Musculoskeletal Disorders

37 Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal complaints are reported in 4% to 30% of young people. In most cases the causes of pediatric musculoskeletal symptoms are benign and self-limiting (Jandial et al, 2009). Sports-related injuries are found to be the highest causative factor of musculoskeletal complaints in 5- to 24-year-olds (Benjamin and Hang, 2007). Common musculoskeletal disorders include athletic injuries, back pain, foot injuries, knee disorders, shin splints, and stress factors. Inborn problems include spinal deformities, hip and foot anomalies, growth disorders and developmental delay, metabolic disorders, and neuromuscular disorders ranging from cerebral palsy to muscular dystrophy. A variety of other conditions can cause musculoskeletal findings, including child abuse, trauma, cancer, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Iatrogenic deformities that result from cultural practices, such as using a cradleboard, or from in utero packing problems can also cause deformities. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system present unique problems because growth and development of this system contribute to the evolution of pathologic conditions over time. Limited mobility, pain, and deformity can interfere with the lifestyle of the child. Children with functional disabilities may not be able to fully participate in all activities with peers and family or have access to various occupations. They may also face challenges related to self-esteem. Primary care providers must be vigilant and seek to help children and their families prevent these problems.

Primary care providers play a significant role in the early identification and management of children with orthopedic problems. Primary care providers assess development of the musculoskeletal system, identifies problems for early intervention, focus on lifestyle and injury prevention, and monitor the long-term outcomes of orthopedic care. They are often the first to refer to specialists as needed for early diagnosis and treatment. When necessary, primary care providers help families integrate orthopedic care within the daily living activities at home and school and assist families to cope with the issues of disability, deformity, and long-term care.

image Anatomy and Physiology

Limb formation occurs early in embryogenesis (4 to 8 weeks of gestation); primary ossification centers are present in all the long bones of the limbs by the twelfth week of gestation. Limb abnormalities occur in approximately 6 in 10,000 live births (Koifman et al, 2008). Development of the skeletal system begins around the fourth week of gestation, with ossification of the fetal skeleton beginning during the fifth month of gestation. The clavicles and skull bones are the first to ossify, followed by the long bones and spine. The epiphyses of the newborn’s long bones are composed of hyaline cartilage. Soon after birth the cartilage along the epiphyseal plate begins secondary ossification. The shape of the spine also changes from a C shape at birth to a double S curve by late adolescence. As the child starts to walk, the lumbar curve develops. The sacrum starts out as five separate bones at birth only to become fused as one large bone by 18 to 20 years old (Duderstadt and Schapiro, 2006).

Bone age, measured by radiographs of the left hand and wrist, can be used to quantitatively determine somatic maturation and serves as a mirror that reflects the tempo of growth. In adolescents, the skeletal growth spurt begins at about Tanner stage 2 in girls and Tanner stage 3 in boys. Growth peaks around stage 4 and then ends with stage 5. The growth spurt lasts longer in boys than in girls. The pelvis widens early in pubescent girls. In both sexes the legs usually lengthen before the thighs broaden. Next the shoulders widen, and the trunk completes its linear growth. Bone growth ends when the epiphyses close.

Long bones have a growth plate, or physis, at each end that separates the epiphysis from the diaphysis or shaft. Openings through this plate allow blood vessels to penetrate from the epiphysis. In the growth plate, chondrocytes produce cartilage cells, dead cells are absorbed, and the calcified cartilage matrix is converted into bone. The entire growth plate area is weaker than the remaining bone because it is less calcified. Because the blood supply to the growth plate comes primarily through the epiphysis, damage to epiphyseal circulation can jeopardize the survival of the chondrocytes. If chondrocytes stop producing, growth of the bone in that area stops (Fig. 37-1).

There are two ways that children’s bones grow. Longitudinal growth occurs in the ossification centers; changes in bone width and strength take place via intramembranous ossification. The length of long bones comes from growth at the epiphyseal plates while their diameter increases as a result of deposition of new bone on the periosteal surface and resorption on the surface of the medullary cavity. Growth of the small bones, hip, and spine comes from one or more primary ossification centers in each bone. Apophyses are the sites for connection of tendons to bone. In children these sites, similar to epiphyses, allow for growth and are weaker than bone. These sites can become inflamed with stress.

