Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome

Chapter 99


Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome

Iris A. Perez, MD, FAAP, Emily S. Gillett, MD, PhD, FAAP, and Thomas G. Keens, MD, FAAP


Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by failure of automatic control of breathing and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

The most severe manifestation is profound alveolar hypoventilation during sleep, particularly non–rapid eye movement sleep; hypoventilation may extend into times when the patient is awake.

It is most often caused by a mutation in the PHOX2B gene that affects neural crest cell migration and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

Most patients with PHOX2B gene mutations have a polyalanine repeat expansion mutation (PARM); 10% of cases are due to non-PARM (NPARM).

Autosomal dominant inheritance occurs with variable penetrance.

In France, the estimated incidence is 1 in 200,000 live births. In Japan, the incidence is 1 in 148,000 live births.

Rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation, and autonomic dysregulation (ROHHAD syndrome) is a rare and poorly understood syndrome that is similar to CCHS (see later discussion).

Clinical Features

CCHS typically presents in the newborn period.

Recurrent apnea and cyanosis

Hypoventilation and hypoxemia without increase in breathing frequency

Intubation and assisted ventilation in the nursery and failure to extubate

Some patients with CCHS present in later infancy, childhood, and adolescence

Recurrent apneas and apparent life-threatening events

Diaphoresis and cyanosis during sleep

Pulmonary hypertension

Delay in waking or achieving adequate ventilation after general anesthesia or failure to wean the patient from mechanical ventilation after appropriate treatment of severe pneumonia

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction is also a major manifestation; the presence and severity are dependent on PHOX2B gene mutation.

Ophthalmologic abnormalities include sluggish pupils, strabismus, convergence insufficiency; Marcus Gunn jaw-winking phenomenon

Cardiovascular: Sick sinus syndrome, reduced heart rate variability, decreased heart rate response to exercise, postural hypotension; decreased blood pressure response to head tilt and standing

Gastrointestinal: Esophageal dysmotility, Hirschsprung disease (20%)

Endocrine: Abnormal glucose metabolism that leads to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia

Tumors of neural crest origin: Ganglioneuromas and ganglioneuroblastomas (6%)

Dysregulation of body temperature with decreased baseline body temperature; poor heat tolerance; sporadic profuse sweating (can be unilateral)

Diagnostic Considerations

CCHS should be suspected in the presence of hypoventilation that is not explained by lung disease, ventilatory muscle weakness, or obvious neurological disorders.

PHOX2B gene mutation is essential in establishing the diagnosis, predicting the severity of ventilatory and autonomic nervous system disorder, and associated complications.

While waiting for gene mutation analysis results, perform tests to rule out other causes of hypoventilation.

Neurological evaluation, including magnetic resonance imaging and/or computed tomography of the brain, to rule out gross anatomic lesions

Metabolic screening

Polysomnography (PSG) to establish the presence of hypoventilation and sleep-related breathing disorder

Blood gas analysis performed while the patient is awake to document daytime hypoventilation

Chest radiography

Fluoroscopy of the diaphragm


Muscle biopsy, as necessary


Patients with CCHS require ventilatory support throughout life; weaning from ventilatory support is not realistic.

The goal of ventilatory support is to ensure optimal ventilation and oxygenation both during sleep and while awake.

Oxygen supplementation alone is not adequate and should be minimized because it does not alleviate the hypoventilation, and it can disarm providers and caregivers that may not be aware of clinically significant hypercapnia.

There is currently no pharmacological treatment for management of respiratory insufficiency in CCHS.

Most patients with CCHS have little or no lung disease; thus, there are different options for evaluation, including positive pressure ventilation (PPV) via tracheostomy, noninvasive PPV (NPPV), and diaphragm pacing.

PPV via tracheostomy

PPV is most often prescribed in the first years of life because infants may be unstable, and minor respiratory infections may cause severe apneas and worsen respiratory failure.

Ventilatory support by using pressure control or assist control mode is provided to maintain end-tidal CO2 pressure between 30 and 45 mm Hg and oxygen saturation at pulse oximetry (SpO2) ≥95%.

Use of smaller tracheostomy tubes may decrease the risk for the development of tracheomalacia and allows a larger leak to assist with speech.

~Some CCHS centers prefer to treat patients with uncuffed tracheostomy tubes, and some centers suggest using cuffed tubes when the patient receives ventilation. There are advantages and disadvantages of the 2 approaches that are beyond the scope of this brief review.


NPPV is an option for stable older children who require ventilatory support only during sleep.

NPPV can be provided via bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP). NPPV can be provided with a variety of equipment and ventilator modes. Two common modes are BiPAP and average volume-assured pressure support ventilation, administered via nasal or full-face mask.

Patients with CCHS do not increase their respiratory rate with hypercapnia or hypoxemia; hence, an appropriate rate provided by spontaneous/timed or timed mode is necessary. Midface hypoplasia and dental malocclusion have been reported.

Diaphragm pacing

Uses the patient’s own diaphragm as the ventilator pump

May improve the quality of life for some patients for 2 reasons

~Permits tracheostomy decannulation for those who are ventilator dependent only during sleep

~Permits freedom from the ventilator during the day in patients who are dependent on a ventilator full time; details of diaphragm pacing via phrenic nerve stimulation are discussed in Chapter 117.

Patients with CCHS are biologically incapable of developing respiratory distress and are notorious for fooling families and health care providers because they always “look fine.” The only way to know if a patient with CCHS is being ventilated adequately is to monitor both pulse oximetry and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) by using capnography. Alarms are usually set at 85% for SpO2 and 55 mm Hg for end-tidal CO2 pressure. This minimizes nuisance alarms but still allows the caregiver to respond to emergencies.

