Adolescents with Known Conditions

Chapter 54 Adolescents with Known Conditions





What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders may present with any of the following:

image Disturbed body image leading to an irrational interpretation of appearance

image Dieting with vehemence

image Visible weight loss

image Disorganized eating patterns such as skipping meals on various pretenses, unusual or extreme food preferences (especially carbohydrate avoidance), hoarding of food, cooking for others, playing with food at meals, eating alone, refusing to eat with family or to eat a meal out, and feeling extreme bloating after eating

image Changes in menstrual cycle or amenorrhea

image Excessive and/or ritualistic exercise, especially sit-ups

Abuse of laxatives, diet pills, diuretics, sugar-free gum (sorbitol), caffeine, and/or syrup of ipecac

image Binge eating, especially of sweets, breads, and salty snack foods, secretive postprandial vomiting, stealing of food or money for food

image Hair loss, cold hands and feet, syncopal episodes, constipation, calluses on dorsum of the fingers, parotid gland swelling, or dental enamel erosion

Inability to recognize feelings or basic needs such as hunger or fatigue

image Withdrawal from family and friends (for some adolescents, involvement in structured interactions, such as school organizations, may continue, although in a driven way)

image Slowing of normative psychosocial development

image Rigid adherence to a highly prescribed set of values, with a relative lack of curiosity and questioning

image Compulsive neatness and orderliness

image Change in mood such as increased irritability, increased anxiety, depression

image Changes in school and/or work performance, especially regarding simultaneous striving for perfection while verbalizing a sense of ineffectiveness


Jun 19, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Adolescents with Known Conditions

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