Predominantly neutrophils
Predominantly eosinophils
Acute pneumonia (empyema)
Acute peritonitis
Fungal infection
Mycobacterial infection
Penetrating injury
Perforated viscera or intrathoracic rupture of esophagus
Mimic: Karyorrhectic debris from high-grade lymphomas or other small round blue cell tumors involving a body cavity can mimic the multilobulated nuclei of neutrophils
Chest tubes
Autoimmune disease
Pulmonary embolus
Mimic: Eosinophils may be mistaken for neutrophils in an effusion, since the eosinophilic granules are not easily seen on Papanicolaou-stained slides
Predominantly lymphocytes
Predominantly plasma cells
Mycobacterial infection
Autoimmune disease
Peritoneal dialysis
Chylous effusion
Leukemia and lymphoma
Other neoplasms
Mimic: Karyorrhectic or apoptotic debris from small round blue cell tumors involving a body cavity can mimic lymphocytic effusions
Autoimmune disease
Mycobacterial infection
Mimic: Plasmacytoid neoplasms such as melanoma, and neuroendocrine neoplasm can mimic a plasmacytic effusion
Predominantly histiocytes
Mechanical irritation
Histiocytic and mesothelial hyperplasia

Fig. 9.1
In this pleural fluid from a child with pneumonia, there are numerous neutrophils, scattered lymphocytes, and histiocytes, consistent with an empyema (Papanicolaou stain, medium power).

Fig. 9.2
In this pleural fluid from a 10-year-old boy with a mycobacterial infection, a moderate number of lymphocytes are present in a serous background (Papanicolaou stain, medium power). The culture grew M. tuberculosis.

Fig. 9.3
This eosinophilic effusion taken after repeated chest tubes has numerous eosinophils with bilobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granularity (a. Diff-Quik stain, medium power; b. Papanicolaou stain, medium power; c. H&E stain, medium power). The eosinophilic granules are not as easily seen on the Papanicolaou stain, compared to Diff-Quik and H&E stains. (Images courtesy of Dr. Sara Monaco).

Fig. 9.4
Protoscolex of Echinococcus in a background of hydatid sand from an intra-abdominal cyst in an 11-year-old boy (Papanicolaou stain, medium power). An arrow indicates the collar of hooklets. Infectious Etiologies
Effusions result from a wide variety of infections. While cultures or clinical context may be needed for a specific diagnosis, the constituent inflammatory cells provide an important clue to the differential diagnostic considerations:
Viral infection: Many viral infections including, but not limited to, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial, and mumps result in serous effusions. Variable numbers of chronic inflammatory cells are noted. Very occasionally, a viral cytopathic effect can be identified in mesothelial cells .
Bacterial infection: Infection due to streptococci, staphylococci, haemophili, and other bacteria can lead to empyema, acute peritonitis or pericarditis. The fluid is macroscopically purulent, with numerous neutrophils and inflammatory debris noted microscopically (Fig. 9.1). Bacteria, within neutrophils and/or histiocytes or extracellularly, may be noted. Ancillary microbiological tests can help to identify the organism and to determine antimicrobial sensitivities.
Mycobacterial infection: Fluid from a tuberculous serositis is typically shiny green macroscopically. Microscopically, there is a dearth of mesothelial cells with scattered to moderate numbers of lymphoid cells in a serous background [1, 2, 6]. Very occasionally, caseous necrosis and granulomas may be seen. Mycobacterial infection can, on occasion, cause an acute inflammatory infiltrate (Fig. 9.2). Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and gamma-interferon (IFN) levels are raised. Routine acid fast stains can be used on direct smears made from the centrifuged ‘pellet’ of the fluid. A cell block can also be produced on which ancillary tests for mycobacterial infection can be performed.
Fungal infection: Fungal serositis is encountered most frequently in immunosuppressed children. A predominance of neutrophils is seen with a varying amount of debris. The most common fungi in this regard are candida spp, cryptococcus spp, and Pneumocystis jirovecii. Special stains, such as PAS, GMS, and mucicarmine, highlight the morphologic features of the organisms and, thus, may aid in identification.