Follow-up and Treatment of Associated Conditions

Patients with CCHS should undergo yearly echocardiography to assess the presence of pulmonary hypertension or cor pulmonale.

In patients with CCHS, pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale are likely caused by inadequate ventilation. Thus, patients with CCHS require yearly PSG (sleep study) to assess oxygenation and ventilation during sleep and adjust ventilator settings as necessary. Thus, pulse oximetry and PCO2 monitoring (end tidal or transcutaneous) are necessary elements of PSG.

Patients with CCHS should undergo a comprehensive eye examination to determine the nature of ophthalmologic involvement and allow for early intervention to avoid developing problems with learning.

Patients with CCHS should undergo yearly monitoring to assess the presence of life-threatening cardiac sinus pauses—preferably at least 72 hours of recording time via Holter monitor or other portable electro-cardiographic device. More prolonged cardiac monitoring is becoming increasingly available, including 2-week monitoring systems and even subcutaneous cardiac monitoring that functions for years.

Other monitoring and follow-up studies depend on the PHOX2B gene mutation (Table 99-1).

Patients with CCHS should undergo at least yearly tracheostomy tube assessment by an otolaryngologist and perhaps more often if patients have recurrent tracheitis, bloody tracheal secretions, or increased end-tidal PCO2 levels.

Patients with CCHS should be assessed for development of midface hypoplasia and dental malocclusion if they are receiving NPPV via mask.

Some but not all patients with CCHS are unable to increase their own ventilation adequately with exercise. It is important that this potential risk be recognized and assessed for each patient.


NPARM, non-PARM (missense, nonsense, frameshift); PARM, polyalanine repeat expansion mutation. From Weese-Mayer DE, Berry-Kravis EM, Ceccherini I, et al. An official ATS clinical policy statement: congenital central hypoventilation syndrome: genetic basis, diagnosis, and management.

a Children <3 years of age should undergo comprehensive evaluations every 6 months.

b Annual chest and abdominal imaging should be performed to identify ganglioneuromas and ganglioneuroblastomas.

c Abdominal imaging and urine catecholamine testing should be performed every 3 months in the first 2 years, then every 6 months until 7 years of age, to identify neuroblastomas.

Patients with CCHS have abnormal responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia; thus, when unexplained problems such as seizure or lethargy occur, they should be stabilized via hyperventilation with 100% oxygen until the source of the problem is identified. In children with CCHS, the etiologic origin of any such problem is likely to be hypoventilation until proven otherwise. A brief period of hyperventilation will not be harmful but may be lifesaving.

Expected Outcomes/Prognosis

Patients with CCHS require ventilatory support for life.

The overall mortality rate ranges between 8% and 38%. Most deaths occur before 2 years of age. The causes of death are varied but are mainly linked to tracheostomy and ventilator dependence.

Fatal episodes of bradycardia are also seen in a fraction of patients with CCHS.

With early identification and intervention, as well as advances in ventilatory support, most children mature to adulthood with only relatively moderate impairment of quality of life in some.

Preschool- and school-aged children with CCHS can have neurocognitive impairment that necessitates close monitoring and early intervention.

Patients with CCHS are vulnerable to the respiratory-depressant effects of alcohol and drugs. Patients who are usually able to maintain normal blood gas levels without ventilator support while awake may be unable to do so when drinking. Therefore, patients must be counseled against the consumption of alcohol and drugs prior to achieving adolescence.

ROHHAD Syndrome

ROHHAD syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by severe alveolar hypoventilation.

Patients are typically developing until onset of symptoms, generally before 10 years of age (median age of 3 years).

There is rapid onset of excessive weight gain, followed by hypothalamic dysfunction (hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism, growth hormone deficiency, diabetes insipidus, fluid imbalance), autonomic dysregulation (bradycardia, hypotension, thermal dysregulation), and severe alveolar hypoventilation. Other features include ophthalmologic abnormalities and neural crest tumors.

Hypoventilation may not occur right away. Some patients may initially present with a sleep-related breathing disorder only—mostly obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)—thus indicating the need for monitoring with serial PSG.

Patients may have evidence of abnormal control of breathing while awake, with central apneas and oxygen desaturations.

Unlike CCHS, PHOX2B gene mutation is absent.

Affected patients require ventilatory support either full time or during sleep only.

When to Refer

Patients with suspected CCHS should be referred to a pediatric pulmonologist with knowledge and expertise in this disorder.

Patients with CCHS who have syncopal episodes should be referred to a cardiac electrophysiologist for evaluation and management.

When to Admit

The presence of pulmonary hypertension indicates inadequate ventilatory support until proven otherwise. Consider inpatient admission to address possible causes that include inadequate ventilator settings or tracheostomy caliber, unrecognized hypoventilation while awake, and noncompliance with ventilatory support.

Resources for Families

Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (American Thoracic Society).

CCHS Network.

Clinical Pearls

CCHS and ROHHAD syndrome are disorders of respiratory control characterized by profound hypoventilation that require ventilatory support for life.

CCHS and ROHHAD syndrome are associated with autonomic dysfunction.

Suspect CCHS in patients with recurrent apneas, cyanosis, and failure to wean off of respiratory support.

Patients with CCHS lack appropriate responses to hypercapnia and hypoxemia and lack perception of dyspnea; thus, their appearance can be misleading.

Suspect ROHHAD syndrome in a young child with apneas; sudden, excessive weight gain; hypothalamic dysfunction; and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

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