX28 |
Congenital total cataract [54] | ||
XL |
c.718insG |
E240fs |
Congenital total cataract [54] | ||
XL |
c.400delC |
R134fsX61 |
Congenital total cataract [54] | ||
XL |
c.2687delA |
Q896fsX10 |
Congenital total cataract [54]
Congenital total cataract [54] | ||
Xq26.1 |
R577Q |
Punctate cataract, proteinuria, mild metabolic acidosis [55] | ||
PAX6 |
11p13 |
AD |
c.669C > T |
R103X |
Aniridia, congenital cataract, nystagmus, ptosis, glaucoma, corneal pannus [56] |
AD |
c.1080C > T |
R240X |
Cataract, aniridia, macular hypoplasia, glaucoma [57] | ||
AD |
c.553G > T |
G64V |
Presenile cataract, macular hypoplasia [57] | ||
AD |
c.572 T > C
c.655A > G
c.51C > A
c.579delG |
V48fsX53 |
Congenital cataract, aniridia [58]
Bilateral microphthalmia, congenital cataract, and congenital nystagmus [59]
Bilateral multidirectional nystagmus, progressive cataract, inferior macular dislocation or even coloboma, and developmental abnormalities of the nervous system [59]
Serious abnormalities of both eyes, including congenital nystagmus, leukoma, anterior synechia, and anterior polar cataract [60]
Bilateral nystagmus, congenital cataract, congenital iris coloboma, and inferior macular dislocation [59] | ||
10p13 |
AD |
c.596G > A |
E151K |
Pulverulent cataract [10] |
β-crystallins are the most abundant water-soluble structural proteins in the lens, making up approximately 35 % of the total protein. They are mainly expressed in lens fiber cells, with the highest level in cortical fiber cells [61]. β-crystallins have been shown to consist of seven subunits (βB1, βB2, βB3, βA1, βA2, βA3, and βA4) that are encoded by six CRYB genes; of these, both βA1 and βA3 are encoded by the same gene called CRYAB1.
A dozen mutation sites in β-crystallins have been identified to be associated with hereditary cataracts, most commonly seen in βB2-crystallins (Table 4.1) [16–30, 62, 63]. Mutations in β-crystallin result in diverse cataract phenotypes. An identical mutation may produce vastly different phenotypes among different families, or different degrees of the same phenotype within one family. For example, we found that in a family in South China, 22 family members were diagnosed as membranous cataract due to W151C mutation in exon 6 of the CRYBB2 gene (Fig. 4.2a). The same mutation was also reported in an Indian family, but its associated phenotype was nuclear cataract, indicating that an identical mutation might have diverse clinical phenotypes among different ethnic groups [27, 30]. In addition, even in this single Chinese family, the severity of membranous cataract also varied. The lens opacities were progressive with increasing age, accompanied by lens dislocation and membrane permeability changes, and the opacified cortex was gradually dissolved and absorbed (Fig. 4.2b) [30]. The mechanism of cataract development due to mutation in β-crystallin is that the amino acid substitution caused by the mutation leads to structural changes of proteins, resulting in an increase in hydrophobicity and a decrease in solubility and consequently protein aggregates and lens opacification [63].

Fig. 4.2
The clinical data of the family with membranous cataract induced by W151C mutation in CRYBB2. (a) Pedigree of the family. Inquiry of the family history identified 22 affected subjects across four generations. The black symbols represent the affected subjects and the white symbols indicate the healthy family members. Squares and circles indicate males and females, respectively. The proband is marked with an arrow. The pedigree of the family suggests an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. (b) Clinical features of the family. Slit-lamp photographs of affected subjects demonstrate that the phenotype of the congenital cataract is membranous cataract. Opacities of these lenses gradually became denser and displaced upward with increased age, along with absorption of the lens cortex (Reproduced with permission from Chen et al. [30])
γ-crystallins, accounting for about 25 % of the total protein of the lens, are highly stable monomeric proteins and are encoded by seven distinct genes. The genes encoding γA- to F-crystallins are all located on chromosome 2 with highly similar sequences, while the gene encoding γS-crystallins is found on chromosome 3. γ-crystallins, expressed specifically in lens fiber cells, are synthesized at the terminal stage of fiber cell differentiation. The human lens mainly expresses γC-, γD-, and γS-crystallins.