The development of bones and muscles is influenced by use. Thus in infants and toddlers, the legs straighten and lengthen with the stimulus of weight bearing and independent walking. The infant is born with the full complement of muscle fibers. Growth in muscle length results from lengthening of the fibers, and growth in bulk comes from hypertrophy. Length of muscles is related to growth in length of the underlying bone. If a limb is not used, it grows minimally. Furthermore, if muscles and bones are not used in their intended normal manner, such as occurs with spastic diplegia, the forces for development tend to stimulate growth in abnormal patterns. Thus scoliosis can develop or bowlegs may increase in severity. Muscle contractures occur if muscles are not used regularly and put through their full range of motion. The growth of fibrous tissue, tendons, and ligaments is also dependent on mechanical demands.

Nutritional, mechanical, and hormonal factors during the growth process influence the thickness of bones and the health of the marrow. Adequate protein, calcium, and vitamin D in the diet are key nutritional elements that affect the growth and development of a child’s musculoskeletal system.

The muscle structures originate from the embryonic mesoderm and include tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and joints. Muscle fibers are developed by the fourth or fifth month of gestation and grow in tangent with their respective bones. The rate of muscle growth (muscle mass and cell sizes) speeds up dramatically around 2 years old, with girls exhibiting a greater rate of growth than boys until this gender trend is reversed at puberty (Duderstadt and Schapiro, 2006).

image Pathophysiology and Defense Mechanisms


Muscles and bones can be affected by localized or systemic problems. Thus the initial orthopedic problem can be symptomatic of a larger problem.

Genetic Problems

Many genetic problems have an orthopedic component. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder characterized by decreased levels of collagen, the major protein of the body’s connective tissue. Children with OI have bones that break easily, even from minor trauma. Down syndrome is a consequence of a genetic anomaly of chromosome 21. The main orthopedic pathology is hypotonia and the possibility of loose capsule and ligaments. Children with Down syndrome have a higher incidence of scoliosis, dislocation of the hip, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD), instability of the patella, and pes planus (flat feet). Children with Marfan syndrome may have long spider-like fingers, low muscle tone, and lax joints that are prone to dislocate. Severe scoliosis may develop in children with neurofibromatosis, Turner syndrome, and Noonan syndrome. Girls with Turner syndrome may present with webbed neck, short stature, valgus deformity of the elbow, and short fourth metacarpal deformity. Children with Noonan syndrome can present with webbed neck, clumsiness, poor coordination, and motor delay.

Many orthopedic problems have a multifactorial inheritance pattern. Thus if one child in a family has a dislocated hip or scoliosis, the risks increase for other children. The pediatric provider needs to understand the genetic disorder to monitor related orthopedic problems, consider the genetic implications, and provide families with appropriate genetic information or refer them for genetic counseling (see Chapter 40).

Uterine Packing Deformations

The developing fetus moves its body parts frequently, and this movement influences musculoskeletal development. When the baby fills the uterine space, movements are restricted and body parts begin to assume a shape in which they are fixed. With in utero positioning, joints and muscle contractions can develop and are considered generally physiologic in nature. Orthopedic deformities of uterine compression include clubfoot, torticollis, hip dislocation, metatarsus adductus, equinovarus foot, calcaneovalgus foot, tibial bowing, hyperflexed hips, hyperextended knees, contractures, and internal tibial torsion (Wynshaw-Boris and Biesecker 2007). Fetal movement is required for proper development of the musculoskeletal system, and anything that restricts fetal movement can cause deformation from intrauterine molding. Two major intrinsic causes for deformations are neuromuscular disorders and oligohydramnios. Extrinsic causes are related to fetal crowding that restricts fetal movement. For a fetus in the breech position the incidence of deformations is increased 10-fold (Wynshaw-Boris and Biesecker, 2007). Infants with deformations caused by extrinsic causes have an excellent prognosis with corrections occurring spontaneously. Torsional and angular alignment issues can affect the long bones, most commonly those of the lower extremities. Because much of the bony structure is cartilaginous, molding occurs with relative ease. Thus in normal newborns, the tibias are normally bowed, and the hips have a 20- to 30-degree flexion (Hosalkar and Wells, 2007). Occasionally, a foot may be turned awkwardly, the legs might be fixed straight up with the feet near the ears, or the neck may be tipped to one side. Such positioning issues are outside the range of normal. The outcomes are deformities in various degrees. The longer the position is maintained, the more severe the problems are. In general, there is a tendency for bowing and late deformations to straighten; however, the effects related to in utero positioning may not fully abate until the child is 3 to 4 years old. More severe deformities (i.e., those significantly outside the range of normal) need to be referred to orthopedists for treatment as soon as they are found because a softer skeleton is easier to realign in a positive direction.