Parasitic infection: Many parasites have been reported in serous effusions including paragonimiasis, amebiasis, echinococcosis, ascariasis, and schistosomiasis (Fig. 9.4). Autoimmune and Rheumatologic Disease
Effusions are most often seen with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE ) and rheumatoid arthritis, but can be associated with other autoimmune and rheumatologic disorders.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pleural effusions are most commonly seen, but peritoneal and pericardial effusions have been described. Arthritis is typically present before pleuritis develops.
The fluid is yellow to green with a metallic shine (pseudochylous).
The cytomorphology mimics that seen in a rheumatoid nodule. Variable amounts of granular debris and acute inflammatory cells are observed in the background. Mesothelial cells are sparse. Histiocytes are noted and can assume a variety of unusual shapes (e.g., spindled). These spindle cells have well-defined cell borders, dense cytoplasm, and pyknotic nuclei. Multinucleated histiocytes and cholesterol crystals can also be observed (Fig. 9.5).Fig. 9.5This pleural fluid from a 17-year-old girl with rheumatoid arthritis shows multinucleated cells (a) in a granular, inflamed background with degenerating epithelioid histiocytes (b, arrow) (Papanicolaou stain, high power).
Biochemical analysis reveals an exudate with low glucose and pH levels, high lactic dehydrogenase levels (LDH), and high rheumatoid factor titers.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE )
An effusion is a very unusual presentation for SLE , but effusions often develop during the course of the disease. Pleural effusions are more often encountered, but peritoneal and pericardial serositis may be observed.
Under the microscope, variable numbers of neutrophils and lymphocytes are noted. Two different cell types have been described in association with effusions in SLE . The LE cell is a neutrophil or macrophage with a large, homogeneous cytoplasmic inclusion that pushes the nucleus to one side of the cell. The nucleus becomes crescentic in shape [7]. This inclusion, referred to as a hematoxylin body, represents the denatured nucleus of a phagocytosed cell. Tart cells have phagocytosed material that is smaller than a hematoxylin body, is nonhomogeneous, and does not displace the nucleus. Tart cells are thought to represent the initial stages of degeneration of the phagocytosed cell, when the nuclear morphology is still visible and precedes the completely denatured and homogenized form seen in LE cells (Fig. 9.6).Fig. 9.6A pleural effusion from a young woman with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus shows degenerating cells in various stages, including those within neutrophils and histiocytes (a. Diff-Quik stain, high power; b. H&E stain, medium power). The LE cells typically have completely degenerated cells with no discernible chromatin (circles), whereas the tart cells contain engulfed cells in various states of degeneration, but with intact chromatin visible (arrow). (Images courtesy of Dr. Sara Monaco).
Biochemically, lupus effusions are exudates with normal glucose levels. Antinuclear antibody titers are positive in both serum and effusion fluid. Miscellaneous Lesions
Hepatitis and uremia : Both of these conditions can cause reactive mesothelial cells that should not be confused with neoplasia. There are increased numbers of mesothelial cells lying singly, in monolayered sheets and in three-dimensional clusters with a knobby or flowerlike border. The cells are round with a well-defined cell border, dense cytoplasm, and central or eccentrically located nucleus. The cytoplasm has a peripheral “lacy skirt” appearance. The nuclei have smooth nuclear borders with fine to moderately coarse chromatin. Nucleoli can be prominent [1, 6].
Dialysis: In children undergoing peritoneal dialysis, mesothelial cells ranging from mildly reactive to markedly atypical can be observed. Varying numbers of lymphocytes are seen, although eosinophilia has also been described.
Radiation and chemotherapy: Increased numbers of mesothelial cells are noted in a hemorrhagic background. The mesothelial cells demonstrate enlargement of the nucleus and cytoplasm, but the overall nuclear-to-cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio is maintained. Other features include cytoplasmic vacuoles, nuclear hyperchromasia, and multinucleation. Degenerative changes in neoplastic cells include nuclear enlargement or reduction in size, karyorrhexis, karyolysis, and pyknosis, in addition to necrosis and apoptosis (Fig. 9.7).Fig. 9.7Benign and reactive mesothelial cells from a pleural fluid in a 2-year old male who developed a pleural effusion while undergoing chemotherapy for retinoblastoma (a, b. Papanicolaou stain, low power and high power).
