CSF and CNS Cytology

Fig. 10.1
Common findings of normal and contaminated CSF. (a) Gross appearance of CSF. Normal (left) and blood-diluted (right) cerebrospinal fluid. (b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Normal CSF. Normal CSF in children shows the low cellularity and cellular composition (e.g., mostly lymphocytes and monocytes). Note that the centrifugal force used to prepare cytospin slides may deform nuclei of some normal cells and give a false impression of larger volume (arrow). (c) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Peripheral blood and bone marrow contamination. Blood- and bone-marrow-contaminated CSF specimens showing red blood cells, erythroid precursors (arrow), and myeloid precursors (arrowhead). (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Ependymal lining cells. CSF fluid showing an incidental finding of ependymal lining cells (arrow) with bland-appearing, round nuclei, moderate amounts of cytoplasm.
Table 10.1
Comparison of CSF findings of traumatic tap with preexisting true CNS hemorrhage
Traumatic tap
CNS hemorrhage
Bloody discoloration
Color intensity progressively decreases from tube 1 to tube 3
Consistently similar in all three tubes
Clear supernatant
Xanthochromic supernatant
Clot formation
May occur
Not encountered
Microscopic examination
No RBC-laden or hemosiderin-laden macrophages
RBC-laden (erythrophagocytosis) and/or hemosiderin- or hematoidin-laden macrophages present
  • Chemical analysis and tumor marker tests: Includes proteins, electrolytes, and pH levels along with pO2 and pCO2 levels for some indications. Increased total protein is the most common CSF abnormality and may serve as a nonspecific indicator of meningeal or CNS abnormality [1]. Testing for tumor markers (e.g., beta human chorionic gonadotropin, alpha fetoprotein, and carcinoembryonic antigen) may be helpful in certain clinical settings. Testing for angiotensin-converting enzyme and oligoclonal bands may be helpful in central nervous system sclerosis and multiple sclerosis, respectively.
  • Microbiologic studies: The second tube collected is usually sent for microbiologic testing and must be handled immediately upon receipt. The CSF fluid is centrifuged, and the pellet is planted directly on appropriate solid culture media (for aerobic bacteria) or placed in broth culture media (for anaerobes). Other culture media may be used as indicated. A gram-stained cytospin slide is routinely examined on samples sent for cultures. Tests utilizing nucleic acid amplification methods are increasingly used in testing for viruses, bacteria, and mycobacteria.
  • Microscopic examination: Cell counts include white blood cell (WBC) count, red blood cell (RBC) count, and total count. Most institutions use hemocytometers to perform these counts. Differential cell count is usually performed on a Giemsa-stained cytospin slide, following cytocentrifugation of a portion of the fluid sample. No dilution is needed if the WBC count is 500 per mL or lower. Progressive dilution with Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBBS) may be used when dilution is needed.