The mutation patterns in γ-crystallin genes may include missense, insertion, and splice mutations, typically resulting in nuclear and zonular cataracts (Table 4.1) [31–40, 64, 65]. It is thought that γ-crystallin gene mutations contribute to cataract development and progression in a similar way to that of β-crystallin mutations, involving the destruction of protein solubility and stability. For instance, both R36S and R58H mutations in the CRYGD gene have been shown to cause a reduction in protein solubility by changing their surface properties, which may lead to protein deposition and consequently cataracts [36, 37]. Another mutation R14C may increase the sensitivity of CRYGD to sulfhydryl-mediated polymerization, making proteins susceptible to aggregation and thereby resulting in lens opacities [40]. Thus, even in the absence of degeneration or other major structural changes (such as those causing misfolding), a minor change in the lens proteins may also give rise to cataracts. Membrane Protein Genes
The membrane protein content is very low in the lens, accounting for less than 1 % of the lens wet weight. But these proteins play an essential role in intercellular signaling and maintenance of lens transparency. In membrane protein genes, cataract-related mutations are commonly seen in gap junction protein (GJP), major intrinsic protein of lens fibers, and lens intrinsic membrane protein-2 (LIM-2).
Gap Junction Protein
GJP is also called connexin. Six connexin proteins from adjacent cells that form a dual-loop structure assemble into an intact gap junction channel. There are at least 21 human genes that encode connexins, 3 of which can be found in the lens, i.e., GJA1 (α1 connexin, connexin43, Cx43), GJA3 (α3 connexin, connexin46, Cx46), and GJA8 (α8 connexin, conexin50, Cx50). The LECs mainly express GJA1 and GJA8, while the fiber cells mainly express GJA3 and GJA8. Since the lens is avascular, GJP-mediated intercellular communication and small-molecule (such as ions, metabolites, and second messengers) transport are crucial in the maintenance of cellular functions as well as cellular growth, differentiation, and development. GJA3 and GJA8 mutations are often inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern and produce similar clinical phenotypes, including pulverulent, punctate, nuclear cataracts, or perinuclear lamellar opacification (Fig. 4.3, Table 4.1) [42–46, 66–72]. The mechanism of cataract development is mainly attributed to transport dysfunction after protein synthesis. The mutant proteins are accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex and cannot be transported across the cell membrane to form gap junction channels, leading to defective intercellular transport and thus cataracts [46, 68, 72].

Fig. 4.3
Nuclear cataracts due to mutation in the CJA3. A 17-year-old female with punctate nuclear cataract due to c.1143–1165del23 mutation in the CJA3 gene (Reproduced with permission from Sun et al. [66])
Major Intrinsic Protein in Lens Fibers
MIP in lens fibers, also known as MIP26 or aquaporin-0 (AQP0), belongs to the family of aquaporins. AQP0, specifically expressed in the lens, is mainly distributed in terminally differentiated fiber cells and is the most abundant integral membrane protein in the lens. It not only acts as a water channel but also has an important structural function in maintaining lens transparency and accommodation. MIP/AQP0 mutations have been associated with autosomal dominant congenital cataracts, typically bilateral. For example, both T138R and E134G missense mutations in the transmembrane domain H4 of AQP0 as well as deletion mutations in domain H6 may cause retention of synthesized AQP0 in the cytoplasm, which cannot be inserted into the membrane to form water channels and finally results in cataracts [53, 73].
