Complications of ART and Associated Early Pregnancy Problems


Fig. 5.1
(a) Bilaterally enlarged ovaries following ART. Both ovaries are displaced superiorly above the uterus and are meeting in the midline (‘kissing ovaries’). (b, c) Moderately enlarged ovaries following ART with post-oocyte collection follicles of varying size. Some of the follicles contain clotted blood (arrow). (d) Post-oocyte collection ovary. Note enlarged follicle with re-accumulated fluid and significantly increased vascularity as demonstrated by power Doppler modality. (e, f) Trans-abdominal scan of the right upper quadrant demonstrating the liver and right kidney (e). I cases of severe OHSS, free fluid can be seen in the pouch of Morrison (arrow). The left upper quadrant can also be filled with free fluid in severe cases of OHSS (f). Note free floating loops of bowel (arrow)

Table 5.1
Leuven University Fertility Centre classification system of OHSS

Grade of OHSS




Mild abdominal bloating and pain

No weight gain

Ovarian size <8 cm

Conservative, outpatient based

If symptoms deteriorate, advice to seek medical help

Moderate OHSS

Moderate abdominal pain controlled with rest and simple analgesia


Weight gain up to 1 kg

Ultrasound evidence of ascites (deepest pool <3 cm)

Ovarian size 8–10 cm

Conservative, outpatient based

Severe OHSS

Uncontrolled abdominal pain

Weight gain >1 kg

Clinical ascites (with occasional hydrothorax)


Haematocrit >45 %

Ultrasound evidence of significant ascites (deepest pool >3 cm)

Ovarian size >10 cm

Hospital based

Critical OHSS

Tense ascites or large hydrothorax

Haematocrit >55 %

White cell count >25,000/ml


Venous-thromboembolic events

Adult respiratory distress syndrome

Admission to critical care unit

Used with permission of Elsevier from Vloeberghs et al. [6]

The recognised OHSS risk factors, according to the ESHRE special interest group for quality and safety in ART, can be divided into primary and secondary [9]. The primary risk factors include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) [16], high number of antral follicles (≥10 in each ovary), LH/FHS ratio >2, hyperandrogenism, previous OHSS, young age, and low body mass index (BMI) [6]. Anti-Müllerian (AMH) hormone levels of ≥40 pmol/L put a patient at approximately a 33 % risk of developing moderate to severe OHSS (a fivefold increase from when AMH levels are <40 pmol/L) [17]. Similarly, a fourfold increase (to 8.6 %) in mild to moderate OHSS risk can be observed in women with and AFC of >23 [18]. Recognised secondary risk factors include high serum oestradiol levels (>9000 pmol/L; >3000 pg/mL) with rapidly increasing levels being of more clinical importance, use of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as a final oocyte maturation trigger, >20–25 follicles in both ovaries, over 20 oocytes retrieved, and multiple pregnancy [6, 9].

Prevention of development of the condition, similarly to risk factors, can be categorised into primary and secondary. Recognition of potential risk factors is essential to minimise the chances of development of OHSS, with subsequent individual-tailored protocols using the lowest dose and shortest stimulation regimens. Antagonist protocol with agonist trigger is generally considered as the best approach in minimising or eliminating the risk of OHSS in high-risk women [14]. Ovarian drilling and metformin administration prior to ART have also been suggested as alternative methods of OHSS prevention. In vitro maturation is a novel, however not fully assessed, method of minimising OHSS prevalence [19].

Secondary prevention can be achieved by cycle cancellation and withholding hCG triggering [13], coasting – discontinuation of gonadotrophins with continuing GnRH agonist until oestradiol falls below 3500 pg/mL [6], cryopreservation of all embryos [20], albumin administration at the time of oocyte retrieval [21], cabergoline [22], in vitro maturation or GnRH antagonist cycles [23]. If the secondary precautions are taken, there is still no guarantee that OHSS will not develop, as even when hCG is withheld and the cycle cancelled, spontaneous LH surge can occur leading to symptom development [13]. Early stage research indicates that the use of kisspeptin-54 as a final oocyte maturation trigger can produce very acceptable oocyte yields with minimal or no risk of developing OHSS, even in a group of highly susceptible individuals [24].

