Cerebral palsy


Cerebral palsy


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a term used to describe a range of developmental motor disorders arising from a nonprogressive lesion or disorder of the brain (Box 16-1).3 Associated brain damage is characterized by paralysis, spasticity, or abnormal control of movement or posture. While the injury to the brain is considered static, the pattern of motor impairment may change over time, affecting development in all daily occupations of childhood. The motor disorders associated with CP are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, cognition, communication, perception, and/or a seizure disorder.12 The lesion or damage in the brain may cause impairment in muscle activity in all or part of the body. CP typically affects the development of sensory, perceptual, and motor areas of the central nervous system (CNS). This can cause the child to have difficulty integrating all of the information that the brain needs to correctly plan and direct the skilled, efficient movements in the trunk and extremities that are used in everyday interactions with the environment. The muscles shorten and lengthen in uncoordinated, inefficient ways and are unable to work together to create smooth, effective motion.

Progression of atypical movement patterns

Children who have CP demonstrate difficulty in achieving and maintaining normal posture while lying down, sitting, and standing because of impaired patterns of muscle activation.3,19 These abnormal patterns result from the decreased ability of the CNS to control coactivation and reciprocal innervation of select muscle groups. Coactivation of muscle is the result of a co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscle groups around a joint. Simultaneous contraction of agonist and antagonist muscle groups provide stability around a joint and also affect overall body posture. Reciprocal innervations in muscle groups occur when excitatory input directs the agonist muscle to contract while inhibitory input directs the antagonist muscle to remain inactive.12,19 These reciprocal innervations allow for movement to occur around a joint and in the body. Children who have CP may develop abnormal movement compensations and body postures as they try to overcome these motor deficits to function within their environments. Over time, movement compensations and atypical motor patterns create barriers to ongoing motor skill development. Instead of freely moving and exploring the world, as children with a normally developing sensorimotor system do, children who have CP may rely on early automatic reflex movement patterns as their primary means of mobility. These early automatic reflexive movements occur without conscious control of the child and are typically elicited by a specific sensory motor action.

Primary and secondary impairments

Children with CP manifest primary impairments that are the direct result of the lesion in the CNS. Primary impairments are an immediate and direct result of the cortical lesion in the brain. The nervous system damage that causes CP can occur before or during birth or before a child’s second year, the time when myelination of the child’s sensory and motor tracts and CNS structures rapidly occurs. CP is described as nonprogressive, nonhereditary, and noncontagious.12 As a nonprogressive condition, the original defect or lesion occurring in the CNS typically does not worsen or change over time. However, because the lesion occurs in immature brain structures, the progression of the child’s motor development may appear to change. Normal nervous system maturation shifts control of voluntary movement to increasingly higher and more complex areas of the brain. The child who has CP exhibits some changes in movement ability that results from the expected progression of motor development skills, but these changes tend to be delayed relative to age and often show much less variety than those seen on the normally developing child.

Children with CP develop secondary impairments in systems or organs over time due to the effects of one or more of the primary impairments.3,20 These secondary impairments may become just as debilitating as the primary impairments. For example, a child with CP may have a primary impairment such as hypertonia and a muscle imbalance across a joint. This abnormal muscle tone may cause poor alignment across a joint, further muscle weakness, and eventually a contracture in the joint. The resulting muscle contractures, poor body alignment, and poor ability to initiate movement would be considered secondary impairments. It is important to understand this, since the diagnosis of CP means that a child has a static nonprogressive lesion in the brain. Although the initial brain injury remains unchanged, the results or the secondary impairments are not static and change over time with body growth and attempts to move against gravity. Children with CP may continue to rely on automatic movement patterns because they are unable to direct their muscles to move successfully in more typical motor patterns (Figure 16-1). The atypical patterns used to play or complete functional activities may become repetitive and fixed. The repetition of the atypical movement patterns prevent children with CP from gaining independent voluntary control of their own movements and can lead to diminished strength and musculoskeletal problems. The combination of impaired muscle coactivation and the use of reflexively controlled postures may lead to future contractures in muscles, tendons, and ligamentous tissues, causing the tissues to become permanently shortened. Bone deformities and alterations of typical posture or spinal and joint alignment may also occur.