There are approximately 2.6 million emergency department visits annually in the U.S. for sports-related injuries in children ages 5 to 24 years, with the highest percentage occurring in the 5- to 14-year-old male. This does not account for the children who present to their primary care physician for evaluation and treatment (Soprano and Fuchs, 2007). The unique differences in the pediatric skeletal system predispose children to injuries unlike those seen in adults. The important differences are the presence of periosseous cartilage, physes, and a thicker, stronger, more osteogenic periosteum that produces new bone called callus more rapidly and in great amounts. Joint injuries, dislocations, and ligament disruptions are infrequent in children (Gholve et al, 2007). Physeal fractures in preadolescent children are the most common musculoskeletal injuries seen. Clavicular fractures are seen at all ages ranging from a newborn birth injury to trauma in adolescence. They can occur as a result of direct or indirect injury and are most commonly associated with a fall (Benjamin and Hang, 2007).Tendinoses are seen infrequently in children but may occur in the young athlete in the rotator cuff from throwing motions and swimming, in the iliopsoas in dancers, and in the ankle of dancers, gymnasts, and figure skaters. Shoulder injuries can be acute or result from chronic overuse. Overuse injuries are common chronic injuries in children that are related to repetitive stress on the musculoskeletal system without sufficient time to recover. The repetitive use overwhelms normal reparative processes (Soprano and Fuchs, 2007). Management of traumatic injuries is discussed in Chapter 39.

The possibility of child abuse should always be considered when orthopedic injuries, especially fractures, are present. The rule of thumb is that the injury history should match the appearance of the problem and be consistent with the child’s developmental capabilities. An unexplained fracture in a child younger than 2 years of age should be carefully evaluated. Certain fractures in younger children such as metaphyseal fractures, spiral fractures, posterior rib fractures, and fractures of the long bones in the nonambulatory child may be accidental but are highly suspicious for abusive trauma (Legano et al, 2009).

Defense Mechanisms

Fracture Healing

One of the major differences between the adult and the pediatric bone is that the periosteum in children is very thick. The major reason for increased healing speed of children’s fractures is the periosteum, which contributes to the largest part of new bone formation around a fracture. Children have significantly greater osteoblastic activity in this area because bone is already being formed beneath the periosteum as part of normal growth. This already active process is readily accelerated after a fracture. Periosteal callus bridges a fracture in children long before the underlying hematoma forms a cartilage anlagen that goes on to ossify. Once cellular organization from the hematoma has passed through the inflammatory process, repair of the bone begins in the area of the fracture. In most children, by 10 days to 2 weeks after fracture, a rubber-like bone forms around the fracture and makes it difficult to manipulate. As part of the reparative phase, cartilage formed as the hematoma organizes is eventually replaced by bone through the process of endochondral bone formation. The remodeling phase of fracture healing may continue for some time and is accelerated by motion of the adjacent joints and use of the extremity (Green and Swiontkowski, 2008).