Management of OHSS

OHSS management depends on the severity of the condition, and can be performed on an out-patient basis in the mild forms, or in the hospital setting in the intensive therapy unit in the severe cases. VTE events, renal failure not responding to treatment and pulmonary compromise are indications for ITU care [6]. As the condition is most often self-limiting, reassurance has to be given to the woman and her partner. In extremely severe and protracted cases, when supportive treatment is not sufficient, termination of the pregnancy in order to decrease the circulating hCG levels may be necessary.

According to the RCOG, mild to moderate OHSS can be managed on an outpatient basis, with paracetamol and codeine used for pain control. Drinking to thirst is encouraged [25] and avoidance of strenuous exercise and intercourse is advised. Clinical assessment including body weight recording, abdominal girth measurement and pelvic ultrasound should be carried out every 2–3 days in order to determine deterioration of condition [14]. In more severe cases, multidisciplinary inpatient approach to treatment should be considered. When abdominal distension due to ascites causes severe discomfort or impedes respiration, ultrasound guided paracentesis should be considered [26, 27]. Similarly, women with inadequate urine output despite appropriate parenteral rehydration and ascites could benefit from decreased intra-abdominal pressure, as this might improve renal circulation and restore urine production [28]. Cardiovascular collapse due to rapid fluid shifts can be avoided by gradual drainage of ascites and the use of pigtail catheters [29]. Thromboprophylaxis should be considered in all women admitted to hospital due to OHSS in order to minimize the incidence of VTE [14].

TVOR Related Complications

Transvaginal ultrasound guided oocyte retrieval (TVOR) is currently the procedure of choice for oocyte collection in most IVF centres worldwide [30]. Though the procedure is deemed safe, there are associated risks related to bleeding and intraabdominal sepsis.


Vaginal bleeding can be limited by minimizing the number of vaginal punctures and is the most common form of haemorrhagic complications occurring in 0.5–8.6 % of oocyte retrievals. Significant vaginal blood loss of >100 ml has been reported to occur in 0.8 % of cases [31]. Application of pressure, or occasionally suturing of the bleeding site, is sufficient to stop the loss [32]. A more severe complication – intraabdominal haemorrhage – has a reported incidence between 0 and 0.35 %. This complication is related to direct injury to the ovary, bleeding from the ruptured follicle or injury to large pelvic vessels [33]. Coagulation disorders, inherited or iatrogenic, increase the risk of haemorrhagic complications.

Careful visualization of the follicle and neighbouring iliac vessels and application of modality Doppler if doubt as to the nature of the structure exists, allows for unequivocal identification of follicles and avoidance of puncturing the blood vessels.

In the event of an uncomplicated TVOR, the expected blood loss should not exceed 250 ml with a haematocrit drop of approximately 5 %. Larger blood loss, or unexpectedly low haemoglobin values following TVOR, should warrant investigations to identify possible bleeding site [34]. Abdominal ultrasound scan should suffice to identify free fluid in the abdomen (Fig. 5.2a–e). Organised blood collections or retroperitoneal haematomas might not be immediately visible and may necessitate employment of other imaging modalities such as computer tomography (CT) imaging.


Fig. 5.2
(a) Fresh bleeding into pouch of Douglas following TVOR. Note the difference in echogenicity of the free fluid (arrow). Live scanning would reveal movement of the particles. (b, c) Blood in pouch of Douglas. The fluid appears homogenous. This patient was monitored and treated conservatively with this examination performed 2 days after TVOR. The ovary is enlarged with active Doppler signal (arrow). (d, e) Haemorrhagic follicular cyst following TVOR. Note the extensive fibrin deposits within the cysts (arrow) and lack of Doppler signal within the cyst (e)

Visceral Injury

Injury to the bowel, bladder and ureters is an uncommon complication. Two case reports of repeated perforations of the appendix following TVOR exist [35, 36]. It is thought that bowel injury is relatively common; however, most cases resolve spontaneously with no clinical manifestations [32]. Urinary retention and/or haematuria should raise the suspicion of bladder injury [37]. Ureteric obstruction related to TVOR has also been reported but is a very rare complication [32, 38].