Frequency and causes

CP is the leading cause of childhood disability, and the reported incidence varies from 2 to 3 per 1000 live births.12 The prevalence rate of CP has remained stable since the 1950s, in spite of dramatic improvements in prenatal and perinatal care over the last four decades.20 According to the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Foundation, there are nearly 800,000 children and adults in the United States living with one or more symptoms of cerebral palsy.21 The accident that causes brain injury may occur during the prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal period, but evidence suggests that 70% to 80% of the causes of brain injury are prenatal in origin (Box 16-2).3 Prenatal maternal infection and multiple pregnancies have also been associated with cerebral palsy.12 Other prenatal factors include genetic abnormalities and maternal health factors such as stress, malnutrition, exposure to damaging drugs, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Some gestational conditions of the mother, such as diabetes, may cause perinatal risks to the developing fetus; prematurity and low birth weight significantly increase an infant’s risk of developing cerebral palsy.19 Medical problems associated with premature birth may directly or indirectly damage the developing sensorimotor areas of the CNS. In particular, respiratory disorders can cause the premature newborn to experience anoxia, which deprives cells of oxygen that cells need to function and survive. Typical postnatal causes of CP could include conditions that result in significant damage to the developing CNS, such as malnutrition or hypoxic ischemia resulting from lack of oxygen to the brain. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is defined as damage to cells in the CNS (brain and spinal cord) caused by inadequate oxygen. Other postnatal causes include infections and exposure to environmental toxins.

Posture, postural control, and movement

To understand the functional movement problems that develop in children who have CP, the occupational therapy (OT) practitioner must be familiar with the ways that people normally control their bodies and execute skilled movements. The term posture describes the alignment of the body’s parts in relation to each other and the environment. The ability to develop a large repertoire of postures and change them easily during an activity depends on the integration of several automatic, involuntary movement actions referred to as the postural mechanism, which includes several key components:

Disruption in the postural mechanism and the movement problems seen in children with CP are considered secondary impairments, which may be significantly reduced by OT interventions.

Righting, equilibrium, and protective reactions

The functions that aid individuals in maintaining or regaining posture are righting reactions and equilibrium reactions, often referred to concomitantly as balance reactions. These functions can be thought of as static or dynamic. When people are sitting and not engaged in any activity, they are using static balance. When they bend to pick up an object on the floor, for example, they use dynamic balance to right themselves. Righting reactions are the foundation for all balance responses and help maintain upright postures against gravity during times when the center of gravity is moving off the body’s base of support. Righting reactions help sense that the head is out of alignment with the body and produce a motor response to realign the head with the body. This requires the ability to bring the head and trunk back into “normal” skeletal alignment by using only the necessary muscle groups. When righting and equilibrium reactions are not sufficient to regain an upright posture quickly and safely, individuals use another reflexive reaction called the protective extension reaction. When people fall, they frequently use this reaction, automatically reaching outward from their bodies to catch themselves or break the fall. A protective response requires the motor ability to quickly bring an extremity (i.e., arm or leg) out from the body to prevent a fall and also the strength to support the body’s weight momentarily while bracing.

When movement abilities develop normally, children experience and practice many different movements and positions as they work toward mastering the upright, two-legged stance. Postural stability and the ability to demonstrate righting, equilibrium, and protective responses evolves developmentally through experimentation and play in a variety of developmental positions (e.g., prone, supine, sitting, kneeling, standing).