      10.1.4 Expected and Incidental Findings

      • The normal leukocyte cell count varies in children from 0 to 30 cells per mL in neonates to the adult level of 0–5 cells per mL in the older child; however, most patients without infection have counts on the lower end of the spectrum, which make these specimens quite hypocellular [1]. The cell counts are highest in neonates and monocytes usually predominate over lymphocytes. As the child gets older, there is a decrease in the number of white blood cells, and lymphocytes start to predominate over monocytes. In addition to the rare lymphocytes and monocytes (mononuclear cells), rare neutrophils can also be seen in the normal CSF (Fig. 10.1b). However, the presence of plasma cells is almost always associated with a disease process [3, 4].
      • Incidental findings in normal CSF include anucleate squamous cells from the skin (most common), blood and bone marrow cells (Fig. 10.1c), ependymal lining and choroid plexus cells (Figs. 10.1d and 10.2a), capillary vessels (Fig. 10.2b), and osteoclasts and osteoblasts (Fig. 10.2c, d). These findings tend to be seen more in samples obtained from neonates and infants. Evidence of bone marrow contamination is usually heralded by the presence of immature cells from all hematopoietic lineages, particularly nucleated red blood cell precursors (e.g., basophilic or polychromatophilic normoblasts), or cartilage (dense metachromatic material with chondrocytes in lacunae), given that cases with bone marrow contamination are from lumbar punctures rather than shunt specimens. Megakaryocytes (large cells with abundant cytoplasm and multilobulated nuclei) are very rarely seen with bone marrow contamination in the CSF. In intraoperative washing specimens and specimens obtained during shunt placement, it is not uncommon to see glial fibrillary elements or neurons with prominent nucleoli. When interpreting these specimens, it is important not to misinterpret neurons, megakaryocytes, or chondrocytes as malignant cells.
        Fig. 10.2
        Common normal and incidental findings of CSF. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Choroid plexus cells. Clusters of cells with round nuclei, columnar appearance, and low nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios. (b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Capillary blood vessels. Spiderlike web of vessels with endothelial lining can be seen in some specimens. (c) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Osteoclasts. Osteoclasts appear as multinucleated cells without atypia and can be seen from bone sampling in a lumbar puncture. (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Osteoblasts. Osteoblasts have eccentrically placed nuclei, akin to plasma cells, but the cytoplasmic clearing is separate from the nucleus (not perinuclear), and the nucleus appears to extrude from the cell. These cells can also be seen from bone sampling in a lumbar puncture.
      • Ventricular lining cells (e.g., ependymal or choroid plexus cells): These are uncommonly seen in CSF specimens and have similar cytomorphology. Usually they are seen as clusters of bland-appearing columnar cells with basally oriented, round nuclei. The overall nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio is low and nucleoli are not typically seen. Sometimes the clusters will form round aggregates so that the columnar nature is not evident in the CSF.
      • Trauma versus traumatic tap: Blood dilution of a CSF sample is more commonly caused by a traumatic tap related to the procedure than a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The possibility of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to accidental trauma, child abuse, or other causes may be in the differential diagnosis in certain pediatric patients. In general, neutrophils are not considered a normal cellular component of CSF; thus, the presence of neutrophils should raise concern for meningitis. However, in a bloody specimen, the significance of a few neutrophils is diminished given the possibility of peripheral blood contamination and the fact that mild pleocytosis can be seen in infants without CNS infection [3, 4]. One study suggested that a white blood cell (WBC) to red blood cell (RBC) ratio of less than or equal to 0.01 is considered not infected [3]. Table 10.1 compares cytologic findings of CSF in CNS hemorrhage versus traumatic tap.

      10.1.5 Cerebral Ventricle Shunt Fluid

      CSF cytology in patients with implanted shunt tubes usually reflects the cellular inflammatory reaction to the foreign material. Findings may include multinucleated giant cells (Fig. 10.3a), eosinophils (Fig. 10.3b), hemosiderin-laden and hematoidin-laden macrophages (Fig. 10.3c), and brain tissue fragments (Fig. 10.3d).
      Fig. 10.3
      Common microscopic findings of shunt CSF fluid. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Multinucleated giant cells. Multinucleated foreign-body giant cells in a CSF from a child with a cerebral ventricle shunt. (b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Eosinophilia in CSF specimens. This CSF shows an increase in eosinophils with bilobed nuclei from a shunt fluid. (c) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Subarachnoid hemorrhage. This CSF shows hemosiderin-laden and hematoidin-laden macrophages. (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Brain material in CSF. Fragments of brain white matter and a capillary blood vessel from a shunt fluid.