Pelvic infection is another serious complication of TVOR occurring in 0–1.3 % of women following oocyte retrieval procedures [6]. Bowel injury, reactivation of quiescent pelvic inflammatory disease or introduction of pathogens from the vagina are the possible mechanisms of TVOR related infections [39]. Abdominal pain, pyrexia and elevated laboratory markers of infection should aid in making the diagnosis. Treatment should be prompt with parenteral antibiotics, rehydration, appropriate imaging including ultrasound or CT scans, and surgical intervention as guided by the clinical picture and suspected cause. Routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis prior to TVOR is not widely practiced; however, in high risk patients (active or recent PID, endometriosis and associated adhesions, ovarian endometriomas, hydrosalpinx and previous pelvic surgery) it should be considered [40].

Other Complications

Ovarian pedicle torsion is a rare but serious complication of ART with a reported incidence of 0.08–0.2 % of women undergoing fertility treatment [6, 33, 36, 41]. Diagnosis is not always clear, but presence of risk factors such as pre-existing ovarian cysts, pregnancy, ovarian hyperstimulation or just history of ovulation induction raises the suspicion of this event [42, 43]. Worsening unilateral pain with leucocytosis, nausea and vomiting form the classical presentation. The differential diagnosis should always include ectopic pregnancy, with transvaginal or abdominal ultrasound used to diagnose the condition. Blurred ovarian margins and enlargement of the ovary with absent Doppler signal signifying stromal oedema and absent or decreased blood flow, respectively, indicate ovarian torsion. A vortex pattern of blood flow in the region of the ovarian pedicle can be another helpful sign to diagnose adnexal torsion. Presence of blood flow does not exclude torsion and diagnosis should be made on clinical grounds [6, 44]. Reversion of torsion with ovarian sparing via the laparoscopic route is the treatment of choice with favourable subsequent reproductive outcomes [6, 42].

First Trimester Miscarriage

Loss of pregnancy before the arbitrary gestation of viability (24 completed weeks) is defined as a miscarriage. Multiple studies have reported an increased risk of miscarriage in the ART population with the prevalence of 17–32.6 % [4, 45]. When analysing these reports in the context of miscarrige, it is important to differentiate the causes of underlying subfertility and the risk of ART per se. Infertile couples are more likely to be older (5 years on average) than their fertile counterparts, are more likely to have endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction and PCOS) and/or structural uterine anomalies [4649]. The intense surveillance of ART pregnancies and very early serum testing for implantation, might also contribute to the relatively high prevalence of very early ART pregnancy losses, when compared to less monitored spontaneous conceptions.

A retrospective study by Pezeshki et al. in 2000 has demonstrated a miscarriage rate of 21.3 % in the ovulation induction population, 19.8 % in the IVF population and 26.2 % after spontaneous conception. Maternal age was the most significant predictor of miscarriage, but the cause of infertility did not play an important role in the miscarriage risk [50]. Comparison of ART pregnancies with historical data on spontaneous conceptions has revealed that the unadjusted relative risk of miscarriage following ART was 1.33–1.49 (95 % CI 1.08–1.68), with maternal age being a significant contributor. Intense stimulation protocols and high estradiol levels (>8 nmol/L) were associated with an increased risk of miscarriage (23 % versus 10 % when estradiol was <2 nmol/L) [51]. In the above-mentioned study, the authors have reported a significant difference in the first and second trimester miscarriage rates between the ART and historical control cohorts. The authors concluded that maternal age, history of previous miscarriage and ‘some’ treatment related factors might be responsible for the observed increase in miscarriage rates, with further studies required to validate the statement [51]. Overall, miscarriage rates in ART pregnancies are similar or marginally higher when compared to spontaneous conceptions.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Development of a pregnancy outside of the endometrial cavity can be broadly termed as an ectopic pregnancy (EP). Multiple implantation sites of an early pregnancy are possible, including the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, the cervix, cesarean section scar, interstitial portions of the tube, and the abdominal cavity, with Fallopian tubes being the most frequent site. Contemporaneous existence of an ectopic and an intrauterine gestation is termed a heterotopic pregnancy. Approximately 1 % of all spontaneously conceived pregnancies develop as an ectopic pregnancy. The incidence of heterotopic pregnancies in the general population is estimated to be 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50,000 pregnancies. In the ART setting, this can be as frequent as 1 in 100 [52].