Growth Plate Fractures

Fractures of the long bones can produce permanent deformities in children if the fracture occurs through the growth plate. The outcomes depend on the fracture location and type, the age of the child, the status of the blood supply to the physis, and the treatment. The Salter-Harris classification is based on the mechanism of injury, the relationship of the fracture line to the layers of physis, and the prognosis with respect to subsequent growth disturbance. There are five classifications (Fig. 37-2). Type I is the most frequent type of fracture that involves a fracture through the zone of hypertrophic cells of the physis with no fracture of the surrounding bone. Type II fractures are similar to type I except that a metaphyseal fragment is present on the compression side of the fracture. Growth disturbance in types I and II is rare.

Type III fracture involves physeal separation with fracture through the epiphysis into the joint. The fracture requires anatomic reduction, occasionally through an open approach. Type IV fracture involves the metaphysis, physis, and epiphysis. Type V fracture involves a compression or crushing injury to the physis. Type V fractures are rare and are difficult to diagnose initially due to the lack of radiologic signs. Types IV and V require anatomic reduction to prevent articular incongruity and osseous bridging across the physis. There are additional rare types of Salter-Harris fractures, types VI through IX. Type VI is an injury to the perichondral ring of LaCroix, a fibrous band that is continuous with the periosteum and a potential reservoir for growth-plate germ cells. Type VI fracture is seen in injuries about the medial malleolus and often requires later reconstructive surgery (Green and Swiontkowski, 2008).

Although 30% of Salter-Harris fractures result in growth disturbances, only 2% result in significant functional disturbance (Moore and Smith, 2009).

Shaft Fractures

The mechanism of injury is an important part of the history in evaluating a child for a traumatic injury. Closed pediatric fractures are largely caused by low-energy activities and play; open fractures are generally caused by more violent accidents. Open fractures in children younger than school age are rare because of their small body mass, large amount of protective subcutaneous fat, and their limited exposure to high-risk activities (Sabharwal and Bhrens, 2008).

There are a variety of shaft fractures. In children between 9 months and 6 years of age, torsion of the foot may produce an oblique fracture of the distal aspect of the tibial shaft without a fibula fracture. These fractures are usually the result of tripping while walking or running, stepping on a ball or toy, or falling from a modest height. The child is typically seen due to failure to bear weight, a limp, or pain when asked to stand on the involved extremity. Physical findings may be minimal and radiographs may show the characteristic faint oblique fracture line crossing the distal tibial diaphysis and terminating medially. Treatment is immobilization. Fractures of the forearm represent 40% of all fractures in children (Dolan and Waters, 2008). Fractures of the forearm in children most often result from a fall on an outstretched hand. This results in forceful axial loading with resultant bony failure in compression and bending. These forces generally cause a plastic deformity or partial fracture (greenstick fracture). The rotational malalignment may not be identified and may be undertreated. During physical examination the provider should observe for subtle rotational deformities and compare with the contralateral limb. Plain radiograph remains the gold standard for musculoskeletal evaluation and should be performed on all patients with a physical examination suggestive of fracture or dislocation (Dolan and Walters, 2008). Malrotation is indicated on x-ray by malalignment of the elbow in relation to the wrist. Failure to diagnose and treat rotational malalignment is the most common cause of loss of forearm rotation in children.

image Assessment of the Orthopedic System


History of present illness

Family history

Medical history

Review of systems

Physical Examination

Special orthopedic examination techniques are described in the following paragraphs.

Gait Examination

A normal gait cycle consists of the stance phase, during which the foot is in contact with the ground, and the swing phase, during which the foot is in the air. The stance phase is further divided into three major periods: the initial double-limb support, followed by the single-limb stance, then another period of double-limb support. The gait undergoes developmental changes. Walking velocity, step length, and duration of the single-limb stance increase with age, whereas the number of steps taken per minute decreases. A mature gait pattern is well established by 3 years of age. By 7 years of age the gait is that of an adult (Sawyer and Kapoor, 2009).

Observe the child walking without shoes and minimal covering. The stance and swing phases should be compared in both legs, and the range of motion of each joint should be evaluated. Inspect from the front, side, and back as the child walks normally, on his or her toes, and then on the heels. The gait should be smooth, rhythmic, and efficient. Ankle, knee, and hip movements should be symmetric and full with little side-to-side movement of the trunk.

