
Fig. 1
Indices of pectus deformity. The Haller index is obtained by dividing the width of the thoracic cavity by the depth. The Correction index is obtained by dividing the difference between the highest costal ridge and the lowest depth of sternal depression by the width of the thoracic cavity at the anterior vertebral margin. Source: Christopher Coppola



Aortic root diameter can also be measured.






Treatment of pectus excavatum.


When no cardiac or pulmonary disturbance or pain is present, patients and families may choose observation only, and live with the thoracic defect, returning for care if the condition worsens or physiologic symptoms develop.



Surgical repair of defect, when chosen, is best deferred until age 15-years-old or older, because there is a higher incidence of recurrence in children who are repaired younger.

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Jan 7, 2017 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Deformity

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