Fig. 4.1
Neuroblastoma . Poorly differentiated neuroblastoma . No neuropil. Elevated MKI. MGG
Fig. 4.2
Neuroblastoma. Maturating neuroblastoma . Some larger cells with cytoplasm. MGG
Fig. 4.3
Neuroblastoma. Neuropil and well differentiated neuroblasts . MGG
Fig. 4.4
Neuroblastoma. Neuropil. Papanicolaou
Fig. 4.5
Neuroblastoma . Rosettes and central neuropil . MGG
Fig. 4.6
Ganglioneuroblastoma. Neuroblasts and maturating cells . MGG
Fig. 4.7
Ganglioneuroblastoma. Ganglion and giant cells . MGG
Fig. 4.8
Ganglioneuroma. Schwannian tissue and ganglion cells. MGG
Fig. 4.9
Neuroblastoma. GD2 positivity of neuroblasts . Phosphatase
Table 4.1
Cytologic features of neuroblastic tumors
• Hypercellular smears with predominantly isolated cells (neuroblastoma) |
• Typical neuroblasts with kidney-shaped, or V-shaped nuclei (neuroblastoma) |
• Neuropil (absent in ganglioneuroma) |
• Homer-Wright rosettes (absent in ganglioneuroma) |
• Focal or extensive necrosis and calcifications (neuroblastoma) |
• Mitotic figures and karyorrhexis (neuroblastoma) |
• Maturing or mature cells (ganglion cells) (ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroma) |
• Possible MYCN amplification (absent in ganglioneuroma) |
• Schwannian stroma in ganglioneuroma or ganglioneuroblastoma |
Smears in differentiated neuroblastomas are usually hypercellular and composed of isolated or clustered neuroblasts (nuclear molding), various numbers of Homer-Wright rosettes and pools of neuropil. Poorly differentiated neuroblastomas and undifferentiated neuroblastomas exhibit similar morphology, but rosettes and neuropil are absent. Necrosis and calcifications may be present.
Smears in ganglioneuroblastomas are usually cellular and composed of polymorphic population with prominent anisonucleosis and abundant neuropil. A mixture of neuroblast and ganglion cells in various stages of differentiation may not be present.
Smears in ganglioneuromas are paucicellular and composed of polymorphous cells with schwannian morphology, naked nuclei, and connective tissue debris. Ganglion cells are usually present singly or in groups. Background consists of stromal tissue fragments, which are composed of small oval nuclei and eosinophil fibrillary matrix (Schwann cells and fibroblasts).
The risk of misdiagnosis of “ganglioneuroblastoma” as a “ganglioneuroma” or “neuroblastoma” as a “ganglioneuroblastoma” is the same whether using FNA or core-needle biopsy.
Recently, a cytological grading has also been proposed (favorable or unfavorable cytology) (Table 4.2) [9]: neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas composed of predominantly neuroblastic elements, with no differentiating cells and a mitosis-karyorrhexis index of (MKI) >2%, are classified as high-risk tumors, regardless of their MYCN amplification status. The use of this proposed score would ensure an accurate and optimal diagnostic and prognostic classification of neuroblastic tumors in cases where the histology biopsy is absent or inadequate for analysis (Table 4.1).
Parameter | Score | Cytology |
Proportion of neuroblasts vs stroma | 2/3 of stroma and 1/3 of neuroblasts | Favorable |
1/3 of stroma and 2/3 of neuroblasts | Favorable | |
100% neuroblasts, no stroma | Unfavorable | |
Maturation | 100–10% of differentiating/mature cells | Favorable |
9–1% of differentiating/mature cells | Favorable | |
0% of differentiating/mature cells | Unfavorable | |
MKIa | 0–2% | Favorable |
3–4% | Unfavorable | |
>4% | Unfavorable |
4.1.3 Ancillary Techniques
Immunocytochemistry [10] using an antibody against NB84 is not specifically positive in all well-differentiated neuroblastomas. Therefore, we use a panel of antibodies including Phox2b, tyrosine xydroxylase (positive in neuroblastoma), INI1/SMARB1, chromogranin, synaptophysin, neurospecific enolase (positive in neuroblastoma), CD45-RB-LCA, desmin, myogenin, cytokeratin AE1/AE3 (negative in neuroblastoma), and mic2-CD99 (dot-like positivity in neuroblastoma).