Lens Intrinsic Membrane Protein-2
LIM-2, also known as intrinsic membrane protein 19 (MP19), is the second most copious membrane protein in the lens fibers after MIP. LIM-2, found at junctions between lens fiber cells, appears to play a key role in maintaining the ion exchange and metabolic balance among fibers cells, among LECs, as well as between fiber cells and LECs. Only a few mutations in LIM-2 have been identified and described. The G154E point mutation may result in serious congenital total cataract and visual impairment [50], and the F105V point mutation may cause presenile lens opacity [49]. In addition, in LIM-2 knockout mice, pulverulent cataracts can be observed with an impaired gradient refractive index of the lens, indicating that LIM-2 also plays a role in maintaining the refractive properties within the lens [74]. Cytoskeletal Protein Genes
Cytoskeleton is a network composed of filamentous proteins within a eukaryotic cell, which supports the cell shape and is involved in intracellular transportation, cell division, and motility. In the lens, cytoskeletal proteins include microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments. Interaction between cytoskeletal proteins and crystallins is important in lens cell differentiation and maintenance of lens transparency.
Beaded-Filament Structural Protein
BFSP is an important cytoplasmic protein and is a component of the cytoskeleton which consists of BFSP1 (also called CP115 or filensin) and BFSP2 (also called CP49 or phakinin). BFSP is not expressed in the LECs but specific to differentiated lens fiber cells. In lens fiber cells, BFSP1 binds to BFSP2 to form beaded filaments, which interact with α-crystallins, support cell shape and participate in cell movement, and thereby help to maintain the architecture and functions of the lens.
Mutations in the BFSP gene usually result in nuclear and lamellar cataracts, but cortical cataracts due to BFSP1 mutation have also been described. A deletion mutation in exon 6 of the BFSP1 gene (c.736-1384_c.957-66 del) has been shown to cause an autosomal recessive form of hereditary cataracts, characterized by developmental cortical cataracts, or nuclear sclerotic cataract after age 50 years. That is caused by the damage to filament formation induced by the loss of the BFSP1 protein [11]. According to a recent study of a South Chinese family, a deletion mutation in the BFSP2 gene (E233del) can lead to Y-shaped sutural cataracts accompanied by myopia (Fig. 4.4) [9]. Additionally, a missense mutation in exon 4 of BFSP2 (R278W) is responsible for autosomal dominant juvenile progressive cataracts, and the R339H mutation in exon 5 leads to lamellar cataracts [8, 75].

Fig. 4.4
Y-shaped sutural cataracts due to mutation in the BFSP2. A 20-year-old female with Y-shaped sutural cataract due to E233 deletion mutation in the BFSP2 (Reproduced with permission from Zhang et al. [9])
Vimentin is a type III intermediate filament protein, which is mainly expressed in the LECs, but also in lens fiber cells. Vimentin, along with BSFP2 and BSFP1, comprises the cytoskeleton that is linked to the cell membrane. As the LECs elongate and differentiate into fiber cells, the level of vimentin expression tends to decrease and finally disappears. Mutations of vimentin have been shown to cause hereditary cataracts. For example, E151K missense mutation in vimentin exon 1 may result in pulverulent cataract, which is because E151K induces defects in vimentin assembly and folding, leading to its abnormal accumulation in the cytoplasm and consequently the development of cataract [10]. Developmental Regulators
The development of the lens is under precise spatiotemporal regulation by a series of regulators that mainly include transcription factors and growth factors. In particular, transcription factors regulate the interactions between the ectoderm and the optic vesicles, as well as the induction of lens development, growth, and differentiation, playing crucial roles in the embryonic development of the lens. Genetic mutations in these transcription factors have been linked to both lens opacities and anterior segment developmental anomalies. Mutations in the PITX3, PAX6, FOXE3, EYA1, MAF, and HSF4 genes have been reported to cause hereditary cataracts. Except for HSF4, mutation gives rise to isolated cataracts, while the other mutations often result in cataracts accompanied by other ocular abnormalities that will be discussed in the next section.