The overall trend of ectopic gestations is on the increase. This is thought to be related to an increasing prevalence of pelvic infections caused by such pathogens as Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhea, as well as the wide spread use of ART. The incidence of ectopic pregnancies associated with ART with an embryo transfer performed is approximately 1–5 % [53]. In view of the high frequency of occurrence of this potentially fatal condition, an early transvaginal scan is recommended in all women undergoing IVF or ICSI. This should be routinely performed between 6 and 8 weeks gestation [53]. The clinical manifestations of an ectopic pregnancy can vary greatly, with the initial symptoms developing as early as the 5th week of gestation, or as late as the 12th week [54]. Asymptomatic patients are diagnosed during and ultrasound scan; however, symptomatic cases can present with a significant intra-abdominal haemorrhage and signs of hypovolaemic shock requiring immediate surgery (Fig. 5.3).


Fig. 5.3
Tubal ectopic pregnancy following IVF. Hyperechoic trophoblastic tissue encompasses the gestation sac in both cases containing fetal poles. Particulate free fluid (arrow) surrounding the ectopic pregnancy signifies intraabdominal bleeding

In the case of ART, when patients present with abdominal pain and a positive pregnancy test, the differential diagnoses need to include ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with possible adnexal torsion and ectopic pregnancy. The timing of presentation in relation to the ART procedures might aid in making one or the other diagnosis likely. It is also worth remembering, that the hCG used to trigger final oocyte maturation might produce a positive pregnancy test result if performed within 12 days of administration of 5000 units of hCG [55].

Multiple Pregnancies

Multifetal pregnancy rates following ART range from 5 to 40 % [56]. Dichorionic twin pregnancies are the most common form of multiple gestation following ART; however, monozygotic and monochorionic pregnancy rate in the IVF population is estimated at 0.9–2 %, compared to 0.4 % of spontaneous conceptions [5759]. Higher order pregnancies (triplet or more) in approximately two-third of cases are the result of ovulation induction without the use of IVF or any similar procedure [60]. See Fig. 5.4a–d.


Fig. 5.4
(a–d) Multiple pregnancies following ART. (a, b) Dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancy at approximately 8 weeks gestation (b: 3D rendering). (c) Monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancy. Note the thin separating membrane representing two fused amnions (arrow). (d) Triplet pregnancy with two gestation sacs, one of which contains two fetuses (arrow)

Blastocyst transfers contribute to the increase of multiple gestations, as embryo splitting at this stage can occur in 6 % of cases [61]. During IVF treatment, irrespective of age, transfer of a single blastocyst stage embryo carries a less than 2 % multiple gestation risk. For a double blastocyst embryo transfer, the risk approximates 39 %, whereas a double cleavage stage embryo transfer carries a 27 % risk of multiple gestation [62]. Preterm birth associated with multiple gestations is deemed as one of the most important adverse outcomes following ART. Care for such neonates incurs significant costs to the healthcare systems with the long-term outcomes of such babies being difficult to predict. Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions in 12–17 % of cases are related to multiple pregnancies, with up to 91 % of these related to IVF, where two to six embryos were transferred [63]. Most systematic reviews on outcomes of ART pregnancies indicate statistically better pregnancy outcomes for ART twins compared to spontaneous conceptions. This is in contrast to singleton pregnancies, where natural singletons perform better compared to ART conceived infants [5]. However, depending on the study and populations assessed, preterm birth, low birth weight and congenital anomalies can be either similar or worse in the ART population compared to spontaneously conceived multiple gestations [64, 65]. A systematic review of a total of 4385 ART twin pregnancies and 11,793 spontaneous twin gestations indicates an increased risk of preterm birth and low birth weight of <2500 g in ART pregnancies (RR 1.23, 95 % CI 1.09–1.41 and RR 1.14, 95 % CI 1.06–1.22, respectively) [66]. Maternal anaemia, pregnancy associated hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes, caesarean section rates and post partum haemorrhage are a well-known risk of multiple gestations. With increasing prevalence of multiple pregnancies, these complications are a more frequent event on the current labour ward.

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