Moreover, the GD2 antibody is of great help in the diagnosis and may be successfully used in the detection of metastatic neuroblasts in the bone marrow cytospins.
Neuroblastic tumors exhibit specific genomic characteristics such that data generated by flow cytometric DNA index, ALK amplification, MYCN amplification and Comparative Genomic Hybridization on microarrays (array CGH) can be combined with clinico-pathological information to stratify patients into low-, intermediate-, and high-risk as well as indicating optimal treatment choices [2, 11]. Genomic analysis of the primary tumor requires abundant cellular material, which can come from open surgical biopsy, trans-cutaneous radio-guided biopsy, or fine-needle aspiration. The rapid diagnosis of neuroblastoma by cytology allows in situ evaluation of the necessity of bone-marrow sampling and central catheter installation. Moreover, FNA material is usually hypercellular and suitable for molecular analyses [9].
4.1.4 Differential Diagnosis
Poorly differentiated and differentiated neuroblastomas , ganglioneuroblastomas, and ganglioneuromas exhibit characteristic morphologic patterns allowing the proper diagnosis [9, 12–14]. Undifferentiated neuroblastoma should be differentiated from monophasic blastematous nephroblastoma, Ewing’s sarcoma/pPNET, and rhabdomyosarcoma, especially in unusual anatomic localizations [15, 16]. The presence of epithelial structures in nephroblastoma is a main parameter allowing a correct diagnosis. Ewing sarcoma is usually composed of a double population of round cells with occasional rosette-formation, but neuropil is always absent. Rhabdomyosarcoma (especially alveolar type) is composed of dispersed round cell with characteristic rhabdomyoblastic morphology. Rosettes and neuropil are always absent.
4.1.5 Discussion
Numerous series of fine needle aspiration in neuroblastic tumors were published. In a series of 26 lesions of Fröstad et al. [12], the cytological spectrum varied from undifferentiated small tumor cells to mature ganglion cells in a fibrillar background. In 24 children the cytological diagnosis was correct in 21 cases. The diagnostic accuracy in the complete series was 97% (31/32) in cases with adequate smears. Immunocytochemistry confirmed the cytological diagnosis in 14 of 15 cases and was decisive in one. Thiesse et al. [17] have studied 64 neuroblastomas using fine needle aspiration. The median number of the extracted tumor cells was 2.3 x 106, (range: 0–40.6 × 106). Fifty-nine smears (92%) were diagnostic, and immunocytochemistry was used in 56 cases (88%), allowing confirmation of the diagnosis. N-Myc analysis was available in 46/64 (72%). In addition, the presence of a partial deletion of chromosome 1p (del 1p) was assessed, since 1992, in 24/47 cases (51%), where enough cells were available. Finally, in the series of 129 patients studied by Klijanienko et al. [9], which included 125 neuroblastomas or ganglioneuroblastomas and 4 ganglioneuromas, all samples were informative and were used for ancillary techniques.
4.1.6 Curiosities
Cytospin slides stained with Diff-Quik may greatly help in the differential diagnosis when ROSE is required, since neuroblasts are easy to recognize. They are usually clustered, and large amounts of neuropil are found.
Keep at least one unstained slide for GD2 analysis (not reactive in paraffin-fixed material).
Ganglion cell is pathognomic for neuroblastic tumors.
Bone marrow examination should be performed using criteria elaborated according to Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique Europe Neuroblastoma (SIOPEN) guidelines [3].
4.2 Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ Tumor)
4.2.1 General
Nephroblastoma is one of the most common unilateral or bilateral childhood malignancies, representing 5–10% of pediatric malignancies (1–2 malignancies per year per one million children). It derives from blastemal kidney cells and presents characteristic clinical and radiological features. The male-to-female ratio is 1.1:1.0. More than half of nephroblastomas occur before the age of 3 years, and 90% are diagnosed before the age of 10 years. Nephroblastomas arising during the neonatal period are frequently associated with chromosomal or congenital abnormalities like anridia, corporeal hemihypertrophia, or urinary malformations. Abdominal mass is usually a first clinical symptom. Radiologically, nephroblastoma is characteristically an intrarenal solid mass with hypoechogenic areas. Histologically, “standard” nephroblastomas contain various proportions of blastemal, epithelial, and mesenchymal components. “Defavorable” histology nephroblastomas (10% of cases) show sarcomatous, anaplastic, or blastematous predominance.