The HSF family has six members, i.e., HSF1, HSF2, HSF4, HSF5, HSFY, and HSFX. They are widely expressed in the embryonic and adult lens, reflecting their important roles in the lens development; however, the underlying regulatory mechanism remains unknown [76]. As molecular chaperones, HSFs participate in protein synthesis, assembly, folding, and denaturation. Any abnormality in the structure or expression of HSFs may contribute to the development of cataracts [77].
Mutations in HSF4 are associated with hereditary cataracts with autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance. The former is characterized by childhood onset, typically as lamellar opacity [78], whereas the latter is usually present at birth, manifesting as significant nuclear opacities with partial cortical opacities, or severe total cataract, often complicated with nystagmus [47, 48]. Recently, it has been postulated that HSF4 mutations contribute to cataractogenesis via three pathways: downregulation of γ-crystallins (particularly γS-crystallins) and BFSP expressions, as well as mediation of the loss of posttranscriptional modification of αA-crystallin [79]. Other Genes
β-1,6-N-Acetylglucosaminyl Transferase 2 (GCNT2)
GCNT2, also known as I-branching enzyme, is expressed in LECs. It functions to convert the fetal linear chain I antigen on the surface of erythrocytes to the adult I antigen of a branched poly-N-acetyllactosamine structure. G348E and R383H mutations in GCNT2 have been reported to cause congenital cataracts [41].
4.1.2 Hereditary Cataracts Associated with Other Ocular and/or Systemic Abnormalities
This subtype accounts for approximately 30 % of all hereditary cataracts, which can be classified as monogenic or chromosomal disease based on etiology. The monogenic diseases associated with hereditary cataracts may only have ocular conditions, or sometimes be accompanied by systemic abnormalities (Table 4.1 and Table 4.2); while all cases of chromosomal diseases have systemic abnormalities along with cataracts (Table 4.2).
Table 4.2
Systemic syndromes associated with hereditary cataracts
Syndrome |
Systemic abnormalities |
Ocular abnormalities |
Mode of inheritance |
With kidney anomalies | |||
Lowe syndrome (oculocerebrorenal syndrome) |
Frontal bossing, deep-set eyes, and other typical facial features; motor and intellectual disabilities after 1 year of age; some patients have rickets and osteomalacia, proteinuria, and finally metabolic acidosis |
Bilateral cataracts, posterior lenticonus, corneal opacification and edema, anterior capsular excrescence, congenital macrocornea or microcornea, etc. |
XR [55] |
Alport syndrome (familial hereditary nephritis) |
Familial hereditary kidney disease with bilateral symmetrical deafness |
Different types of cataracts, mainly anterior and posterior subcapsular opacities; spherophakia or lenticonus; optic disk drusen and punctate keratopathy seen in a minority of patients |
AD [80] |
With central nervous system disorders | |||
Marinesco–Sjögren syndrome (ataxia–cataract syndrome) |
Nervous system abnormalities, presenting as cerebellar ataxia and pyramidal signs, mental retardation, delays in language development, cretinism, and agenesis of reproductive organs |
Typically congenital lamellar cataracts, epicanthus, nystagmus, strabismus, microphthalmia, aniridia, retinitis pigmentosa, and progressive ophthalmoplegia |
AR [81] |
Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome (microcephaly–micrognathia–syndactyly syndrome) |
Multisystem defects: microcephaly, micrognathia, low-set ears, upturned nose, extra fingers or toes, and polycystic kidney |
Cataracts, epicanthus, strabismus, and nystagmus |
AR [82] |
Laurence–Moon–Bardet–Biedl syndrome |
Obesity, polydactyly, hypogonadism, and mental retardation |
Cataracts (late onset), posterior subcapsular opacities, ametropia, nystagmus, and retinitis pigmentosa |
