General Discussion

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction may be divided into either psychogenic or organic origin. Current evidence suggests that up to 80% of cases have an organic cause. Of the organic causes, vasculogenic etiologies represent the largest group, though neurogenic and hormonal etiologies also are frequently implicated.

The evaluation of the patient with erectile dysfunction begins with a thorough history to assess the patient’s sexual problems and to differentiate erectile dysfunction from other sexual problems such as a decreased libido or ejaculatory problems. The nature of the erectile dysfunction should be detailed, such as onset, duration, progression, the quality of erections, the presence or absence of nocturnal erections, and the presence or absence of dysfunction with masturbation. Past medical history and medication use are important historical features. Important elements of the social history include cigarette use, alcohol abuse, illicit drug use, relationship problems, and life stressors.

Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION

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