Adnexal mass


The key element in the evaluation of an adnexal mass is whether the mass is malignant or benign. Not only can an adnexal mass represent ovarian cancer but it can also be metastatic disease from the breast or gastrointestinal tract or other gynecological neoplasms. Of all ovarian masses, 45% in postmenopausal women are cancer, in comparison with 13% in premenopausal women

Most cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, at which point the overall 5-year survival rate is 30% to 55%. However, in women in whom stage 1 ovarian cancer is diagnosed, the 5-year survival rate is greater than 90%. Risk factors for the development of ovarian cancer include postmenopausal status, a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, nulliparity, infertility, and endometriosis. Other than prophylactic oophorectomy, the only method of decreasing the risk of ovarian cancer is taking combined oral contraceptives.

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Adnexal mass

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