4.2.2 Cytomorphology
Smears in nephroblastoma are usually hypercellular. The diagnosis of nephroblastoma may be already suspected during smearing. They are composed of three cellular components which occur in various proportions: blastemal, epithelial, and mesenchymal. Depending on tumor components, triphasic, biphasic, or monophasic patterns may be observed [18–21] (Figs. 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21 and Table 4.3).
Fig. 4.10
Nephroblastoma . Poorly differentiated blastemal cells . MGG
Fig. 4.11
Nephroblastoma. Dispersed blastemal cells and clustering epithelial cells . MGG
Fig. 4.12
Nephroblastoma. Biphasic pattern. Well differentiated clusters of epithelial cells. MGG
Fig. 4.14
Nephroblastoma. Vascular and connective tissue fragments. MGG
Fig. 4.16
Nephroblastoma. Mesenchymal component and blastemal cells . MGG
Fig. 4.17
Nephroblastoma. Mesenchymal component. Papanicolaou
Fig. 4.18
Nephroblastoma. Poorly differentiated blastemal cells showing cytonuclear atypia. MGG
Fig. 4.19
Nephroblastoma. Anaplastic component . MGG
Fig. 4.20
Nephroblastoma. Cell block from typical biphasic tumor. HES
Fig. 4.21
Nephroblastoma. WT1 positivity
Table 4.3
Cytologic features of nephroblastoma
• Hypercellular smears with predominantly isolated blastemal cells |
• Epithelial cohesive clusters better appreciated using Papanicolaou |
• No neuropil |
• No blastemal rosettes, but epithelial pseudorosettes |
• Possible anaplastic cells |
The major cellular pattern seen in nephroblastoma usually includes a predominance of blastemal cells [18]. Blastemal cells consist of small and round monomorphous cells with scant cytoplasm and delicate nucleoli. Anaplasia, if present, is easily identified and may present as a large, mono- or multinucleated cells with polymorphous, atypical nuclei [22]. The epithelial component consists of small-to-medium-sized round tumor cells with distinct cytoplasm, sometimes arranged in tubular structures. Finally, the mesenchymal component consists of spindle-shaped tumor cells most often arranged in loose sheets intermixed with a myxoid or collagenous matrix.
4.2.3 Ancillary Techniques
Immunohistochemistry shows positivity for vimentin, WT1, CD56, and INI1; WT1, however, is positive only in 70% of nephroblastomas. CD57 is negative. Cytokeratins are positive in the epithelial component and is therefore useful many times.
Until now, no specific chromosomal translocation has been described in nephroblastoma, and there is no specific molecular marker useful for diagnosis.
4.2.4 Differential Diagnosis
Nephroblastoma should always be differentiated from other primitive kidney tumors—e.g., clear cell carcinoma/sarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma (Bolande tumor), renal cell carcinoma—and from clear cell variant and rhabdoid tumors of the kidney. Moreover, in more advanced cases, nephroblastoma should be differentiated from neuroblastoma-infiltrating renal or suprarenal tissues (Figs. 4.22, 4.23, and 4.24).
Fig. 4.22
Renal clear cell sarcoma . Spindle malignant cells. MGG
Fig. 4.23
Metanephric adenoma . Small, oval-to-round cells arranged in a 3-dimensional cluster showing microfollicular pattern and papillary configurations. MGG
Fig. 4.24
Mesoblastic nephroma . Fibrillar material and small spindle-shaped cells. Papanicolaou
However, the differential diagnosis is also related to a particular subtype of nephroblastoma. Nephroblastoma with predominant blastemal component should be differentiated from stroma-poor neuroblastoma, clear cell sarcoma, and rhabdoid tumor. Nephroblastoma with predominant blastemal component usually exhibits minute foci of epithelial differentiation, allowing a correct diagnosis. Inversely to neuroblastoma, neuropil is always absent in nephroblastoma [9]; keeping in mind that poorly differentiated neuroblastoma does not have neuropil either, and rosettes are often absent. Nephroblastoma with predominant blastemal component is vimentin, INI1, WT1, and CD56 positive, whereas stroma-poor neuroblastoma is WT1 negative and Phox2b, tyrosine hydroxylase, CD56, NSE, NB84 and synaptophysin positive.