Cockayne syndrome (dwarfism–retinal dystrophy–deafness syndrome) |
Loss of subcutaneous fat, enophthalmos, large ears, a prematurely aged facial appearance, and mental retardation |
Nystagmus, pigmentary retinal degeneration, small pupils, and cataracts |
AR [85] |
With skeletal anomalies | |||
Marfan syndrome |
Long, thin, spider-like fingers and toes; long, thin arms and legs with a high risk of fracture; pigeon chest or barrel chest; cardiovascular abnormalities, mainly aortic dissecting aneurysm and dysplasia |
Congenital cataracts, ectopia lentis, mostly superonasal lens subluxation or dislocation into the anterior chamber or vitreous body; some patients have spherophakia with glaucoma; hypoplasia of the pupil dilator muscle resulting in poor pupil dilation, myopia, congenital macrocornea or microcornea, and aniridia |
AD [86] |
Weill–Marchesani syndrome (spherophakia–brachymorphia syndrome) |
Short stature, obesity, brachydactyly, short neck and limbs |
Cataracts, microspherophakia, myopia, inferonasal subluxation or dislocation of the lens; some patients may have glaucoma and microcornea |
AD/AR [87] |
Stickler syndrome |
Dysplasia of limbs and joints, micrognathia, high palate arch, cleft palate, and neural hearing loss |
Punctate, nuclear, or total cataracts; over 80 % of patients have high myopia; choroidoretinal degeneration, possibly retinal detachment |
AD [88] |
With head and face anomalies | |||
Hallermann–Streiff syndrome (oculomandibulofacial syndrome) |
Cranial maldevelopment, micrognathia, hypoplasia of facial muscles, beaked nose and “bird-like” face |
Cataracts, in a few patients the capsule remains after spontaneous absorption of cataract with capsule pigmentation; phacotoxic uveitis and phacolytic glaucoma may occur during phacolysis; glaucoma due to dysplasia of the anterior chamber angle |
AR [89] |
Pierre Robin syndrome |
Micrognathia, cleft palate, glossoptosis, depressed nasal bridge, anomalies of fingers and toes, heart disease, deafness, and hydrocephalus |
Congenital cataracts, posterior subcapsular opacities; dysplasia of the anterior chamber angle, glaucoma; high myopia, retinal detachment, strabismus, and microphthalmia |
AD [90] |
Crouzon syndrome (craniofacial dysostosis) |
Craniosynostosis, elevated intracranial pressure; protruding frontal bone, hypoplastic maxilla, mandibular prognathism, beak-like nose; hearing loss; and mental retardation |
Cataracts, glaucoma; proptosis and midfacial hypoplasia secondary to shallow orbits; orbit hypertelorism and exotropia; optic disk edema or optic atrophy |
AD/AR [91] |
With skin anomalies | |||
Bloch–Sulzberger syndrome (incontinentia pigmenti) |
Blisters and papula on the skin of the trunk, leaving dark pigmentation |
Cataracts are commonly seen; some also have conjunctival pigmentation, corneal opacities, blue sclera, pigmentary retinal lesions, and optic atrophy |
XD [92] |
Rothmund–Thomson syndrome (poikiloderma congenitale) |
Skin atrophy with pigmentary changes and telangiectasis |
Lamellar or punctate cataracts, occasionally band keratopathy, keratoconus, and retinal telangiectasis |
AR [93] |
Werner syndrome (cataract–scleroderma–progeria syndrome) |
Premature aging, skin atrophy, calcinosis, short stature, and endocrine dysfunction |
Early cataracts, eyelash alopecia, and incomplete eyelid closure |
AR [94] |
Chromosomal diseases | |||
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) |
Developmental delay, small head, flattened facial profile, small nose with a low nasal bridge, small ears, enlarged and protruding tongue, short in stature with short limbs, short fifth finger and curved inward |
Bilateral cataracts, typically white punctate opacities, but Y-shaped sutural, plume or equatorial arch-like opacities may also be seen; these opacities may progress to total cataracts over time; upslanting palpebral fissures and epicanthus [95]
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