      10.1.6 CSF in CNS Infections

      • Common infections (viral and bacterial): Viral infections (Fig. 10.4a, b) are more common than bacterial infections (Fig. 10.4c, d) in the CSF of children, especially in the absence of prior surgical intervention and/or intraventricular shunt placement. Viral infections typically manifest with a predominance of lymphocytes or a lymphomonocytosis. Many of these cases will not have a pathogen detected by usual studies (e.g., culture, gram stain) and are considered “aseptic meningitis.” In some viral infections, particularly herpes simplex virus (HSV) meningitis, the monocytes can have lobulated nuclei imparting a “footprint in the sand” appearance, which are called “Mollaret cells” [5]. The cytologic predominance of neutrophils is seen in the majority of bacterial meningitis, and this predominance is not limited to the first 24 h of disease [6]. CSF abnormalities associated with bacterial meningitis are rarely obscured by blood contamination from a traumatic tap [7]. Specific types of bacteria predominate in certain age groups. In a recent study by Nigrovic et al., Group B streptococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis predominated in children 1–3 months, 3 months to 10 years, and 10–19 years of age, respectively [8]. Other organisms include gram-negative bacilli (enteric pathogens) and Listeria in the first 2 months of life, in addition to group B streptococcus. Haemophilus influenzae type b has dramatically decreased given the effective vaccination against this organism.
        Fig. 10.4
        Common microscopic findings of CSF in viral and bacterial meningitis. (a, b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Variably sized reactive lymphocytes in a CSF from a child with aseptic/viral meningitis. (c, d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Bacterial meningitis. The CSF in bacterial meningitis typically has numerous neutrophils and occasionally intracellular bacteria.
      • Less common infections (fungal): Fungal infections of CSF are extremely rare, except in two patient groups:
        1. 1.
          Patients with shunt devices may develop Candida infections (Fig. 10.5a).
          Fig. 10.5
          Common microscopic findings of CSF in fungal meningitis. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Candida. The budding yeasts (arrows) of Candida parapsilosis are seen in this CSF. (b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power) and (c) (mucicarmine stain, high power). Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis shows encapsulated yeast forms, which are more prominent where the background stain shows the clearing around the yeast forms. (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Inflammatory cells clumping. Inflammatory cells can cluster in these specimens in dense aggregates.
        2. 2.
          Immunosuppressed patients are prone to opportunistic infection by Cryptococcus (Fig. 10.5b, c).
      • Ancillary studies: Gram stain, microbial culture, and PCR or other molecular studies for identification of pathogens.
      • Pearls: Neutrophils and other inflammatory cells start to degenerate quickly, within 2 h of collection; thus, immediate preparation of the specimen is critical. Some cases of bacterial meningitis may not have a neutrophil predominance and show more of a pleocytosis or lymphocytosis. The mixed inflammatory cells seen in bacterial infection may include clumps of reactive monocytes that may mimic the appearance of neoplastic cells (Fig. 10.5d).

      10.1.7 CSF in Neoplasia

      • Hematopoietic tumors, especially lymphoblastic leukemia, represent the most commonly encountered neoplasms involving the CSF of children. Primary CNS tumors constitute the second most common group of tumors (e.g., medulloblastoma, ependymoma, etc.) (refer to Sect. 10.2). Other small blue cell tumors of childhood may involve the CSF due to direct extension or metastasis but are least commonly encountered.
        • It is important to make every effort to separate hematopoietic from non-hematopoietic neoplastic cells based on morphology early in order to triage the specimen accordingly, especially in CSF specimens with scant volume or low cellularity. Table 10.2 compares the features of the two groups of neoplasms.
          Table 10.2
          Comparison of cytologic findings in hematopoietic versus non-hematopoietic tumors
          Hematopoietic neoplasms
          Non-hematopoietic neoplasms
          Cellular clumps and/or nuclear molding
          Spindle cells
          Cytoplasmic fragments (lymphoglandular bodies)
          Nuclear fragments
          Ancillary diagnostic procedures
          Flow cytometry Immunohistochemistry (e.g., TdT)
          Flow cytometry
          Immunohistochemistry Hematopoietic Neoplasms

      Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common neoplasm to involve the CSF (Fig. 10.6a). Acute myeloid leukemias are encountered in the CSF as well (Fig. 10.6b, c). Pediatric lymphomas are less likely to involve the CSF; however, Burkitt lymphomas and anaplastic large cell lymphoma may spread to the CSF (Fig. 10.6d).
      Fig. 10.6
      Examples of hematopoietic neoplasms in CSF. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). ALL in CSF showing small to medium-sized lymphoblasts with high nuclear cytoplasmic ratios and irregular nuclear contours. The arrow points to a lymphoglandular body, which is another clue to the lymphoid nature of the process. (b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Monoblasts and abnormal eosinophils in CSF of a patient with acute myeloid leukemia with abnormal eosinophils and chromosome 16p inversion. (c) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Abnormal early monocytes and monoblasts from a case of acute monoblastic leukemia with t(10,19). (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Large abnormal “hallmark” cell of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). Note the size of malignant lymphoid cell compared with a neighboring normal lymphocyte.
      Clinical Features
      CSF sampling is performed routinely for staging and hence forth periodically following the diagnosis of all high-grade pediatric hematopoietic tumors. The patient may be asymptomatic or show symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (e.g., headache, nausea, etc.) or symptoms related to focal involvement.
      Cytological Features
      Cells are non-cohesive, usually with high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios, irregular nuclear contours, and smooth chromatin with variably conspicuous nucleoli. Nuclear molding is generally absent. Rare exceptions are seen when cell counts are very high, especially in myeloid leukemias and in cases with artifactual clustering with cytospin preparation.
      Differential Diagnosis and Ancillary Testing
      The differential diagnosis includes acute leukemias and high-grade lymphomas of childhood, in addition to benign/reactive pleocytosis. The immunophenotypic workup is commonly performed on other sites of involvement (e.g., blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, etc.) in cases worrisome for a hematolymphoid proliferation. In rare cases, the CSF is the only site of involvement, particularly at relapse, in the unlikely setting of a primary CNS lymphoma or rarely at first presentation. In such cases, a full workup, including immunophenotyping, cytogenetics, and molecular genetic studies, needs to be performed on the CSF. Table 10.3 shows a summary of preferred ancillary tests and key markers utilized.
      Table 10.3
      Preferred methods for confirming malignancy and key markers useful in immunophenotyping of childhood neoplasms that may involve CSF
      Preferred method
      Key markers
      Acute leukemia, lymphoblastic
      Flow cytometry
      TdT: positive, most helpful in confirming lymphoblasts versus lymphocytes
      CD19: most specific for B lineage
      CD3 (surface or cytoplasmic): most specific for T-cell lineage
      Acute leukemia, myeloid
      Flow cytometry
      Myeloperoxidase, other markers in certain subtypes (e.g., CD61, CD41, CD42b for megakaryoblastic leukemia)
      Cytochemical stains (e.g., nonspecific esterase) help confirm monocytic lineage
      Burkitt lymphoma
      Flow cytometry
      TdT: negative; Surface Ig positive with κ or λ light chain restriction
      Lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia
      Flow cytometry
      TdT: positive
      Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
      CD30, Alk-1, CD3
      Metastatic solid tumors
      See Table 10.4 Non-hematopoietic Neoplasms