Clear cell sarcoma is usually triphasic, showing three cell types: large polygonal cells with abundant eccentrically placed wispy cytoplasm, usually with nuclear grooves called cord cells; spindle shaped septal cells, usually embedded in the stromal fragments; and small degenerative pyknotic cells (Fig. 4.22). However, stromal fragments with branching vascular cores and myxoid substance surrounding the vessel may be also seen. The presence of eccentric cytoplasm in cord cells and nuclear grooves are the key to differentiation from nephroblastoma, including anaplastic variants [23–25]. Clear cell sarcoma is vimentin, INI1, and CD56 positive. WT1 is negative. However, t(10;17), del(14)(q24.1q31.1) may also occur and be of precious help in the differential diagnosis.
There is no difficulty in differentiating nephroblastoma from renal clear cell carcinoma [26]. Subtypes of renal cell carcinomas exhibit a Xp11.2 translocation.
Rhabdoid tumors are composed of rhabdomyosarcoma-like cells with occasionally peri-nuclear densities which are cytokeratins and vimentin positive (dot-like) [27]. INI1 and WT are negative. A deletion of chromosome 22, however, is usually seen in rhabdoid tumor.
Epithelial-rich nephroblastoma should be differentiated from metanephric adenoma, which exhibits many overlapping morphologic patterns (Fig. 4.23). Smears in metanephric adenoma are hypercellular and composed of small oval-to-round cells arranged in a three-dimensional clusters showing microfollicular pattern and papillary configurations. Nuclear molding, irregular nuclear membrane, and distinct nucleoli with mitotic figures are usually seen. Psamomma bodies, nuclear atypia, cellular pleomorphism, and necrosis are absent [28, 29]. Metanephric adenoma is CD57 positive, while nephroblastoma is CD57 negative. Moreover, BRAF mutation is strongly in favor of metanephric adenoma.
Finally, mesenchymal nephroblastoma should be differentiated from congenital mesoblastic nephroma (also from sarcomas) (Fig. 4.24). Only simple case reports of congenital mesoblastic nephroma are known. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma of “classical type” contain spindle cells without mitoses or necrosis, reminiscent of infantile fibromatosis. No epithelial, tubular, or glomeruloid differentiation was noted [30–33]. “Cellular type” of congenital mesoblastic nephroma contains spindle- and tadpole-shaped cells with round-to-oval nuclei having small nucleoli and a smooth contour. The cytoplasm of these cells is dense and homogeneously stained. The background is composed of mucoid fibrillar material, round cells with mitoses, and necrosis [34]. The presence of t(12;15)(p13;q25), also observed in infantile fibrosarcoma, strongly argues in favor of congenital mesoblastic nephroma.
4.2.5 Discussion
Surprisingly, only few series describe cytomorphology in nephroblastoma, but all tumors were accurately diagnosed [18–20].
As already mentioned above, immunocytochemical use of antibody against WT1 is not positive in all nephroblastomas. Furthermore, staining of nuclei may also be seen in desmoplastic small cell tumors, lymphoblastic lymphoma, and neuroblastoma, and cytoplasmic staining can be present in rhabdomyosarcoma.
4.2.6 Curiosities
Beware of poor cellular smears with necrotic material.
Recognition of nephroblastoma may be more difficult in monomorphic variants, with the biphasic variant being the most commonly diagnosed.
Approximately 300 cases of adult nephroblastoma were also described [35].
4.3 Retinoblastoma
4.3.1 General
Retinoblastoma is a high-grade pediatric malignancy originating in the retina. Almost 40% of patients have a hereditary genetic defect associated with retinoblastoma. In these children, tumors are usually bilateral or unilateral but multifocal, and a mutation in the RB1 gene on chromosome 13 is present. Hereditary retinoblastomas occur quite exclusively in newborns. Non-hereditary retinoblastoma represents the remaining 60% of patients. Tumors are unilateral and occur mainly in patients around 2 years old, but 15% of them occur in newborns. Moreover, somatic amplification of the MYCN oncogene is responsible for about 2% of cases of non-hereditary, aggressive, unilateral retinoblastoma.
