Biliary Atresia

CHAPTER 23 Biliary Atresia

Step 2: Preoperative Considerations

Liver biopsy is considered the most reliable preoperative test in the diagnosis of biliary atresia. Histologic findings consistent with biliary atresia include preservation of basic hepatic architecture (Fig. 23-3, A); bile ductular proliferation (Fig. 23-3, B); bile duct plugs (Fig. 23-3, C); inflammatory cell infiltrate, hepatocyte giant cell transformation, and edema and fibrosis of the portal tract (Fig. 23-3, D). Uncorrected biliary atresia results in histologic evidence of cirrhosis as early as 3 to 4 months of age (Fig. 23-4).

Step 3: Operative Steps

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Biliary Atresia

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