Limping is a disturbance in gait. Abnormal gait can be antalgic or non-antalgic. An antalgic gait is characterized by a shortening of the stance phase to prevent pain in the affected leg. Painful or antalgic gaits serve to reduce stress or pain at the affected area. The trunk shifts to the opposite side to keep balance and reduce stress; the stance phase and stride length are shortened as compensatory mechanisms. Causes of a painful gait include infection, trauma, or acquired disorders. A Trendelenburg gait in which the trunk tips over the affected hip indicates hip disease and might or might not be painful because it also involves muscle weakness around the hip joint.

image Special Examinations

Hip Examinations

Galeazzi Maneuver

The Galeazzi sign can signal conditions that cause leg length discrepancies. The Galeazzi maneuver includes flexing the hips and knees while the infant or child lies supine, placing the soles of the feet on the table near the buttocks, and then looking at the knee heights for equality (Fig. 37-3, A). The Galeazzi sign is positive if the knee heights are unequal. However, it is not reliable in children with dislocatable but not dislocated hips or in children with bilateral dislocation.

Barlow Maneuver

The Barlow maneuver dislocates an unstable or dislocatable hip posteriorly (Fig. 37-4, A). The infant is placed in the supine position with knees flexed. The hip is flexed, and the thigh is brought into an adducted position applying downward pressure. With hip instability the femoral head slips/drops out of the acetabulum or can be gently pushed out of the socket; this is termed a positive Barlow. The dislocation should be palpable as this maneuver is performed. The maneuver needs to be done gently in a noncrying neonate to keep from damaging the femoral head. The hips should be examined one at a time. The hip generally spontaneously relocates after release of the posterior force.

Ortolani Maneuver

The Ortolani maneuver can be done after the Barlow maneuver or separately (see Fig. 37-4, B). The Ortolani maneuver reduces a posteriorly dislocated hip. It is done to reduce a recently dislocated hip and is not done forcefully. The infant is in the supine position with both knees flexed and supported by the thumb and forefinger of the examiner. The thumb is placed near the lesser trochanter, and the pad of the second finger is positioned on the bony prominence of the greater trochanter. The leg is flexed at the hip and then abducted while pushing up with the fingers located over the trochanter posteriorly. The femoral head is lifted anteriorly into the acetabulum. A clunk and a palpable jerk are obtained as the femoral head is relocated. A mild clicking sound is not a positive Ortolani sign. These are common and normal sounds radiating from the knee or ankle that are fine, of short duration, and high pitched (Duderstadt and Schapiro, 2006). Of note, the hip may be dislocated easily only during the first month or two of life. The Ortolani maneuver is most likely to be positive in infants 1 to 2 months old. The examiner should not still be charting “no hip click” on examinations at 6 months old. Dislocation can occur late in infancy. However, if this occurs, the provider will note limited abduction on the side of the dislocation (Fig. 37-5).

Back Examination

Adams Test or the Adams Forward Bend Position

The Adams forward bend test (Adams test) looks for asymmetry of the posterior chest wall on forward bending. This position allows for evaluation of structural scoliosis. The child bends at the waist to a position of 90 degrees back flexion with straight legs, ankles together, and arms hanging freely or with palms together (in a diving position) but not touching the toes or floor (Fig. 37-8). The back is inspected for asymmetry of the height of the curves on the two sides or rib hump; the provider inspects the child’s back by looking at it from the rear and side positions. The examiner should be seated in front of the child to best visually scan each level of the spine. If a rib hump is present, a scoliometer, if available, can be used to measure the angular tilt of the trunk. A spinal rotation greater than 5 degrees measured by placing the scoliometer at the peak of the curvature indicates the need for further evaluation (Duderstadt and Schapiro, 2006). Other characteristics of scoliosis to look for include unequal scapula heights, unequal waist angles, unequal iliac crests or shoulders, asymmetry of the elbow to flank distance, and some deviation of the spine from a straight head-to-toe line. Looking primarily at the straightness of the spine, however, can be misleading because scoliosis involves both rotation and misalignment of the vertebrae. The Adams forward bending position accentuates the rotational deformity of scoliosis.