Leucokoria or striabism are usually the first symptoms.
Clinical and imaging modalities (ultrasonography, CT scan, and MRI) data are characteristic and frequently intraocular tumors do not require any pathological diagnostic specimen. However, in less characteristic cases, a transcleral fine needle aspiration may be practiced under general anesthesia. On the other hand, recurrences and distant metastases are valuable targets of cytopathological diagnosis [36].
4.3.2 Cytomorphology
Smears are usually hypercellular. Numerous small, round tumor cells are seen singly or in loose or tightly packed clusters [37]. The nuclear features include uniformly distributed nuclear chromatin, paucity of nucleoli, and nuclear molding. Two types of cells are classically recognized [38, 39]: type I undifferentiated blue cells, associated with abundant necrotic debris and portions of capillaries surrounded by perivascular tumor cells; and type II cells, which show more differentiation with cytoplasmic processes that are probably indicative of early photoreceptor differentiation. More commonly, smears contain round, polymorphous, and necrotic cell population. Some cells show V-like nuclei. Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes, characteristic of retinoblastoma, are frequently found (tumor cells surrounding a central lumen). Ponctual or extensive necrosis associated with microcalcifications are usually seen in the background. Many mitotic figures are also present (Figs. 4.25 , 4.26, 4.27, 4.28 and Table 4.4).
Fig. 4.25
Retinoblastoma . Numerous small, round tumor cells are seen in loose clusters, tightly packed clusters, or singly. MGG
Fig. 4.26
Retinoblastoma. Two types of cells are well seen. Nuclei show uniformly distributed chromatin, paucity of nucleoli and molding. MGG
Fig. 4.27
Retinoblastoma. V-like nuclei , similar to those from neuroblastoma. MGG
Fig. 4.28
Retinoblastoma. Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes in cell block. HES
Table 4.4
Cytologic features of retinoblastoma
• Hypercellular smears with loose clusters, tightly packed clusters, or single small round cells |
• Two cell types are frequently seen |
• Cells with V-like nuclei similar to those from neuroblastoma |
• Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes |
• Extensive necrosis and calcifications |
• Specific clinical setting |
4.3.3 Ancillary Techniques
Immunohistochemical staining with synaptophysin shows positivity in the cytoplasm of tumor cells [37].
4.3.4 Differential Diagnosis
Intraocular retinoblastoma should easily be differentiated from other tumors that can occur at this location, such as melanoma, lymphoma, and leukemia. However, in cases in which a metastatic site of retinoblastoma is sampled, it should be differentiated from neuroblastoma, Ewing sarcoma, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Neuroblastomas are composed of roundish neuroblasts and usually show neuropil. Neuropil is present as variable-sized extracellular pinkish and delicate debris, or is localized in the centers of Homer-Wright rosettes, whereas Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes in retinoblastoma are composed of tumor cells surrounding a central lumen that contains cytoplasmic extensions from the tumor cells. Ewing sarcoma, similarly to retinoblastoma, may show a double population of roundish cells that are larger-clearer and smaller-darker. Moreover, in some cases rosettes are also observed. A specific clinical setting, immunostaining, and molecular markers are in favor of Ewing sarcoma. Finally, some rhabdomyosarcomas, especially of alveolar subtype localized in the orbit, may simulate retinoblastoma. These tumors exhibit a specific immunostaining and molecular markers. The presence of rosettes and type II cells with cytoplasmic processes are the two features that are most helpful in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma [38].
4.3.5 Discussion
A high specificity of intraocular FNA procedure has been previously reported by Augsberger et al. [36], Akhtar et al. [38], and O’Hara et al. [40]. In these pioneer series a variety of intraocular neoplasms, in addition to retinoblastoma, were included, and the technique was demonstrated to be a reliable and accurate diagnostic modality in the assessment of selected pediatric ophthalmic diseases. Shields et al. [41] have analyzed 140 intraocular aspirates in retinoblastoma, and the sensitivity rate was 100% and the specificity rate was 98%. Later, the technique was adapted for diagnostic purposes in many centers and numerous cases were reported of primary retinoblastoma that were accurately diagnosed using transcleral FNA [39, 40, 42–44] or local recurrences [45]. FNA technique was also demonstrated in the diagnosis of distant metastases [46, 47].