Chylous effusion : This is the accumulation of chyle within a serous cavity, most often the pleural cavity. It can occur in neonates with abnormal thoracic duct development, in children of all ages after surgery or trauma, or be idiopathic. Chylous fluid is a milky white. Numerous small lymphoid cells are seen on cytological evaluation. Biochemistry reveals chylomicrons and high triglyceride levels. These effusions can have features similar to tuberculous effusions or effusions seen in autoimmune disorders.
Meconium peritonitis : This is seen soon after birth and is caused by intestinal tract perforation and leaking of meconium into the peritoneum. Cytologically, debris, hemosiderin, anucleate squamous cells, and inflammation are observed [2].
Endometriosis and endosalpingiosis : These entities are rare in fluid specimens. When present, they are usually seen in peritoneal washings in female adolescents, but are occasionally encountered in pleural fluids. In endometriosis, small clusters of endometrial cells are noted in a hemorrhagic background. The cells are tightly clustered and cuboidal with eccentrically situated nuclei. Hemosiderin-laden macrophages and stromal cells may, on occasion, be seen. CD10 immunochemistry may be used to indicate an endometrial stromal component. Endosalpingiosis presents with ciliated or non-ciliated columnar cells lying in clusters and papillary-like arrangements. Psammoma bodies may be seen in endosalpingiosis but hemosiderin-laden macrophages are lacking. Endosalpingiosis demonstrates B72.3, estrogen receptor and progesteron receptor positivity.
Extramedullary hematopoiesis : While the myeloid precursor cells may be difficult to appreciate in effusion cytology, the presence of megakaryocytes should alert one to the diagnosis of extramedullary hematopoiesis. Megakaryocytes are large cells with multilobulated nuclei and granular chromatin.
Kawasaki disease : This is a disease of unknown etiology that produces a systemic vasculitis. It is seen most often in children under the age of 5 years. It may, on occasion, be associated with hemorrhagic pleural or pericardial effusion. Cytology reveals a blood-stained effusion with scattered lymphoid cells.
Nodular mesothelial and histiocytic hyperplasia: This is a benign hyperplasia of mesothelial cells and histiocytes that can mimic malignancy and potentially cause false-positive diagnoses in fluid cytology. Although it was originally described in hernia sacs and pericardial fluids, it can occur in the pleural or peritoneal cavities as well and is thought to be the result of focal irritation by trauma, tumor, or inflammation. Cytologically, there are distinct cellular clusters of mesothelial cells and histiocytes without pleomorphism, in addition to a background of chronic inflammation [8].
9.5 Malignancies in Fluid Cytology
Most effusions in the pediatric population have a benign etiology. However, primary and secondary malignancies need to be actively excluded when examining serous fluid from a child or adolescent. Most malignant effusions in the pediatric population are due to involvement by a hematolymphoid process. Other small round cell tumors, primary or metastatic, are the next most common cause of malignant effusion in this clinical setting. Although most of these patients have a known history of malignancy, in a subset of patients, the malignant effusion is the initial presentation, and in these cases, ancillary testing is important for arriving at an accurate and specific diagnosis [9].
9.5.1 Primary Malignancies Desmoplastic Round Cell Tumor (DRCT )
Clinical features
DRCT is a rare but aggressive tumor, which is usually located intra-abdominally and in the pelvis but can be found in the retroperitoneum, thorax, and central nervous system. The tumor is most often seen in young males aged 8 to 38 years, but has been described in females. Patients typically present with abdominal pain or abdominal mass, and may have ascites. Prognosis is poor.
Cytological features
The specimen is often cellular with tumor cells in loosely cohesive groups or tighter clusters, without any distinct architecture. The presence of sphere-like clusters without a stromal core is a helpful feature, although this can morphologically mimic adenocarcinoma in fluids [9, 10]. Sporadic single cells and rosettes may also be seen. The cells have a high N/C ratio with minimal cytoplasm and occasional cytoplasmic vacuoles. The nuclei are round to oval with moderately granular chromatin and may show nuclear molding. Nucleoli can be prominent or inconspicuous. The background is typically hemorrhagic or necrotic. Despite the characteristic alternating round cell and stromal components observed on histology, metachromatic stromal fragments are seldom seen in the effusions, although scattered spindle cells may be present.