As children refine their control of specific postures through developmental progression, they develop the stable righting, equilibrium, and protective responses needed for a variety of skills and functional tasks. The majority of functional activities involve combinations of movement patterns of the head and neck, trunk, upper extremities, and lower extremities while moving the center of gravity off the body’s base of support. Rarely do activities require isolated movements in one extremity or in a single plane of motion. Through a careful clinical analysis, the possible combinations enabling a functional activity can be described and used as a basis for making treatment decisions. For example, when a person reaches across the dinner table to pass a serving dish, that person must remain stable in the chair while going through several hand and arm motions to lift the dish, move it across the table, and then carefully release it to the person receiving the dish. Such a task requires the use of the muscles of the trunk and pelvic girdle areas as stabilizers; that is, these muscles provide postural stability as the upper extremity and shoulder girdle muscles perform the skilled movement task. In addition to the different types of muscle activity used for this task, the person must also rely on intact righting and equilibrium reactions to help keep the body upright against gravity and maintain a sitting posture in the chair while the body’s weight is being shifted during the reaching task. The person passing the dish will probably lean to the left or right or forward. In this instance, just as in every executed movement, the leaning or moving from the center of gravity requires shifting of the body’s weight. Each time a person shifts weight, righting and equilibrium reactions are used to counterbalance the weight shifts during the movements and help regain an upright posture with body parts correctly realigned. Vision, hearing, and other sensory inputs also provide perceptual information about whether the person is moving just the right distance when reaching and whether that person is upright in the context of the immediate surroundings.

Muscle tone

Muscle tone is the force with which a muscle resists being lengthened and can also be defined as the muscle’s resting stiffness. It is tested by an OT practitioner passively stretching the client’s muscle from the shortened state to the lengthened state and feeling the resistance offered by the muscle to the stretch. A child’s ability to perform sequential movements is supported by the ability of muscles to maintain the correct amount of tension (stiffness) and elasticity during the movements. Muscle tone is highly influenced by gravity. Muscles must have enough tone to move against gravity in a smooth, coordinated motion. Emotions and mental states, including levels of alertness, fatigue, and excitement, can also influence muscle tone. Normal muscle tone develops along a continuum, with some variability among members of the typical population.

The qualities of contractility and elasticity are necessary for the muscle’s accurate response to changes in stimuli experienced during movement, an event referred to as coactivation. Muscle tone allows muscles to adapt readily to changing sensory stimuli during functional activities. Children with CP resulting from a lesion in the CNS experience disruption in postural control; disruptions in righting, equilibrium, protective reactions; and atypical muscle tone. Decreased muscle tone, which is defined as hypotonia, can make a child appear relaxed and even floppy. Increased muscle tone, which is defined as hypertonia, can make a child appear stiff or rigid. In some cases, a child may initially appear hypotonic, but the muscle tone may change to hypertonia after several months of life and the influence of movement against gravity. An occupational therapy assistant (OTA) must possess an understanding of the ways in which postural control and muscle tone can affect normal movement patterns and everyday occupations when planning therapeutic interventions for children with CP (Box 16 -3). This knowledge is imperative for planning functional therapeutic activities that are appropriate for the child’s age and physical abilities.

Postural development and motor control

As newborns grow, they are continually developing and refining postural control. As with motor skills, the characteristics of posture vary with age. In the past 20 years, much research has been devoted to understanding motor control so that OT practitioners may provide effective neurologic rehabilitation to persons who have CP and other neurologic disorders. Motor control theory is complex, and detailed explanations of this theory are beyond the scope of this text. However, the OTA should be aware of the two main schools of thought on motor control. This knowledge can guide the OT practitioner in seeking information that can contribute to implementing effective therapeutic approaches. The theories can be grouped into two models of motor control: (1) the traditional reflex–hierarchical models, and (2) the more recent systems models.

Reflex–hierarchical models

Reflex–hierarchical models propose that purposeful movement is initiated only when the individual experiences a need to move.19 When the desire to move is stimulated, the person searches his or her long-term memory for a pattern of movement that will accomplish the desired task. The movement patterns that the person has practiced the most are the most likely to be used again because they are embedded in memory. The person prepares to execute the movement, incorporating additional information from the environment to make the movements meet the demands of the task. For example, when a child is thirsty or hungry and sees food or drink, the child will become motivated to reach for or move to the desired food or drink. Long-term memory is searched for a pattern of movement that will enable the child to achieve the desired goal, that is, to reach the food or drink. Because all previous efforts to reach a bottle were stored in a generalized movement program, the child has a general history of the motor skills necessary for proper sequence, timing, and force of motor actions. Environmental factors, such as the sizes and weights of the objects, are also considerations used to determine the appropriate movement patterns. Sensory feedback determines whether the child’s movement efforts have been successful (i.e., have met the task demands). The agonist muscles help lift the food or drink to the mouth, while the antagonist muscles are programmed to relax, allowing the movement of the agonist muscle to occur. Coactivation occurs when both the agonist and antagonist muscle groups work together to stabilize the container of the food or drink at the mouth in order to actually eat or drink. With continual repetition, these movement patterns can develop into motor skills. Reflex–hierarchical models support the idea that motor learning optimally occurs when a person engages in repeating the same task during frequent, regular practice; breaking down a task during frequent, regular practice into small parts is the most effective way to learn the entire task.