      These are generally divided into primary tumors of the CNS (e.g., medulloblastoma, pineoblastoma) and metastatic solid tumors of childhood (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdoid tumors, CNS embryonal brain tumors).
      Clinical Features
      CSF examination is not routinely performed at initial diagnosis of non-hematopoietic solid tumors. However, exceptions include proximity of the primary site to the CNS, widely disseminated tumors, or clinical or radiologic suspicion of CNS involvement, in which cases CSF sampling is usually performed.
      Cytological Features
      Cells are generally larger than hematopoietic neoplastic cells, with more cohesion and nuclear molding. When present, nucleoli are usually larger than seen in hematopoietic proliferations. Certain formations (e.g., cellular rosettes) may be present and help narrow the differential diagnosis. There is usually an absence of lymphoglandular bodies on Romanowsky-stained material; however, a reactive lymphomonocytosis can accompany metastases or tumor involvement in the CSF, so lymphoglandular bodies could be seen in these scenarios.
      Differential Diagnosis
      The main differential diagnosis includes retinoblastoma (Fig. 10.7a), CNS embryonal brain tumor (Fig. 10.7b, c), rhabdomyosarcoma (Fig. 10.7d), neuroblastoma (Fig. 10.8a), and rhabdoid tumor (Fig. 10.8bd).
      Fig. 10.7
      Examples of non-hematopoietic neoplasm in CSF. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Retinoblastoma. Small round blue cells with scant cytoplasm and conspicuous clustering with vague rosettes. (b, c) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). CNS embryonal brain tumor. Tumor cells in CSF show nuclear molding in (b) and nuclear fragments in (c) (arrow). (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. This will also appear as a small round blue cell tumor with more clustering and pleomorphism than a hematolymphoid proliferation.
      Fig. 10.8
      Examples of non-hematopoietic neoplasm in CSF. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Neuroblastoma. A“rosette” of neuroblasts around neurofibrillary center in a case of metastatic neuroblastoma. (b, c) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Rhabdoid tumor. Malignant rhabdoid tumor cells are large and show unusually large nucleoli. (d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Cytoplasmic vacuoles. Vacuoles can be seen in non-hematopoietic tumors, in addition to Burkitt lymphomas, but the vacuoles are usually larger and are seen within pale cytoplasm.
      Ancillary Testing
      In cases with known primary tumors, a limited panel of key markers is utilized for confirmation purposes. If the primary tumor is unknown or not sufficiently studied, then a full workup, including immunohistochemical staining, molecular, and cytogenetic studies, is necessary, similar to the workup of a biopsy specimen . Individual labs should have established protocols for immunohistochemical staining of cytology specimens, including time of fixation and methodology (e.g., cell block versus cytospins). In a sample with limited cellularity and limited volume, a few additional cytospins may be more helpful than a cell block to perform a limited panel of key immunostains (e.g., LCA, cytokeratin, synaptophysin). Table 10.4 provides an abbreviated list of markers widely used in the evaluation of common small round cell tumors of childhood.
      Table 10.4
      Abbreviated immunohistochemical panel for common childhood non-hematopoietic small round cell tumors
      Immunohistochemical panel
      Desmin, actin, MyoD1, myogenin
      Ewing sarcoma/embryonal brain tumor
      CD99, FLI-1, synaptophysin
      NSE-M, NB-84, PGP9.5, tyrosine hydroxylase
      Desmoplastic round cell tumor
      Cytokeratin, desmin, EMA, NSE, WT-1
      Diagnostic Pitfalls
      • The cytologic findings in cases of aseptic meningitis and other inflammatory conditions may be brisk and almost exclusively lymphoid, mimicking a lymphoid malignancy. In addition, the intense cellular reaction, together with cell distortion caused by centrifugal force upon spinning, may occasionally mimic a lymphoid malignancy (Figs. 10.9 and 10.10a). Close attention to the nuclear features (smooth nuclear membrane, clumped chromatin, and low nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio) and the variability of lymphocyte shapes and sizes will help in excluding a malignant process.
        Fig. 10.9
        Brisk lymphoplasmacytic and monocytic cellular reaction from a case of lupus cerebritis (Diff-Quik stain, medium power). Lymphocytes are designated by arrows and a monocyte is designated by an arrow head. (Image courtesy of Dr. Sara Monaco).
        Fig. 10.10
        Benign mimickers of malignant cells in CSF. (a) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Reactive lymphocytes. The atypical reactive lymphocytes in viral meningitis have cytologic changes that may be striking and can closely mimic a lymphoid malignancy. (b) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Clumping of inflammatory cells in bacterial meningitis may be dominated by macrophages with prominent nucleoli, which may resemble clumps of neoplastic cells. (c, d) (Wright-Giemsa stain, high power). Germinal matrix primitive neurons may shed into CSF due to hemorrhagic infarcts in premature babies and can mimic metastatic neuroblastic tumors.

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