Characteristics of Cancers in the Neonatal Period

and Daniela Cristina Stefan2

Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé Cheikh Khalifa Hospital, Casablanca, Morocco
South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa
NeuroblastomaGerm cell tumorsAcute lymphoblasticMyeloid leukemiaDown syndromeGenetic predispositionChemotherapyDose reduction

Case Presentation

Youssef is 15-days-old neonate boy. He is brought by his mother because of abdominal distension . No past medical history was reported during the pregnancy. Examination shows a huge abdominal mass.
Abdominal ultrasound (Fig. 21.1) found heterogeneous hepatomegaly and suspected right suprarenal mass. Abdominal CT (Fig. 21.2) confirmed the diagnosis.
Fig. 21.1
Abdominal ultrasound
Fig. 21.2
Abdominal CT-Scan
  • What is the most likely diagnosis?
  • What are the investigations required to confirm the diagnosis?
  • What is the treatment and prognosis in this case?
Cancer is rare in the neonatal period and has special epidemiology features and unique presentations. The care of neonates requires taking into account organic immaturity and sensitivity to chemotherapy . In Africa, there are sparse reports on cancer in neonates.

Epidemiological Profile

The most common cancers in the newborn are neuroblastoma representing almost 50 % of cases, leukemia, renal tumors, and sarcomas. These cancers might be related to predisposing genetic factors or conditions acquired during pregnancy.

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Jun 26, 2017 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Characteristics of Cancers in the Neonatal Period

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