General Discussion

Diarrhea is a change in stools, usually defined clinically as the passage of 3 or more loose or watery stools or 1 or more bloody stool in 24 hours. Acute diarrhea lasts less than 14 days, persistent diarrhea lasts more than 14 days, and chronic diarrhea lasts more than 1 month.

Patients who present with acute diarrhea are more likely to have an infectious cause. Patients with chronic diarrhea have a much broader group of diagnoses to consider. The list below provides an outline of most causes for diarrhea. Most cases of acute diarrhea are self-limited and do not require further evaluation. Indications for stool studies in acute diarrhea include fever, bloody diarrhea, history of travel to an endemic area, recent antibiotic use, a history of inflammatory bowel disease, exposure to infants in day care centers, and a history of anal intercourse. If the patient does not meet these criteria but the diarrhea persists for more than a few days, a more detailed evaluation is warranted.

The medical history is the key to the evaluation of most patients presenting with diarrhea and can help guide the diagnostic work-up. Important historical features are outlined below.

Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on DIARRHEA

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