image Diagnostic Studies

Radiographs are an important diagnostic tool for the musculoskeletal system. Imaging should begin with standard radiographs of the area of concern. Anteroposterior and lateral views of the affected area, bone, or joint are typically ordered to analyze the anatomic structures. Views of both extremities may be ordered so that comparisons can be made. Computed tomography (CT) scans augment radiographs to detail specific areas of the body, especially in identification of soft-tissue lesions. CT is useful in detailing the relationship of bones to their contiguous structures. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gives excellent visualization of joints, soft tissues, cartilage, and medullary bone. It can distinguish among various physiologic changes that occur in bone marrow related to age and disease process. Ultrasonography can provide information about cartilaginous areas or tissues not visible on radiograph. The test is highly sensitive for detecting effusion of the hip joint. Bone scans (scintigraphy) are more sensitive than radiographs, demonstrate abnormal uptake earlier than conventional radiographs, and are useful in detecting causes of obscure skeletal pain.

Laboratory studies can help to identify systemic disease, infection, or inflammation. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), complete blood count (CBC), blood cultures, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibodies are hematologic tests that can assist in the diagnosis and management of bone disorders. Other laboratory tests also can provide an understanding of muscle metabolism (e.g., lactic acid, pyruvates, carnitine). Some bony lesions may need to be biopsied, and muscle tissue frequently needs to be sampled to determine specific disease pathologic conditions.

image Management Strategies


With childhood obesity on the rise, there is a push to improve fitness and activity levels in children and adolescents. Physical activity needs to be promoted at home, in the community, and at school. Toddler and preschool-age children should participate in unorganized, supervised play including running, swimming, tumbling, throwing, and catching. School-age children can be encouraged to increase activity by unorganized outdoor free play, personal fitness (dance, yoga, running), recreational activities, and organized sports. During late childhood and adolescence, strength training may be added. Even children with disabling conditions can exercise in some way. (Refer to Chapter 13 for more in-depth discussion about activities and sports. Tables 13-2 and 13-5 provide some guidance regarding some specific medical conditions and sports participation.) Exercise for children should be fun and perceived as play, not work. Often physical therapists or the child’s orthopedist can provide ideas for safe, therapeutic play or sports activities. At school, children with orthopedic problems should engage in physical activities that are as much a part of the regular physical education class as possible.

Care of Children in Casts and Splints

Casts and splints serve to immobilize orthopedic injuries. They promote healing, maintain bone alignment, diminish pain, protect the injury, and help compensate for surrounding muscular weakness (Boyd et al, 2009a). Splints are noncircumferential immobilizers that accommodate swelling. Splints are used in orthopedic conditions where swelling is anticipated: acute fractures or sprains and for initial stabilization of reduced, displaced, or unstable fractures before orthopedic intervention. Casts are circumferential immobilizers. They provide superior immobilization but are less forgiving and have a higher rate of complications. The use of casts and splints is generally limited to a short period of time. Excessive immobilization can lead to chronic pain, joint stiffness, and muscle atrophy (Boyd et al, 2009b).

The child’s cast should be kept cool, clean, and dry. Cover the cast with plastic wrap or a plastic bag when the child bathes or is in a situation in which the cast may get wet. The only cast that can go in water is a Gore-Tex cast. If the cast becomes wet, a hair dryer set on cool setting can be used for drying small areas. If the cast becomes soiled it can be cleaned with a slightly damp washcloth and cleanser.

The family should be taught how to do a circulatory inspection to check the function of nerves and blood vessels. The child’s toes or fingers below the cast should be pink and warm to touch. The child should be able to feel all sides or his or her fingers or toes when touched and should be able to wiggle the fingers or toes.

The family needs to know when to call the provider: if the toes or fingers are cold to touch and appear pale or blue, complaints of tingling or numbness, inability to move fingers or toes, and excessive swelling. Additional problems with casts, such as foul smell, breakage, or loosening, should be reported.

image Orthopedic Problems Specific to Children

Arm Problems

Clinical Findings

Shoulder Problems

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