DRCT exhibits polyphenotypic immunostaining for epithelial (AE1/AE3, CK5/CK6, EMA, and/or others), muscle (desmin), and neural (NSE, synaptophysin, and/or others) markers. WT1 is usually positive, while FLI1 is negative. DRCT is characterized by a recurrent translocation t(11;22)(p13; q12) with fusion of the EWSR and WT1 genes which can be demonstrated by cytogenetics or reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). An EWSR translocation can also be identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), although this is not specific for DRCT . Electron microscopy shows intermediate filaments located near the nucleus.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes other round cell tumors, and immunostains and FISH and/or RT-PCR studies are critical for establishing a correct diagnosis. Nephroblastoma or Wilms’ tumor has cytological features of tubules, blastema, and stroma, which are more prominent than in DRCT , but both are positive for epithelial markers and WT1. DRCT stains with antibodies to the carboxy terminus of WT1, whereas dual immunoreactivity for the carboxy and amino terminuses is seen in Wilms tumor. Neuroblastoma occurs in a younger age group, has neuropil, and lacks metachromatically staining stromal fragments but similar to DRCT can demonstrate rosettes and positive immunostaining for neuroendocrine markers. Rhabdomyosarcomas tend to have dense cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei, may show evidence of rhabdomyoblastic differentiation , such as more abundant eccentric cytoplasm or strap cells, and are immunoreactive for myogenin and myoD1, in addition to desmin. Of note, aberrant staining for epithelial and neuroendocrine markers occurs in a minority of rhabdomyosarcomas and may lead to diagnostic confusion; however, in contrast to DRCT , rhabdomyosarcomas lack EWSR1 translocations. Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) is typically negative for desmin, cytokeratin, EMA, and WT1, and has EWSR1 translocations that involve partners other than WT1. Lymphoid malignancies are characterized by lack of cellular cohesion, the presence of lymphoglandular bodies, and positivity for lymphoid markers. A less common tumor in the differential diagnosis includes extramedullary ependymoma of the myxopapillary type that may arise in the sacrum or abdominopelvic region and is positive for GFAP and S100. Small cell carcinomas and mesotheliomas are rare in the pediatric age group.
DRCT overlaps cytomorphologically with other small round cell tumors of childhood. Thus, it is essential to use a panel of immunostains, in addition to FISH and/or RT-PCR to exclude other small round cell tumors of childhood and arrive at the correct diagnosis. RT-PCR has an advantage over the break-apart FISH probe for EWSR1, in that the EWSR1-WT1 translocation detected by RT-PCR is specific for DRCT , whereas the break-apart probe for EWSR1 is positive in a variety of tumors, including Ewing/PNET (EWSR1-FLI1 and EWSR1-ERG), extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (CHN-EWSR1), clear cell sarcoma (EWSR1-ATF1), and desmoplastic small round cell tumor (EWSR1-WT1) [6]. Pleuropulmonary Blastoma (PPB )
Clinical features
PPB is a rare intrathoracic neoplasm that occurs predominantly in children under the age of 4 years, but is the most common tumor seen in the cancer predisposition syndrome associated with germline DICER1 mutations. It may be cystic, solid and cystic, or solid and, except for purely cystic tumors, follows an aggressive course. It is distinct from pulmonary blastoma. Patients present with respiratory symptoms, including cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, and/or recurrent pneumonia, and some develop pleural effusions. Radiologically, these tumors can appear as low-attenuation masses in the pleural cavity with some high-attenuation areas, which can mimic an empyema [8].
Cytological features
PPB shows varying proportions of primitive blastema and sarcomatous elements and, in cystic lesions, benign epithelium. Lipoblastic, chondroblastic, and rhabdomyoblastic differentiation of the sarcomatous component has been described. The blastema is negative, on immunostaining, for CD99. Cytogenetic studies often show gains in chromosome 8q, and molecular studies reveal germline mutations in DICER1 in approximately 50–70 % of patients with PPB .
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes other small round cell tumors of childhood, malignant teratoma, synovial sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and infantile fibrosarcoma. Cases of pleuropulmonary blastoma can mimic an empyema of the pleural space on radiological imaging and thus awareness of this entity is important [11].

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