According to reflex models, many children with CP use tonic reflexes controlled by the lower levels of the CNS for managing most of their movements. These movement patterns are “hard wired” into the human nervous system and do not depend on the application of learned patterns for performing tasks. According to this model, children with CP lack the ability to independently learn to control movement from higher-level brain centers. Their abnormal postural mechanisms and disordered muscle tone cause them to repeatedly use and store in memory those movement patterns that are governed predominantly by the early tonic reflex patterns; these patterns inhibit the functional use of agonist and antagonist muscles during daily tasks (reciprocal innervations and coactivation). The reflex–hierarchical model has been challenged by motor theorists on several issues, including the impact of the environment on learning new motor patterns and the ability of the brain to actually store all the motor programs necessary to perform the infinite number of tasks an individual completes in his or her lifetime.

Dynamic system models

The dynamic systems approach to understanding motor behavior proposes that postural control is greatly influenced by an individual’s many volitional and functional daily tasks and activities.19 Systems theorists recognize that it is impossible to understand motor control issues without understanding the external and internal forces that affect movement against the forces of gravity. Systems models purport that posture and movement must be flexible and adaptable so that a person can perform a wide range of daily activities, whereas reflex–hierarchical models state that the control of posture and movement is the outcome or product of a process. Dynamic systems models postulate that posture is anticipatory to the initiation of movement. Postural adjustments actually precede movements; they prepare the body to counterbalance the weight shifts that are caused by the movement activity. In this way, less balance disturbance occurs. Dynamic systems theorists also suggest that control of movement occurs due to the interactions of many body systems working cooperatively to achieve a desired movement goal. This concept is called the distributed model of motor control. Consider this example of a child trying to catch two balls, one of which is a small tennis ball and the other a large, heavy medicine ball. Before catching the balls, the child has used his or her vision to inspect them, used visual perception to make decisions about their sizes and weights, assumed an appropriate postural stance, and positioned the arms forward away from the body to be ready to catch. This anticipatory process is called feedforward.

According to the systems approach, feedforward actions require that posture be highly variable and subject to being affected by all the factors motivating the person to choose to catch the balls. No one right way to execute movement exists; rather, movement is strongly influenced by many variables. According to this approach, in contrast to reflex–hierarchical models, motor development follows a step-like progression, starting with primitive reflexes and progressing to voluntary movement control through the higher brain centers. The research of systems theorists has shown that motor activity is most often initiated by the interaction of sensory, perceptual, environmental, and other factors leading to task-focused, goal-directed movement.

One other concept from systems model research has important therapeutic implications for the treatment of children with CP or other neurologic disorders. Postural control and movement are at their greatest levels of efficiency, flexibility, and adaptability after randomized practice and repetition. Infants attempt to roll, crawl, stand, and walk over several hundred attempts with varied success and failure. Each attempt provides necessary feedback that will feedforward to more skilled motor responses and the eventual mastery of the motor skill. For example, children in elementary school have many opportunities to practice learning to print their names so that the letters are neatly aligned and are of small, equal sizes. Although children practice printing during class, they are also practicing any time they spontaneously write their names during typical childhood activities and games. Over time, this repeated motor pattern develops into a skill; children can adapt the postures and movements used in the activity to fit several different tasks. They can write their names at the top of school papers while seated at their desks or at the bottom of pictures they are drawing while stretched out on the floor. By repeating this task in many different contexts, children gain the skill of motor problem solving. Systems models suggest that children with CP need to be challenged with meaningful activities that encourage repetition of motor actions that will develop motor strategies in a variety of play environments.

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Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Cerebral palsy

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